Swami Parameshwar Das, known as Swamiji, is a seasoned professional with decades of experience in the worlds of business consulting, psychology and spirituality. Swamiji’s mission is to serve everyone to be leaders in their life and fulfill their dharma or purpose. He has traveled the world leading transformational programs for thousands, and has published six books. His educational background includes a Ph.D. and M.S. in Organizational Psychology. Swamiji was licensed as a Psychologist in New York, and designated as a Master Coach by the International Coaching Federation and Ontological Coach by Newfield Network.

Swami Parameshwar Das, Spiritual and Leadership Coach
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
About me and my life? I love my life! I’m living in Varanasi (Kashi) India which is the most sacred city in India. I’m immersed in powerful energy and thousands of years of ancient knowledge about how best to live our lives. We’re finishing construction of our ashram here, Shaktidhaam, meaning the abode of Mother, Shakti. In addition to my spiritual practice (sadhana), I spend the majority of my time coaching, teaching, writing, and participating in local humanitarian programs.
I’m passionate about serving in any way I can. Bringing to others what I’ve learned through my education in psychology, years of business consulting, and evolution in my spiritual path. I am so grateful for our global spiritual community, those I have known for years and those I am getting to know, for those “homes” I can visit in different countries, communities in Japan, Egypt, Belgium, France, Ireland, Quebec, many cities in the US.
What is your business name and how do you help your clients?
I call my coaching New Era Coaching because we’re moving collectively into a new planetary cycle, what we call the Sathya Yuga. This is a new era of Truth where we discover our inner essence and who we truly are, and we express this fully in our lives. Through partnership, guidance and tools, those I coach are able to access their truth that has been covered or ignored. Through their new awareness, they have the power to create themselves in new ways not possible before.
What kind of audience do you target your business towards?
As a leadership and spiritual coach, I focus on those who are looking for purpose, or want to shift whatever is stopping them from moving forward, or are interested in evolving in their spiritual path. If I had to classify this, I would say my coaching is about self-empowerment and leadership in life. People accessing and using their inner power, becoming leaders in life, in business, in the world. Very important, activating within themselves qualities and energies of what we call the New Paradigm: beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions that are based in love, are higher frequency.
In addition to those clients I’ve mentioned, I’m building my practice in coaching coaches so they transform personally through practices and tools that, in turn, they can use with their own clients.
What are your current goals for your coaching business?
To shift the coaching industry by coaching coaches in using and integrating spiritual, energetic approaches and tools in their coaching practices.
To attract business leaders interested in broadening their perspectives and leading in new ways that I call awakened leadership.
To work with more clients who are interested in their spiritual path and ability to create themselves through their actions in daily life. I call this practical spirituality.
To be part of a coaching network, a community where we exchange new ideas, perspectives and practices that contribute to the new era on the planet.
Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?
I’m glad you’re giving me the opportunity to thank those who have so impacted me in my life. First, I’m inspired by my guru, Her Holiness Jagadguru Sai Maa, and all that Sai Maa has offered me on some many levels over the last 30 years to be powerful and all I can be. Second, all of my teachers: those I’ve had in college, graduate school, in different coaching programs; those who have accompanied me on my spiritual path and taught me so much. Third, I am inspired by my daughter, Becky Morrison, who is truly a role model and leader in her life, as an entrepreneur and head of her own production company (The Light) and non-profit (Globetops), as well as an inspirational teacher in our spiritual community. She is a loving daughter who loves her life.
What is your work inspired by?
My work is inspired by the desire to serve. It’s inspired by those I serve who recognize all they are and what they have to offer, who remember themselves. It’s inspired by feeling their joy and freedom, seeing the power rise in them during those moments of self-recognition, self-acceptance, self-appreciation. My work is inspired by the transformations I’ve witnessed in people over the years, the contrasts of “pre and post“. Their fulfillment, my fulfillment.
Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.
It’s difficult for me to highlight one career achievement. I’d rather mention how contented I feel when I look at the flow of my life over the decades. Years of initial suffering followed by continuous learning and increasing self-awareness. The joy of living life through my spiritual path with my guru, teachers, loved ones, students, community members. In this very moment the name of my website comes to mind… all of us together in the path of light, of self-realization, of awakening and enlightenment.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
I would raise awareness of the impact coaching can have on individuals and leaders especially when coaching is approached from an energetic perspective. The energetics of coaching for both coaches and clients. We are made of energy, everything is energy, and we heal and evolve by raising the frequency of our energy, our consciousness. The new era on the planet is high frequency, and we must be in alignment with these new frequencies on the planet. The Law of Resonance. Accessing our higher dimensions, not only focusing on the body that is only a small part of who and what we are. At any moment, we can access and take advantage of all these energies that are waiting inside of us. As I share on my website, the values underlying New Era Coaching are Energetics along with Accountability, Partnership, Leadership, and Wholeness.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
A pivotal moment in my life leading to where I am now, and where I am evolving to, is the moment I met my guru Sai Maa. I felt 30 years ago such love that I had never before felt, such joy and freedom, that propelled me into my spiritual path, my spiritual discipline, my spiritual community, my spiritual purpose. A moment when I began to realize what I know now to be true: we are all powerful, multidimensional, incarnated here so that we awaken to all that we are, and bring all that into how we live our lives.
I’d like to invite you to learn more about me, read articles, listen to audios, watch videos, by visiting my website.