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Journey To Connecting With Spirit Guides & The Akashic Records – Interview With Meli Guidance

Meli never imagined she would become a psychic. In fact, she once scoffed at the very idea of the spiritual realm, thinking it was all nonsense. With a practical background in marketing, she lived in a world of tangible, everyday realities. But everything changed after the unexpected loss of her father. His spirit guided her to a book that sparked a profound curiosity about the unseen world—a journey that would forever alter her path.

It wasn’t an easy journey, and fear almost kept her from embracing what she was discovering. But over time, Meli realized that connecting with spirit guides and accessing the Akashic Records wasn’t something reserved for the few—it was something anyone could do. 

Today, Meli is not just a spiritual mentor, but a beacon of light for those seeking clarity and healing. Her story is one of resilience, transformation, and the deep belief that the power to heal—and to connect with the divine—lies within us all.

Meli Guidance Sitting

Meli Guidance, Past Life Psychic

How did someone very practical and skeptical like you become a psychic?

Great question! I think a lot of people believe you have to be “special” to become a psychic—like you have to be born with a certain gift or have a magical experience. But for me, it wasn’t like that at all. I was very practical and skeptical, like you said, totally grounded in the “real” world. I worked in marketing, had a regular 9-5 job, and definitely didn’t believe in the woo-woo stuff.What really shifted for me was a personal, spiritual awakening after my father passed away. At 25, I wasn’t looking for anything mystical, but my father’s spirit led me to a book on reincarnation and past lives titled Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. It blew my mind and I realised I had always felt there was something more. That I came from another place before incarnating to earth, that I had lived other lives, that my spirit guides were always there for me. In a few hours, I remembered everything about the spirit world, the astral plane, how 10 years ago my spirit guide had whispered in my ear “you’re fine” when I was in the middle of a car accident… It was exhilarating and overwhelming. Like realising you have that whole other life as a soul, with your soul family and your teacher guides. That night, a spirit tried to make contact with me and I freaked out… and sadly closed myself to the spirit world immediately. 

Fast forward ten years, when I was in my mid-30s, and I was seeking to become a better mom and a better person. That’s when I decided to open the door to spirituality again, but this time with more curiosity than fear. I wasn’t expecting to become a psychic or channel spirit guides, but as I explored more, I realized something amazing—I had this ability within me, just like everyone else does! It wasn’t about being “gifted” in some rare way; it was about being willing to trust my intuition and explore the unseen world. Over time, I learned how to safely and simply connect with my soul guides, access the Akashic Records, and even heal past-life traumas—all of it felt surprisingly natural and accessible.

So, how does someone practical and skeptical become a psychic? It’s all about being open to the possibility, embracing your intuition, and letting go of the fear that it has to be something mystical or out of reach. If I can do it, anyone can!

What was the turning point that made you embrace your psychic abilities, and how did you start using them to help others?

The turning point for me was when I decided I wanted to become a better person, and I dove headfirst into personal development. I became a bit of a junkie, reading tons of books, listening to countless podcasts, and soaking up everything I could to grow. One of the books that had a big impact was The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It helped me start meditating and work on taming my ego, which was huge in shifting my mindset, opening my heart chakra and clearing my mind. I also began exploring manifestation, and it all started to come together.

Then, I found Oprah’s Super Soul Special featuring past-life psychic Ainslie MacLeod, and it completely clicked for me. The way he talked about spirit guides, the spirit world, and reincarnation—it was like he was echoing everything I had read in Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. Ainslie explained how everyone could easily connect with their spirit guides, and he even shared a few tips. Naturally, I had to try it out.

Well… let’s just say I failed miserably! I had no one to guide me and felt totally lost. Like many people, I thought channeling would be like the movies—a ghost appears, or you hear a loud voice in the room. But our guides aren’t in physical form, so connecting with them is much subtler. Without help, I struggled.

But I was determined. I wanted guidance from the best possible sources—my spirit guides, who know my soul’s journey better than anyone. So I reached out to experienced psychics, took classes, found a mentor, and even asked my guides to help me strengthen my abilities. Above all, I practiced consistently. Deep down, I knew I could do it, and that confidence kept me going.

Gradually, the messages started coming through. I discovered I was clairvoyant and began seeing images, which evolved into mini-movies of past lives. Then, I realized I was also claircognizant, receiving bursts of information in an instant. Soon, I recognized I was clairsentient getting insights through sensations and feelings, and eventually clairaudient, hearing messages in my mind, like when you “hear” people in a dream. With the right teachers and a lot of practice, I learned to channel with a blend of these four abilities called the 4 clairs.

