Written by: Heidi Tyler, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
"To make all arrangements or preparations that one will or might find necessary or useful in advance of something happening." [1]
The more time and effort we put into planning ahead, the greater chance we have of success.
It’s certainly true in the work environment. Highly successful businesses deliver their products and services using a variety of stringent methods and tools which ensure rigour and effort in the right place, at the right time.
It doesn’t mean every product or project is successful, but it does mean they have the tracking and measurements in place to determine what is working and what is not so they can change direction and hopefully stay in business.
Before a business starts planning, many put in place Vision & Mission Statements which give the long-term view to guide where they are heading and why they exist.
Planning our own personal life using these techniques may well bring more success.
Here are some simple steps we can take to get ourselves forging ahead into a life well planned.
1. Break our life down into individual areas. In turn, we decide what each area will cover. The following are simply ideas to use, expand or create our own.
Health – food, exercise
Education – learning, growth
Personal wellbeing – emotions/feelings, character traits, beliefs, self
Spiritual – religion, previous lives, current life, life lived, end of life, next life, connection, god/higher self
Relationships – family, friends, children, peers
Work & career – current/future business or job
Social – holidays, community, social gatherings, connection, interaction
Financial – income, expenditure, savings, stability, wealth creation
Love – self, partner, family, friends, others
2. Define a Vision for each area of our life
What is wrong or missing in each of these areas?
What do we specifically want to fix/change?
Why do we want to fix/change it?
What will it look like when it is fixed/changed?
How can we make it even more inspirational, exciting & worthwhile? Let nothing get in our way or stop us from creating what we want it to be.
What will each area of our life look like when we’ve succeeded? Now is not the time for limitations.
Create a mental or physical picture. Let it run through our minds like a movie. This is where we are going. This is what our well-planned life is going to be.
What will our future look like?
3. Define your Mission for each area of your life
What is our purpose in each area of our life?
Use imagination and curiosity to explore.
Think back to childhood. What spark was left behind?
Keep asking WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY until it becomes clear.
4. Create goals
Define a goal for each area we are going to work on.
Don’t create too many goals. Just enough to be able to manage effectively.
Make the goal(s) specific, measurable, achievable, reviewable, and timely, but add on a bit extra too: make them inspirational and emotional. This will really help propel us forward.
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. ” - Tony Robbins.
5. Alternatives
Get clear on what the alternatives are for any of goals including not achieving them.
Will achieving them bring pain or pleasure?
You would think that achieving them would bring pleasure, but that’s not always the case. Not achieving may keep us in an emotional safe place, even though we don’t want to be there. Fear of the unknown can be a show-stopper for making progress.
Understanding where we are is a first step to making progress or getting the right help.
Is there an easier or quicker way to achieve the same result?
6. Identify resources
List all of the resources needed to achieve the goal.
What needs to be sourced?
Who can assist?
What resources already exist/are in place (e.g. skills)?
Tangible Items already in place (e.g. domains, apps, equipment)
7. Establish Stages* & Action Steps
Break the goal down into easier to achieve chunks (stages).
Write down the action steps needed to achieve each chunk (stage).
Take action to get closer to achieving the goal.
Create a reward for achieving each chunk (stage).
Think through what will prevent completing the actions.
How can these be solved ahead of time?
*AKA milestones
8. Measure for success
Write out what the measure for success will be for each goal:
lost xx in weight by xx/xx/xx
go to the gym 3 times a week
learn a new language by xx/xx/xx
ring family every week to touch base
meditate every morning/evening/day
seek promotion by xx/xx/xx
increase career income by xx/xx/xx
save xxx by xx/xx/xx
9. Create tracking and evaluation tools
There are many tracking tools on the market and many for free.
Research and find one that is suitable.
If in doubt, start simple with pen and paper.
If a goal isn’t working, look at why and make changes. Change the goal or replace it with a new one.
10. Celebrate
Celebrate achieving the goal or vision.
Do something that is in line with the outcome (rather than counter-productive).
A step closer to that Vision.
11. Review
Take time to look back and see the journey.
What needs to change, be adjusted.
Create new goals to plug any gaps.
Refine goals to adjust the journey.
Stop goals that just aren’t working.
What if we’ve already arrived? GO BACK TO STEP 9.
Create a Gift Of Absolute Love that brings joy into your life. Shine your light so the whole world can see. - Heidi Tyler
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info!
Heidi Tyler, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Heidi formerly worked in a corporate environment covering project, program, quality, and people management. Heidi medically retired at age 54 which led to her transformational journey of personal development and growth. Heidi reversed ALL of her medial issues and went on to become a Certified Lifebook Leader, Emotional Intelligence & Certified Clear Beliefs Coach, and Author. Heidi's vision is to help 000's of people around the world live their best life.