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Leading The Charge In Menopause Awareness – Exclusive Interview With Tafiq Akhir

Tafiq Akhir, aka Mr. Menopause is an award-winning Menopause Awareness and Healthy Aging Specialist, licensed Menopause Expert, speaker, author of “Making Menopause Work In The Workplace”, and host of the Mr. Menopause Show. Tafiq has over 23 years of experience in health and wellness, over 19 years of experience in women’s hormones, health and weight management, and more than 9 years of speaking and consulting for corporations and special events.

It is Tafiq’s mission to provide comprehensive hormone, health, and weight management education and support for midlife women and men struggling with many of the hormone-related health issues that tend to be overlooked and underserved.

In his free time, he enjoys doing anything creative in the fine or performing arts, spending time with close friends, and sharing a life with his spouse and partner of 19 years, Darryl, and their two beautiful fur babies, Jasper and Lewie.

Tafiq was also recently voted in as president of the Board of Directors for the Boys & Girls Club of Hollywood, whelping to support some of the most vulnerable brown and black children in his community by ensuring that ALL kids have access to quality education and have the needed resources for them to discover, learn, lead and succeed.

Image photo of Tafiq Akhir

Tafiq Akhir, Mr. Menopause

Can you provide a brief overview of your business Mr. Menopause and its mission?


I am a speaker, author, consultant, and host specializing in menopause awareness and healthy aging helping companies, groups, and individuals make educated and well-informed decisions by providing comprehensive keynotes, workshops, masterclasses, and special events.


What products or services does your website/business specialize in?


I specialize in menopause awareness in the workplace and healthy aging education focused on providing fact-based resources and support that enable attendees/ clients to make informed decisions about symptom relief and illness reversal. On my website, you can find workshops, masterclasses, and done-for-you training programs that cover menopause, andropause, health aging, and weight management. I also provide virtual and in-person keynote speeches, workshops, lunch and learns, masterclasses, and wellness retreats for companies, groups, and couples.


How do you ensure a positive experience for your customers, both online and offline?


I provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date information to ensure customers have the necessary resources for optimal health and vitality. I also offer “Ask Mr. Menopause” as the one-stop spot for customers and visitors of my site to get answers to the hormone, health, and weight management questions they may not be able to find anywhere else.


What values and principles guide your business operations?


I have a diverse perspective on health and wellness guided by core values and principles that provide in-depth support that addresses broader health and wellness concerns for women and men over 40.

I provide insights on various aspects of menopause and aging centered on my commitment to education, understanding, and empathy, along with my personal connection to health challenges that further fuel my passion for improving the lives of those navigating menopause and other midlife health issues.


Can you share any upcoming initiatives, expansions, or developments in the pipeline for your business?


The project I am currently working on is the Mr. Menopause Roadshow. Which is a multiple-city tour where I will travel the country educating companies, groups, and couples on menopause, andropause, and healthy aging, providing fact-based awareness, resources, support, and solutions for the age-related health issues many people struggle through in silence.


Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.


Although I’ve been blessed to have won several awards for my work in menopause and healthy aging, The achievements in my career that I feel most proud of are when clients say that they don’t have hot flashes anymore because of my guidance or that I helped them get back a life they didn’t think they could have again. Assisting people in making fundamental changes in their lives is the ultimate achievement.


If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?


The one thing I wish I could change in my industry is the gender divide when it comes to menopause support. The negative comments and backlash that I receive from time to time because I’m a man speaking about a women’s health-related topic are so odd to me. I believe that menopause specialists, regardless of gender, are committed to empowering women during a pivotal stage of their lives. Together, we can create a supportive and inclusive space where women can navigate menopause confidently and autonomously with support from all genders


Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.


The pivotal moment that defined the focus of my career happened about 19 years ago when I noticed that nearly 90% of my students and coaching clients were women and that something about my coaching style drew them to me. I initially fought it because I couldn’t understand why men didn’t want to train with me. But my significant other said that instead of resisting it, I should lean into it and become the best coach and ally for women I can be. So, that’s what I did, and I’ve been a champion for women’s health and vitality ever since. It was the best decision I could have ever made.

Find and follow Tafiq here: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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