I went from fearing the unknown to channeling spirit guides, spirit animals, elementals, angels and ascended masters. I wasn’t afraid of the unseen anymore because I understood how this world worked. 

I then began doing reading exchanges with fellow learners, and doing psychic readings and oracle card readings for others felt incredibly natural. When I asked for feedback, people started telling me that I seemed very professional for a beginner and that I was ready to offer my services publicly. So, I opened an Instagram page, posting pick-a-card readings and sharing about spirit guides.

At first, I was super shy—barely showing my face and hardly telling people I was open to doing readings. But then, requests started rolling in, word-of-mouth kicked in, and things really took off!

And now you’re a past-life psychic! How did you come to specialize in past lives, and what drew you to this area of work?

It’s all thanks to the work of Ainslie MacLeod—he became my idol. I saw what he was doing, and I thought, “Hey, I can see myself doing that too!” Later on, Ainslie explained to me during a reading that this was because I am a Spiritualist soul type like him, and being a psychic is in alignment with my life missions. Honestly, it feels like a no-brainer that helping people heal from past-life trauma became my path. It was like that feeling when someone has a natural talent for singing, and everyone tells them to share their gift—well, that’s how past-life healing felt to me.

Past lives explain the unexplainable. Some people have fears that aren’t tied to childhood or adult trauma, like a fear of heights, tight spaces, or crowds. Others suffer from mysterious physical ailments that doctors can’t diagnose. Many find themselves repeating toxic patterns, like getting conned or always playing the victim. Past lives can explain all of this. I did the work myself—I channeled my own past lives, found the trauma at the root of my challenges, and asked my spirit guides how to heal it.

That’s fascinating! Can you please give us some examples?

Oh, I could talk for hours about this and have tons of examples! But here are a few personal ones:

  • I was deeply afraid of the dark (past life in Africa, where I was assaulted in the middle of the night)

  • I had a fear of driving on the highway (past life in Italy as a race car driver, where I had a brutal accident)

  • I was afraid to use my psychic abilities (a witch wound from a past life where I was accused of witchcraft, separated from my children, and imprisoned)

  • I was always cold (past life in Finland, where I died of hypothermia after falling into a freezing river)

  • I was a people-pleaser (fear of self-expression triggered by past lives where expressing myself led to trouble)

  • I had a fear of rejection (past life in Russia, where I was abandoned by my parents)

I also work with clients who carry a fear of failure rooted in past lives where they lost their family’s entire fortune to gambling, or who struggle with fear of authority and betrayal stemming from a life where they were wrongfully imprisoned.

Sometimes, we uncover subtle traces from the past that affect clients in ways they may not have noticed—like an intense discomfort with turtlenecks for someone who may have experienced hanging in a previous life. For me, I couldn’t sleep without covering my neck until I channeled a past life in Bali, where I was bitten by a snake during my sleep.

When we uncover the source of a fear or pattern in a past life, this simple awareness can often dissolve it. For more deeply rooted fears, however, we need to remind our soul that we are now reincarnated, safe, and free from that past life’s trauma. My spirit guides also provide exercises and tips for further healing when needed.

Spirit guides are such an intriguing topic! Could you explain who they are and what they do for us?

Absolutely! Spirit guides are souls who have completed their reincarnation cycles on Earth and now live fully in the spirit realm. Their purpose is to support and guide us on our journeys, offering wisdom, protection, and encouragement. Each of us has a unique team of these guides, each with their own area of expertise—one might help with love, another with self-expression, another with career. And then there’s our main guide, often called a teacher guide, who’s been with us since our soul’s inception. You might have heard about people who’ve had near-death experiences, where they see a life review with a guide by their side? That’s often their teacher guide.

Our guides work behind the scenes to create synchronicities, like connecting us with people who lead us to our soulmate or dream job. They’re also the source of those sudden rushes of fear when we need to steer clear of something—or that surge of excitement when we’re on the right path.

Sounds like intuition to me…

Ha! Ha! Yes! Our spirit guides are the actors behind our intuition! The more we work with them, the more we learn to trust our intuitive nudges. And all this for our highest good, of course. They know all our fears, challenges, life lessons, karma, etc. They know our life plan for this incarnation and they are helping us keeping on track of this life plan.

So, we create a life plan before incarnating on Earth?

Yes! Our life plan is like a blueprint, laying out the key elements of who we are, what we want to accomplish, and what we aim to heal or balance in this lifetime. When I do a Life Plan Reading, I can connect to the moment someone created their life plan with their teacher guide and see details like:

  • Soul types that shape their personality

  • Life missions (we all have several!)

