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James Michael Sama – The Art Of Connection

Written by: Laura J. Wellington, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


An identity crisis…that’s what our nation is experiencing…a HUGE identity crisis coupled with mass confusion in the form of purpose.

And that state is anything but good. It’s also a state not unfamiliar, in its own way, to life coach James Michael Sama either. That’s why I decided to interview him now. Maybe he could give our nation some insight into how to move forward using the knowledge that he employs everyday in his practice on a smaller scale.

Helping plenty of widely respected go-getters cope with lost footing and rattled minds, Sama believes that identity and purpose sit at the heart of stability, progress, and contentment. And central to all these, lies “connection.” Is it any different for the United States of America?

“Many of my clients are extremely successful in their careers but without a clear identity or purpose based upon true connection, they struggle to find the peace and fulfillment that they desire more than anything else,” Sama says.

If our nation was a person, I’d say that, that was us. The question of who we are collectively has turned our very being inside-out, especially on a human level. It is shredding our cohesiveness and blinding our path forward as a whole, thus eliminating any hope of finding a cooperative purpose of any kind.

“What to do about it?” one might ask.

Taking a page from Sama’s own life, the place to begin may be in establishing solid footing in substantive soil, namely reconnecting to our families, friends, neighborhoods, communities, and in that, humanity in its entirety. As there is no doubt that Sama’s strong Italian roots have played an integral role in his own success, clarity, and surety, he is a keen example of the pertinence of maintaining meaningful connections to others. Is it any wonder he is so determined to mentor the “human connection”? Or why his work is more important than ever before?

At a time and place where ‘the ties that bind our nation’ are breaking apart most aggressively, promise can be found in every hard-working hand helping to turn the tide in their own, unique way. James Michael Sama is doing that in his.

He’s worth paying attention to, especially during challenging moments like these…for as our nation goes, so do we, and in that, our individual identities and purposes. Same holds true alternately. What swings in the balance? Simply put, that’s irreplaceable.

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Laura J. Wellington, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Laura J. Wellington is the Founder of Celebrity-Lifestyle blog THREAD MB. A Media-Tech Entrepreneur, Wellington is also an Award-Winning Children's Entertainment creator and Author. Critics have called her most recent book "Be Careful What You Wish For" a 'magnum opus. A TEDx Speaker, Wellington's newest venture is called ZNEEX, an app that combines fitness and socializing for users and their dogs in a fun, new way that has partners saying "it's the best idea that they've heard in a very long time" (coming to you May 2022). A mother of five, Wellington was widowed at thirty-five years old. She has won The Forbes Enterprise Award, Multiple Telly Awards, The Buzz Award, and many more.

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