Gennye Lion Rainbow Anderzon is a self-made spiritual leader, soon-to-be author, founder of Business Success the Energetic Way, and Visionary New Earth Leaders Podcast. She gives you a grounded approach to spiritual mastery while expanding her booming empire with innovative energetic solutions for thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and organizations.

As leaders, we are constantly confronted with challenges that push the limits of our resilience, decision-making abilities, and vision. Every day, we manage teams, set goals, and make high-stakes decisions that keep the engine of our businesses running. However, beneath these practical tasks lies a deeper, often overlooked realm of emotional and energetic dynamics that influence how we lead, interact, and relate to those around us.

One of the most intriguing and rarely discussed forces in leadership is the energy of past-life rivalry. Yes, you read that correctly—experiences from past lifetimes can profoundly impact how we present ourselves as leaders today.
But how does something from a past life influence your leadership here and now?
How could these unresolved dynamics from previous incarnations subtly manifest in your current relationships, especially those where you hold power and influence?
Consider this: What if feelings of competition, jealousy, or even subtle forms of bullying in your team aren’t just the product of this lifetime’s dynamics? What if they’re rooted in energies carried over from the past?
These emotions may seem familiar, even overwhelming at times, yet they can often feel confusing, almost like they’re not of this world—or at least not of your current reality.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt inexplicably triggered by someone’s actions or felt a deep-rooted sense of rivalry with a colleague or competitor without understanding why?
Many do not consider past-life rivalry, but once recognised, it can unlock a profound shift in how one approaches leadership. The truth is, the energy of past lives doesn’t disappear when we reincarnate—it lingers, shaping our subconscious and emotional responses, especially in situations that echo past unresolved conflicts.
But here’s the empowering part: acknowledging this energy is not something to fear or shy away from. In fact, it’s a key element in the evolution of leadership. As you become aware of how past-life energies influence your present relationships, you begin to reclaim your power, heal, and step into your true potential as a leader. Imagine being able to navigate these unseen forces with awareness and grace, allowing you to rise above them and embody your most authentic leadership self.
So, how do you begin to heal the energy that holds you back? What would it look like to address these unseen rivalries and conflicts that subtly influence your decisions and relationships? Recognising past-life influences creates space for healing and brings clarity and empowerment. The moment you recognise and release these hidden energies, you open the door to a new level of leadership, one that’s grounded in authenticity, peace, and strength.
Could embracing the wisdom of your past lives be the key to unlocking your highest leadership potential? What if understanding and healing these energies could be the missing link to reaching new heights in your career and personal growth?
The opportunity is waiting. The healing is within you.
How past life rivalry shows up in leadership
Have you ever found yourself feeling an inexplicable sense of competition with a colleague or team member? Maybe you’ve experienced tension that seems disproportionate to the situation, or you’ve felt an underlying rivalry that you can’t quite explain. It’s almost as if the conflict is playing out on a deeper, unconscious level, beyond the scope of current events or circumstances. In fact, the root of these intense dynamics might not even be tied to this lifetime at all.
Could it be possible that the rivalry you’re experiencing is actually an energetic imprint from a past life?
Consider this: you may constantly feel the urge to outperform a colleague or feel uncomfortable when they succeed—why is that? Why do you feel threatened by their achievements? These may be clear signs that unresolved past-life rivalry is influencing your present-day leadership experience.
This sense of rivalry, jealousy, or even subtle bullying is not random. It’s a deeply rooted, energetic imprint your soul has carried over from past lives, often resurfacing with the intention of being resolved. The feelings that arise aren’t just coincidental—they’re part of a bigger pattern. In many cases, these emotions emerge as an unconscious attempt to heal and resolve past conflicts with individuals who, in this lifetime, may play a role similar to those from previous incarnations.
But what exactly does this energetic imprint look like in our day-to-day leadership roles? How can we identify when past-life rivalry is influencing our decisions and relationships? The signs may be subtle, but they are often profound once we recognise them. Let’s dive deeper into how past-life rivalry manifests and explore the symptoms that might indicate its presence in your leadership interactions.