  • Talents that stem from past lives

  • Life lessons, karma, and other key themes

Our birth circumstances are also part of this plan, so we actually choose factors like our parents, birthplace, and social environment. Even challenging situations are often chosen by our soul with a purpose in mind—perhaps to balance karma, encourage growth, or confront a specific fear that will prompt healing.

For those of us who might not yet feel connected to our spirit guides… what are some ways to start communicating with them?

Spirit guides are always trying to communicate with us, and connecting with them can be as simple as learning to tune into their subtle messages. I teach several methods

in my channeling course, but here are a few tips to help you start connecting with your spirit guides:

  1. Meditate: Spirit guides exist in a different plane, and they communicate through energy. If your mind is too busy, you might miss their messages. Meditation helps clear your mind and brings you into the present moment, making it easier to notice the subtle signs your guides send. I have a free meditation available to help everyone ground and center themselves before calling their spirit guides.

  2. Set your intention: Call in your spirit guides and set a clear intention to develop your channeling abilities. You can even ask them to help you accelerate your learning curve. That’s how I manifested my channeling abilities when I started, and I go over this process in more detail in my Channeling Basics Guide, where I share my manifestation technique called the MAMA Technique.

  3. Differentiate between imagination and true messages: A common challenge for beginners is doubting whether the messages they receive are real or just imagined. Recognizing the difference is essential. Here’s a rule of thumb I share in my free Channeling Cheat Sheet: if a message feels rooted in fear or doesn’t serve your highest good, it’s likely coming from your ego, not your guides. True guidance from spirit guides is always supportive, compassionate, and in alignment with your well-being.

  4. Pay attention to signs and synchronicities: Spirit guides often communicate through signs, like repeating numbers, meaningful symbols, or even song lyrics. If something keeps catching your attention, take note—it might be a message from your guides.

What would you say to someone who’s just starting out on their spiritual journey and feels overwhelmed by all the information out there?

I would say, first of all, take a deep breath and don’t try to absorb everything at once. The spiritual journey is a lifelong process, and there’s no rush. I’ve been there, feeling overwhelmed by all the different practices, teachings, and advice out there. It’s easy to feel like you need to know everything right now.

My advice is to follow what feels right for you in the moment. Trust your intuition and let your heart guide you. If something resonates with you, explore it. If it doesn’t, let it go. The path will unfold naturally. And don’t be afraid to take it slow—there’s no wrong way to learn or grow spiritually.

When it comes to communicating with your spirit guides, don’t have any expectations about what it should sound or look like. Be super open, meditate, and learn to recognize when your ego is speaking. Your connection to the spirit world is unique to you, and it may not be what you think it should be. The more open you are to how your guides choose to communicate, the easier it becomes. The most important thing is to be patient with yourself and enjoy the journey, no matter where it takes you.

What is your mission with Meli Guidance?

I’m here to help individuals reconnect with their soul’s deepest wisdom and highest potential in a way that is simple, authentic, and realistic. I profoundly believe that spiritual work and access to the spirit world are not complicated or out of reach—they are accessible to everyone.

Through my work, I guide people to explore and understand their Akashic Records, connect with their spirit guides, and heal past life traumas that may be limiting their growth in this lifetime. I’m here to help you access your spirit guides in a way that works for you—because I understand that life can be busy, and spirituality should feel like a natural part of your everyday experience.

What do you think are the biggest misconceptions in your business?

One of the biggest misconceptions in my field is the idea that spiritual connection, especially with the spirit world, is only for a select group of “elite” psychic masters or people with extraordinary abilities. This idea is often perpetuated by the media and gurus, who make it seem like you need to be in some sort of mystical trance to access spiritual guidance. For example, it really pisses me off when I see gurus pushing their students into uncomfortable positions—like meditating for an hour with their eyes rolled back—saying that’s necessary for spiritual connection. That’s complete nonsense and totally unnecessary.

The truth is, channeling and connecting with the spirit world is simple. It doesn’t require complicated rituals or extremes. I’ve channeled countless times while doing everyday things, like brushing my teeth or taking a shower. Spiritual connection is natural and doesn’t need to be wrapped in layers of difficulty or secrecy.

People are often told that spiritual practices must be mysterious and elite to be valid, but that’s simply not true. Everyone has the ability to connect with their spirit guides, the Akashic Records, or any other spiritual realm. It doesn’t need to be complicated or reserved for an exclusive few. 

Also, channeling takes different forms for different people. For example, I had a student who is a dancer, and it turned out that she needed movement and flow to access her Akashic Records, because movement is part of who she is. She naturally connects through movement, and that’s how she channels most effectively. So, it’s all about finding what works for you, not forcing yourself into a box that doesn’t fit your unique way of experiencing the world.

