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Leading With Impact – A Comprehensive Checklist For Driving Positive Change

Written by: Leslie Bosch, PhD, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


As a leader, extensive research suggests that you need to be able to effectively guide and encourage change in your organization. The following checklist provides actionable tips for getting people to change.

organization and team structure symbolized with cubes on wooden background

1. Create a compelling vision

Have you clearly communicated a vision for the change you want to see? Is it inspiring and easy to understand?

2. Make it urgent

Have you communicated a sense of urgency around the need for change? Have you emphasized the consequences of not changing?

3. Build a coalition

Have you identified key stakeholders who can help drive the change? Have you engaged them and built a strong coalition?

4. Get early wins

Have you identified quick wins that can build momentum and demonstrate progress towards the change?

5. Communicate, communicate, communicate

Have you communicated the vision and progress towards the change consistently and frequently? Have you listened to and addressed concerns and questions?

6. Empower action

Have you given people the tools, resources, and authority they need to make the change happen?

7. Create a culture of change

Have you fostered a culture that supports change and innovation? Have you rewarded and celebrated those who embrace change?

8. Reinforce the change

Have you made the change a part of your organization's systems, structures, and processes? Have you ensured that the change is sustainable?

9. Address resistance

Have you identified and addressed sources of resistance to the change? Have you provided support and resources to those who are struggling with the change?

10. Stay the course

Have you remained committed to the change, even in the face of setbacks and challenges? Have you celebrated milestones and successes along the way?

By following this checklist, you can increase your chances of successfully guiding change in your organization. Remember to keep the vision clear, communicate frequently, empower action, and stay committed to the change.

If you want to help implementing any of the strategies in this checklist, schedule a consultation with me, and we’ll strategize a way to achieve your goals.

Download a print version of this checklist here.

Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Leslie Bosch, PhD, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Leslie Bosch, PhD, is a developmental psychologist specializing in leadership development, stress management, and life-work balance. Before Dr. Leslie started her own business, like many Americans, she was working long hours in a very demanding job. Unfortunately, she was also mismanaging her health and wellness. She didn't realize it at the time, but Dr. Leslie was unwittingly trading her well-being, health, and personal relationships for career success. When Dr. Leslie experienced burnout, she decided to turn things around! Since then, Dr. Leslie has dedicated her life to helping high-achieving men and women strike a healthy life-work balance. Dr. Leslie is the founder of Bosch Integrative Wellness.

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