The signs and symptoms of past-life rivalry in leadership
Here are some signs that might indicate it’s influencing your actions and interactions:
Unexplained friction or hostility
Have you ever felt a strong sense of competition or even dislike for someone—someone you’ve only just met or who plays a role in your current life that doesn’t seem to warrant such strong feelings? These feelings persist despite your efforts to resolve them. No matter how hard you try to "move on," the energy feels unresolved. It’s as if there’s something deeper at play—something your conscious mind can’t quite place but that your soul recognises as unfinished business from the past.
Jealousy and constant comparison
Perhaps you frequently compare yourself to a colleague, a boss, or even a competitor, feeling that their success, influence, or recognition constantly surpasses yours. This comparison can lead to negative emotions such as envy, frustration, or even a sense of inadequacy. You may find yourself measuring your success based on theirs, feeling as though you’re constantly in a race to keep up. This ongoing comparison, especially when it feels unjustified or out of proportion, could be a sign that a deeper, past-life rivalry is at play.
Deja vu and unsettling familiarity
Have you ever met someone for the first time, yet felt an overwhelming sense of familiarity with them—like you’ve known them for years, or as if the connection between you goes beyond what can be explained by this current lifetime? This feeling of "I’ve met you before" can signify unresolved karmic relationships from past lives, where the bond or rivalry between you and this person transcends time. These relationships often show up as deeply intense and complex, filled with emotional baggage that can influence how you interact with each other today.
Power struggles and manipulation
Power dynamics in leadership can often bring out the best—or the worst—in people. You may feel an overwhelming need to outdo someone, to always come out on top, or even to subtly undermine their position. On the flip side, you might notice others engaging in manipulation tactics, attempting to exert control over you or the situation in a way that feels disproportionate. These power struggles often carry the energy of past conflicts, where unresolved competition or attempts to dominate were never fully healed. The same dynamics can reappear in your current role as a leader, often in the form of subtle sabotage or covert manipulation.
Feelings of unworthiness or undervaluation
When past-life issues are at play, you may feel overlooked, undervalued, or constantly overshadowed by others, even if that isn't the reality. This sense of unworthiness often stems from unresolved wounds carried over from a past life, where you may have been passed over, ignored, or not given the recognition you deserved. These feelings can arise in the workplace when you feel that your efforts are not being acknowledged or that others seem to receive more credit or appreciation than you. It’s a recurring feeling of being unseen or diminished, which can deeply affect your confidence and sense of self-worth in leadership.
Why does this matter for your leadership?
If you recognise these patterns in your leadership, you're not alone. These past-life energies are often carried with us as we evolve, and understanding them can be a key to breaking the cycle. By acknowledging and addressing these unresolved rivalries, you open the door to healing not only in this lifetime but also for future growth and potential.
Could it be that the feeling of rivalry you experience isn't simply about the person in front of you but rather a deeper, energetic connection to unresolved past-life dynamics? What if you could heal these imprints, freeing yourself from the constant pull of competition and comparison and instead leading with a sense of empowerment and authenticity?
The path to healing these past-life rivalries lies in recognising their existence, understanding the energy they carry, and consciously choosing to release them. Only then can you fully step into your leadership potential, leading from a place of clarity, peace, and integrity. Are you ready to confront these hidden forces and heal the energy that has been holding you back from becoming the leader you are meant to be?
Why does this happen? Soul groups, karma, and healing
Our souls are part of intricate networks of soul groups, each playing a significant role in our evolutionary journey through multiple lifetimes. These groups are not random; they’re carefully chosen connections with souls we’ve known before. Over the span of many lifetimes, we cross paths with these individuals again and again, often to resolve deep-seated karmic patterns, learn essential lessons, and heal old wounds.