OK, maybe that question is too deep for a magazine article, but… what’s the purpose of life on Earth?

Haha, big question indeed! To put it simply, all souls, through their soul’s journey (or reincarnation cycle, if you prefer), aim to learn how to love and be loved. As cheesy as it sounds: love is the answer, and love is all you need. As Ainslie MacLeod says, our soul’s journey is one from me to we, from fear to love. As we become old souls, we aim to heal our fears so we can be more anchored in love, and be examples of that love for younger souls.

And my mission with Meli Guidance is to help old souls find me, remind them of their soul’s journey, and assist them in healing and moving forward so they can align with their life missions.

So yes, the purpose of life—or rather, reincarnation—is love. But we all have different life missions, lessons, and challenges when we incarnate. That’s why it’s so fascinating to delve into the Akashic Records and uncover our soul’s past, present, and potential future.

Can you tell us more about the Akashic Records, what they are, and how you became an Akashic reader?

The Akashic Records are an energetic library, often referred to as the “Book of Life,” that contains the entire history of every soul’s journey throughout time. They hold not only the details of past lives but also the lessons, experiences, and events that shape our soul’s evolution. This vast reservoir includes information about the soul’s purpose, the challenges it has faced, the relationships it has formed, and the potential for growth in this lifetime and beyond. The Akashic Records are accessed through a higher consciousness, and can provide deep insights, clarity, and healing.

My journey toward becoming an Akashic Records reader started when I first saw a woman channeling the Records on social media. I felt a deep sense of intrigue and was immediately drawn to this mystical practice. I bought a book on the subject, but life took over, and I completely forgot about it. Then, one day while meditating, I had an experience where I connected to a tree and its elemental. The message I received was clear: “Read the book!” And just like that, I had a flash of the very book I had purchased months earlier. I read it in one sitting, completely captivated.

That was the turning point. I applied to become a certified Akashic Records reader, knowing that I was meant to deepen my connection with this sacred space and share its transformative wisdom with others. Since then, I have not only worked with the Akashic Records in my personal practice, but today, I also teach others how to read the Records and offer Akashic readings to my clients.

The Akashic Records have been a source of clarity and guidance, not only for myself but also for the individuals I work with. Helping others navigate their soul’s journey with greater understanding and healing is truly fulfilling. Through both teaching and readings, I’ve witnessed the profound impact the Akashic Records can have on people’s lives, bringing them closer to their highest potential and helping them align with their true purpose.

As someone who helps others connect with their spirit guides, what would you say is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from your guides?

The biggest lesson I’ve learned from my guides is trust. Trust that I am always guided, that I am always protected, and that everything I experience is part of my soul’s plan. There have been times when I struggled with doubt or fear, especially when things didn’t go the way I expected. But every time I trusted in the process and followed the guidance I received, things always turned out better than I could have imagined.

They’ve also taught me that we don’t need to know everything right away; we just need to take the next step and trust that the path will reveal itself. It’s been a journey of learning to surrender control and lean into the flow of life.

Sometimes, I’ve learned the hard way. Like the time my guides kept telling me I didn’t need to keep taking spiritual courses, but I didn’t listen. I kept buying so many courses, and I didn’t finish them all. Then, I saw an expensive course and asked my guides if I should take it. They said a resounding yes. I went ahead with it, and it turned out to be awful in every way. When I asked them why they pushed me to take it, they said, “You had to learn the hard way that you don’t need courses anymore.”

This was a powerful lesson in trusting that I had already learned what I needed to and didn’t need to keep seeking external validation or information. It’s a reminder to trust myself and trust my guides, because the answers are already within.

Looking ahead, what are you most excited about in your work and spiritual growth?

I’m excited to continue growing and evolving alongside the people I’m guiding. As I deepen my connection to the Akashic Records and the spiritual realm, I’m discovering new ways to help people unlock their true potential and heal in profound ways, particularly with the assistance of the elementals. I’m especially passionate about helping others reclaim their spiritual abilities and teaching them how to trust their own intuition. It’s incredibly fulfilling to witness people step into their power and begin trusting themselves on a deeper level.

In terms of my own growth, I’m constantly learning from my guides, and I’m excited to see where that journey takes me. There’s always more to discover, and I feel deeply grateful for the opportunity to explore this work for myself and with others. On top of that, I’m thrilled to have written two books, and I’m excited to write more in the future. I also have plans to create more courses to help people connect with the spirit world in ways that feel authentic and accessible to them. Ultimately, my mission is to continue offering healing, clarity, and wisdom, and I’m eager to see how I can further support others on their spiritual journeys.

For more info, follow Meli Guidance on Instagram, YouTube, and visit her website!

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