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Launching A Programme

Written by: Christine Hansen, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


So you want to launch a group programme.

Before we get started there are a couple of elements that you should have in place: your story, you’ve got your niche and now you need a programme to actually start teaching people or informing them more about what you’re good at, right?

This is not only for the coaches among you. Having a programme, having a methodology – that is, a process of how YOU do things – is invaluable. Even if you are an artist or a creator. Your way of thinking, your process is valuable. It’s the ticket to fame! It’s the thing you will become KNOWN for.

Launching a programme.

Establish a methodology you become known for: A signature programme that delivers a result. That methodology is your ticket to freedom. The way to come up with it? Identify your ideal client. Identify the steps you teach and implement over and over. Package those into a framework. My Impact with Integrity method, for example, is Branding, Pricing & Packaging, Email & Tech, Content Creation & Distribution, and finally, Global Outreach. Those are the 5 pillars every business should entail. When you have a launch, you’re putting an event around your programme. While launching is one of the strategies to grow business, don’t rely only on it; you need to get clients year-round.

The idea to take away here is to have a mainstay: Create the methodology you become known for.

Create the method you’re the expert for.

Concrete steps to take before launching your programme.

  1. Build a methodology. What are the fundamentals your ideal client needs to get results?

  2. Beta test that methodology, i.e. let people know it’s unfinished and a test, often at a reduced price and not as professionally produced. Either with a group or one-on-one. The important thing is that you beta-test at all. It doesn’t matter if you start with a group or one-on-one. You just need an x number of people to have gone through your methodology to make sure it works. That’s your experience. Those are your first 5 clients.

  3. Only then think about the model you want to use. It also alleviates so much pressure to be perfect.

  4. Collect ALL. THE. Feedback. You can use feedback later on. You can then change your programme or not, it’s up to you.

Top tips for group programmes:

Okay, you’ve got your methodology, now you want to probably create a group programme. Here are some tips:

  • Decide whether you want to launch sporadically or whether you want the programme to be evergreen, i.e., have people enrol all year round.

  • A group programme doesn’t need to have a hundred people, a group of 4 or 5 people is just as valid!

  • Organise weekly group calls (it doesn’t matter where people are in the course).

  • Offer an additional level of support: one-on-one, for an extra upgrade fee

  • The hot times to launch: spring and autumn.

Magic tip: A programme doesn’t sell. What sells is your ability to identify the person who needs it. Then, connect the programme to the person’s problem. Boom.

(This is an excerpt of my book We Mean Business coming out in January 2022.)

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Christine Hansen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Christine Hansen is an award-winning business coach & consultant for online entrepreneurs who want to embrace their inner lazy, profit like a pro, and add philanthropist to their list of credentials—without ever undercharging or feeling like they have to be anyone but themselves again.

She combines hardcore strategy with lush personal development so that entrepreneurs can build and scale businesses that are still soul-aligned all the way.

With 10+ years as a sought-after TedX France and keynote speaker, Christine’s work is featured in Forbes, Business Insider, National Geographic, and more.

Having built two successful online businesses herself, Christine found out the hard way—like losing money on sketchy business investments and ruined “put your damn laptop away!” vacation moments—that most entrepreneurs are closer to burnout than they are to reaching 6-figures. (And they’re still worrying, “Am I overcharging?!”)

Christine is famous for sharing cautionary tales from the trenches, tell-it-like-it-is tips, her all-time go-to (no-brainer) tech tools she uses to get twice as much done in half the time, and gushing her best secrets to help you bust past your blind spots, be true to yourself, and breakthrough to 6-figures in under a year...all while donating to charity, taking vacations every 6 weeks, and spoiling yourself with something nice on a very regular basis.

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