Some members of our soul group may come into our lives to support us, while others might appear as adversaries or rivals, challenging us to grow. The energy of these unresolved dynamics from previous lives doesn’t simply vanish. Instead, it tends to linger, reverberating through our current relationships. Whether we are aware of it or not, these unresolved issues—whether it’s unhealed trauma, energetic friction, or unaddressed conflict—can surface, especially in the form of feelings of rivalry or competition.
But here's the fascinating part: These unresolved energies and conflicts don’t have to linger forever. They aren’t meant to stay and block our progress. In fact, they have come into this lifetime for resolution. Your soul brought these patterns with you because it’s ready to heal them once and for all. This is where your leadership evolution takes a profound turn: once you recognise and address these past-life influences, you unlock the door to deep personal and professional transformation.
Healing the energy: It’s all about clearing
Past-life issues don’t have to control your leadership journey or limit your potential. In fact, these issues are opportunities for growth—transformational opportunities that offer you a chance to move beyond the patterns that have previously held you back. The key to releasing this energetic baggage is conscious healing.
You can clear these old, lingering patterns using powerful energy techniques such as Lightbody Activations, Soul Contract Readings, and energetic healing. These tools allow you to identify and release the imprints from past-life rivalries, jealousy, and competition. When you consciously heal these energetic blocks, you can break free from the cycle of past-life influence and create new, empowering patterns in your leadership role.
Imagine what it would feel like to step into your leadership power, free from the burden of old, energetic ties. Leading with clarity, compassion, and confidence would no longer be a distant goal—it would be your natural state. Once you release these unresolved energies, you open the space for a leadership style that is aligned with your authentic self, rooted in peace, trust, and balance.
Healing these patterns offers not just a shift in your emotional and energetic state—it creates a significant transformation in how you show up as a leader. Leadership evolution isn’t solely about acquiring new skills or knowledge. It’s also about releasing the energetic ties and baggage that no longer serve your highest potential. Once you do that, your ability to lead becomes more effortless and aligned with your true purpose.
How to heal: Working with me
If any of these patterns resonate with you—whether it’s unexplained friction in your leadership dynamics, internal struggles with power, or an ongoing sense of rivalry with a colleague or team member—I invite you to take the next step in your healing journey. Addressing past-life issues is one of the most profound and transformative ways to elevate your leadership presence and energy.
Through a personalised approach, I can guide you in identifying and releasing the energetic blocks holding you back. During our Alignment Call, we will work together to explore these dynamics, uncover the karmic imprints influencing your current relationships, and begin the process of clearing them. By doing so, you’ll be able to lead with greater authenticity, clarity, and ease.
The path forward is clear and empowering: let go of the past, heal the energetic wounds that have been holding you back, and step into the empowered leadership role you are meant to occupy. Our work together will help you align with your highest potential, restore harmony in your relationships, and elevate your leadership journey to new levels of success.
Don’t let past-life issues continue to hinder your potential. Book your Alignment Call today, and let’s begin this transformative process of healing and growth. It’s time to evolve and lead with clarity, purpose, and full power.
Remember, these past-life energies are not something to fear—they are opportunities to heal. Once you understand them, you can release the karmic ties that no longer serve you, bringing more ease into your leadership, less rivalry, and a deeper connection to your true purpose.
Are you ready to clear the energetic baggage, evolve as a leader, and unlock your greatest potential? Let’s work together to release what no longer serves you so you can step into the leader you are destined to become.
Read more from Gennye Lion Rainbow Anderzon
Gennye Lion Rainbow Anderzon, Industry-Leading Energy and Business Mentor
Gennye Lion Rainbow Anderzon is an industry-leading Energy and Business Mentor specializing in self-mastery, sophisticated intuitive business strategies, and embodied leadership. As a result of 2 profound spiritual awakenings at ages 23 and 40, Gennye was called to step into her mission as a leader of the New Paradigm. She is the founder of Business Success the Energetic Way and Visionary New Earth Leaders Podcast. Her expertise and programs continue to spread worldwide with her ability to bring out the best in you and your life. She is passionate about helping you open the doors to your Soul's highest expression in your life and your business.