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Kintsugi And The Art Of Loving Your Flaws

Written by: Britney Williams, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Britney Williams

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery using lacquer mixed with powdered gold. The art form is all about embracing your imperfections and making something beautiful from it.

Person holding a ceramic bowl

Stepping into your best self is scary, and challenging. You're having to come to terms with parts of yourself that you've never made peace with. You have to sit with your flaws and get to know them one by one. Here are four ways to embrace your imperfections and become your best self.

1. Accept that perfectionism doesn't exist

We all have flaws, quirks, and weaknesses. Once you accept that perfection is an unrealistic goal, you can start focusing on growth and self-improvement rather than chasing an ideal.

If you accept imperfection as a fact of life, you're able to be more honest with yourself about your shortcomings. This allows you to address and improve upon areas that really matter to you.

When perfection is the benchmark, we never feel good enough. But in embracing imperfection, we can appreciate our nuances, and strengths. We give ourselves permission to be delightfully flawed humans on a journey of self-discovery. That is true growth.

2. Be kind to yourself

Treat yourself with the kindness and care you would give your best friend. Take a moment to notice the tone you use in your self-talk - is it harsh or critical? If so, you can work on shifting to a more gracious internal voice.

When you notice something about yourself you want to improve, frame it as an opportunity for growth, not a failure. Set small, achievable goals and celebrate each step forward.

Progress takes patience and compassion.

Difficult emotions like shame and inadequacy may arise at times. Recognize these as part of our shared human experience. Comfort yourself the way you would a friend.

With practice, self-acceptance and care become second nature. Though the journey is long, you build conviction in your inherent worth.

3. Identify and own your imperfections

It's natural to feel the urge to hide the parts of ourselves that we feel insecure about. But avoiding self-reflection only allows our flaws to persist and grow. Leaning into our imperfections takes courage - but creates space for growth.

Start by cultivating self-awareness and getting curious about your weaknesses or bad habits non-judgmentally. Observe them with detachment. This prevents excessive self-criticism.

Once you've identified an area for improvement, reflect on the root causes around it. For example, recognizing you interrupt people could stem from childhood experiences of not feeling heard. This reflection builds understanding.

Consider how your flaw affects yourself and others. Is it holding you back from connections or achievements you desire? Does it hurt others? Use this insight to fuel motivation for positive change.

Lastly, develop a plan. Set manageable goals to improve bit by bit. Change takes time and commitment. Be patient and celebrate small wins.

Approaching our imperfections with openness and wisdom helps transmute them into lessons and growth. It allows us to become our best selves.

4. Turn imperfections into strengths

Often, the way we judge our own flaws is worse than how others perceive them. With self-compassion, we can learn to reframe weaknesses as unique strengths.

For example, someone who is introverted may see themselves as unlikeable. But to friends, their quiet nature may come across as mysterious or thoughtful. Reframing the flaw as intriguing reserve makes it a strength.

Spinning our flaws into positives requires letting go of harsh judgements and cultivating insights into how others perceive us. We discover that the very things we considered to make us weak, are our strengths.

Instead of allowing our imperfections to diminish us, we can embrace them. Our flaws do not have to equate to failure but can serve as guideposts on the path to fulfillment. There is freedom in accepting that we are complex works-in-progress.

Though the challenges of self-love are real, with compassion we can appreciate our mistakes and vulnerabilities. They open the door for meaningful growth.

In the cracks of our broken pieces, the light shines through.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Britney Williams Brainz Magazine

Emanuela Hall, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Britney Williams empowers entrepreneurs through her company NOMUDNOLOTUS. She specializes in uplifting startups and small businesses with graphic design and personal development coaching. She believes in helping others unlock their potential to become their best selves. Her holistic approach aims to catalyze positive change and self-actualization within her forward-thinking client community. With vision and determination, Britney continues to make her mark – helping others grow and achieve their biggest dreams.

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