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Know Your Truth, And Your Soul Will Have Something To Thank You For

Written by: Grace Alfafara, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How to be in my own truth without losing my journey in a world driven by a competition mindset.

“Life is a journey of discovering layers of truth, but not a race to compare yourself with another. Because if we always compete, we forget to connect with ourselves and others from a heart and soul perspective where our healthiest version of ourselves and our voice of truth resides.” – Grace Alfafara

Our world is bombarded with a variety of wealth of information. Our world is growing as fast as it can from basics to AI (Artificial Intelligence). And in between layers of these realities, there’s a variety of suppression and depression from one generation to another just to keep competing to the point it gets louder, and louder, and louder, that it gets us to consume more stuff we don’t truly need for our soul’s peace of mind and heart.

This is when we start feeling that simplicity is priceless. Because in the beauty of simplicity, you create space for a clear mind and a peaceful heart that cannot be replaced by any means. Because everything we do on earth is a borrowed energy of why we are even here apart from creating and manifesting the realities.

We have been bombarded to the point we must always compete to be successful in life. Although that can be important and can help to get ahead in life to a certain degree it is not everything, especially if their ego or success master them rather than master their success. The question is, is their success driving them as slaves subconsciously, or are they being empowered and purpose-driven by their soul’s mission of truth? Because if you are a slave to your success, you will have no peace in your heart and your relationships with yourself, loved ones, and others will be affected by your ego-slave-driven to success attitude. But, if you are empowered and purpose-driven by your soul’s mission of truth, you protect your inner peace and never tolerate even your own or other egotistical dysfunctional behavior, and create strong healthier boundaries that empower others that form a level of respect and integrity as a person of strong values with substance.

Simplicity leads to our truth. And the truth is… although for all humans, it is hard to face and confront our own truth. It is easy to always put a finger on another person, blame that person, or compliment another person other than our own selves. We are afraid of our light of truth. We are even afraid to speak our truth and hear our voice of truth. Do we even know why that is?

Partly, it isn’t our fault as a child for not knowing. But it is our biggest responsibility as an adult to rediscover our truth. So, whatever you went through from your childhood traumatic event to adulthood, or whatever blessings you have accomplished in life and you healed yourself and still part of you feeling like something is missing. That is when your soul and heart want to reconnect with your mind and body as one collective of the essence of the truth of who you truly are.

There are ways to start your journey to rediscovering your truth and it involves commitment, trust, self-love, and awakening of your wholeness to align yourself with the healthiest version of you.

For some of you maybe are asking this, “How do I know if it’s true to me?’ The language of truth rings differently for everybody. When you learn how to understand the art of truth which I will discuss in my next article, you will discover patterns that will inspire you to explore the world in a different light.

Well, my answer to that is you won’t know unless you are willing to take the journey and rediscover your voice of truth that your soul will have something to thank you for. It will be worth the journey rather than playing safe and never moving nor experiencing any gift of life experiences or journeys to experience on this lovely earth. After all, we are also here to bring heaven on earth as it is in heaven. Playing safe to the extreme can lead to a dysfunctional mentality that can be a blind spot to receiving love and abundance of pure joy and peace in truth journey.

There’s no safety when you are stuck somewhere on repeat 75 times of your life where there’s no growth and life is stagnant and complacent. There’s no such thing as ‘safe’ in a lifestyle full of limiting beliefs that leads to indulgence and poverty consciousness based on lack and fear.

So, in a world of made-up realities from a competition mindset-driven that can only go so far, you’re going to be at some point in your life that life is truly a journey to embrace different layers of truth consciousness; and as you choose to be empowered and purposely driven by your soul’s mission of truth, you will rediscover your truth of values, purpose, and strengths with substance. Because within that life journey, you will know what you truly want, and stand by it to protect its inner peace that beats from the core of your heart. That heart has a message of the truth of your being-ness (which is the healthiest version of yourself) and you will not need to compete with others anymore, because you would want to spend your time and energy to invest in your truth to grow. So, you can contribute to this world to make it a better healthier place to live for others to follow.

