Written by: Chris Janssen, Senior Level Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Have you ever tossed a fear repeatedly in your mind until it became a harsh reality? What about the opposite? Have you focused so intently on achieving something fabulous that you made it happen? Chances are you got what you wanted when you created a trust-centered mindset and listened to your heart instead of your head—when you led your life with invigorating love, not debilitating fear.

Maybe you’ve been on the flip side of fear-based leadership when a parent or authority led from fears of what you may or may not do instead of trusting in what you’re capable of doing. How did that fear-based leadership make you feel? Did you live down to those poor expectations and fears? Or did you use them as fuel to rise above and thrive?
You get the result you anticipate—desired or undesired—so leading out of fear is debilitating—in parenting, business, finances, performance, and life.
Mind your mind with these tips for creating a trust-centered belief system that works in your favor:
Trust your gut if professional marketing advice doesn’t sit well with you. You know your product. Embrace great intentions for its future, and trust you’ll market it perfectly to the right buyer.
Believe your children, students, or mentees are capable of miraculous things. You hold influence over whether they live up to your extraordinary beliefs in them or down to your greatest fears for them.
Stop and get curious if something doesn’t feel right. Ask yourself if you’ve bought into a well-meaning loved one’s misdirected fears for you (or your own).
Purge beliefs that don’t serve you to create space for those that do. Everyone has a right to their opinions and beliefs, and you have the right to decide how those beliefs land on you. You cannot control other people’s labels or thoughts. You can control your own. Leading from your heart instead of your head involves accepting what serves you and dumping the rest.
Practice giving grace to others and yourself. Grace is the key to freedom. A whole new world opens when you freely accept and give grace.
You’ll serve others and yourself best by embracing life as it is—not how you or others expect it to be. Lead with love, not fear. And get excited about what’s to come!
Read more on this topic and others in Chris Janssen’s new book, Living All In: How to Show Up for the Life You Want. AVAILABLE NOW ON AMAZON!
© 2022 Chris Janssen. No part of this article may be reproduced online or in print without the author’s written permission.
Want to learn more from Chris? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin or visit her website.

Chris Janssen, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Chris Janssen is a Board Certified Life Coach and Author of the book, Living All In: How to Show Up for the Life You Want. With an honest, strategic style she helps her clients master habits and skills to move toward and thrive in what they love. Chris excels in working with high performers and understands the character traits associated with driven achievers. As a trained Business Coach, Chris specializes in closing the gap between where a company or individual is and where they want to be. Chris partners with her clients to access the creativity and resourcefulness necessary to achieve the sustainable results they want. She cares deeply about her clients' careers, relationships, spirituality, wellness, health, patterns, and mindsets. Chris says her clients are experts at what they do and she is an expert at the psychology of what they do. Together they are unstoppable.