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Just Do It

Written by: Nurit Amichai, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


2022. Midway through January. How does it feel? Is anything different from two weeks ago?

Isn’t it interesting how we spend time at the end of each year going over the year, the happenings, the ups and downs, and then decide we’ll do it differently in the next year? Then, the next year comes and we’re into it before we realize nothing much has changed … but we’re “getting around to it”.

Life Gets in The Way

Maybe that isn’t the case for you, but it is often the case for many of us. Good intentions give way to that thing we call “life”, you’ll recognize it as the umbrella word for our day-to-day existence. Somehow, life takes priority, and our good intentions have to be shelved until we manage to find the time to figure out how to find the time to do the things we want to do this year.

So, I’m wondering … did you make resolutions to do things differently in 2022? How’s that going? Are you doing things differently or is everything sort of same/same?

Too many questions?

Part of the frustration of mid-January is that we often haven’t begun the projects we were going to start in the new year, or we’ve already fallen off the wagon. I really do wonder whether the idea of making resolutions is a good thing. Why not just get the job done – why not make up your mind to do something then Just DO it (like Nike suggests)?

The concept of a new year, a new week, a new day, brings the sense of a clean slate and a fresh start. We all need that at some point. However, sometimes we use the concept as an escape from getting the job done. We already know we want to or have to do whatever it is, yet there’s something hopeful in saying we’ll begin in the new ________ fill in the blank.

Just Do It

So, how about just getting to it and doing the thing. If you know you have to lose weight and get in shape because your doctor told you that something awful is going to befall you if you don’t, then book your appointment at the gym and find a nutritional counsellor to help you get your fitness issues under wraps. That closet you said you’d clean out in the new year as a way to making a stand for a leaner wardrobe is still crammed with clothing you don’t wear. Sign up for a KonMari course, or if you have a friend who is great at cleaning closets, call her. Grab some boxes or bags and start sorting. You’ll likely find you’re having fun.

So, What’s the Point?

The point is this: We don’t have to wait until a new year to get things done or to change things in our lives. All that’s necessary is making the decision (that’s the hard part), then putting feet to the decision and getting in motion. Once you get things moving, often the momentum alone will see you to the end of the project. Getting started can be tough but the outcome is satisfaction knowing you’ve done what you said you were going to do, and you didn’t have to wait for a new anything to do it.

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Nurit Amichai, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine Nurit Amichai is a holistic therapist and life coach who provides individuals with an opportunity to strip away old, unproductive and damaging habits and create new, lasting behaviors that support the dynamic and powerful life they really want to live. As a result of a devastating illness, she set about rebuilding her body and life through nutrition and fitness. Realizing that wasn't enough, she entered the personal growth world where she allowed her truths to surface by giving herself permission to face and then release the pain and self-destructive behaviors she had harbored for so many years. This experience birthed the desire to share these lessons and gifts with others. She has merged all of the disciplines learned over decades nutrition, fitness, and mental and emotional health into the true passion of her life: to help people heal and gain optimal health, giving her clients the benefit of many years of learning and experience, coaching them and giving them tools for finding fulfillment and unleashing their own personal power.

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