We all need at some point not to compete with people but rather only collaborate to be gentle with ourselves and choose better to be the healthiest version of ourselves. Because if we choose to be better today, we have already won the game of life. We can’t always beat others at their own game because that’s not the path our soul’s mission of truth signed up to be. Once you and I rediscover our soul’s mission of truth, we don’t need to compete and put so much pressure of stress with regrets and conflicts that create illnesses in our whole body and mind system. But if we start reconnecting from the heart-gut-brain-soul coherent connection, we feel we can see ourselves living in peace inwardly and outwardly.

As I like to say based on my life journey lesson on life and what I have learned from others too, “Your truth is your journey and I will not compete to it as I don’t want what you have, because I know my truth and respect that. You choose your truth to journey on. I choose mine. Never compare or compete with one another. And if we ever meet eye to eye, we can meet in the middle ground where we both can find peace and respect each other’s differences.

Be your own healthiest version of yourself and collaborate. Because collaboration is the currency of energies of pure joy and success. That is how you know you have contributed, empowered yourself and others, and live your soul’s mission of truth.

Life is a journey when you realized you are the healthiest version of yourself without the need to compete and compare. Just start to journey on knowing thyself in truth, love, and pure peace. That’s when true healing comes in when we accept and appreciate in love our truth. Then, we won’t lose ourselves in a world full of ill information on how to compete for what makes you feel ‘nothing is enough’ mentality and always consuming things we don’t need.

So, be gentle with yourself enough that you care about living the life you came here to be, do, have, and even create.”

Never be afraid of your truth. Learn to face it and study the patterns of how you can turn it around from fear to freedom. Because truth is, your soul and your heart already know what to do and that’s where your true power in living a fulfilling life resides.

If you or anyone you know struggle with uncertainty in life about their personal goals and growth, never hesitate to reach out to a Certified Transformational Coach that you can trust.

I have been in so many situations of the transformational journey and have learned powerful tools to help empower myself to grow and contribute to healing this world from a competition to a collaboration mindset, from loss to love, grief, and grit to grace and gratitude, mess into a magnificent message, hurt into healing, and wounds into wisdom. I have discovered patterns in my own life and teach others about their life patterns.

I have written and published books and working on book 4 and coauthored 9 books with fellow coaches around the world and it became an Amazon International Best Seller. I spoke in workshops and hosted mini-retreats specializing mainly in the Quantum field of healing on personal growth, and empowering clients in developing emotional resilience and stability.

So, reach out and find a coach that fits you when it comes to genuine holistic healing. Do the important healing work for you on this journey of life, because you deserve to be in the healthiest version of yourself. Learn to start taking charge of your health in all areas of life and not just one aspect of life. Life is too short not to live wholeheartedly in peace, truth, and love.

“We ultimately feel stuck, because we fail to face ourselves in truth, love, and purity” – Grace Alfafara

So, instead of spending time and energy to compete in the chaos of ‘never enough’ and consuming more of things we don’t need, instead learn to be gentler with yourself, and by that, you will discover your truth. Then, you heal the world in how you contribute to the community at large or small through your truth giftings. This is how you quantumly make a shift of transformational journey starting in your psychology of belief and the rest will follow.

If you or anyone you know want to master your truth and embody it without losing yourself in the chaos of this world, connect with me and we will witness your healing journey making the quantum shift of faith and healing, as you learn to use and tapped in the tools deep within you. Invest in yourself and connect to start a journey worth living for.

Follow me on Instagram, and Facebook, LinkedIn, for divine insights, education, and empowerment. Reach out to me and send me your empowering feedback about this article. I’d love to hear from you and learn from your life journey as well. You are worth it! And visit my website for more info!


Grace Alfafara, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Grace Alfafara, is a mother to 4 teenagers, a Published Author, Grief Advocate, Certified Sophrologist, and a Certified Transformational Life Coach, in which she specializes in emotional and adaptability intelligence. She also develops an online empowerment Masterclass. She has lived in 5 countries and has worked as a Philanthropist for several years with her family. Her background education in Western culture on Psychology, Quantum Consciousness, and life growing up in a blend of Eastern and African cultures full of diverse life experiences have brought immense wisdom within the span of her life. A mother on a mission: empowering others to embody their true resilient essence wholeheartedly.

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