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It’s Time We Debunk Misconceptions Around Hiring An Executive Assistant

Written by: Hayden Orme, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The burnout badge is not a status symbol. As Brené Brown said, "If you don't want to burn out, stop living like you're on fire." Time is an entrepreneur’s greatest asset, yet, all-too-often the most squandered. We wouldn’t think of flushing money down the toilet, but when we neglect to utilize our time efficiently, we’re effectively doing something far worse; money is replaceable, time is not. The one truly-even playing field we all share is that of the 24-hour day. Nearly everyone can relate to the unfortunately-frequent stress of not having enough time to complete the ever-growing to-do list. I hear so many people echo these sentiments of perpetually feeling behind the 8-ball without being able to get caught up, despite working with diligent persistence. This is a common problem in life; especially in business. So how can we effectively level up? Thankfully, there’s always a better path, when we’re open and receptive. There are innumerable misconceptions around hiring an executive assistant, so let’s unpack how a business owner can scale sustainably while continuing to foster balance and quality of life.

The average executive/business owner loses 6 weeks of productivity every year, at minimum, due to lack of support, The Harvard Business Review expounded on why all executives need an assistant: It's an investment that yields both immediate and increasing returns. Executives and business owners are stretched to the max, bogged down with daily administrative and operational tasks when they could be doing more of what they do best and delegating the rest. Behind every extraordinary executive, is an equally exceptional assistant and right-hand strategic business partner. Over the course of a year, you’re allocating about 6-9 weeks of your time to administrative and operational tasks. A skilled Executive Assistant's role is to facilitate your days running as seamlessly and effectively as possible. Imagine what that kind of ROI this support would yield increased revenue and peace of mind!

As a business owner myself, I completely understand the overwhelm that is the natural by-product of trying to manage EVERYTHING simultaneously. Given my 13+ years of corporate experience supporting and partnering with top Fortune executives, I have unique insight that helps me see not only when it’s time to hire support, but HOW to do it optimally. A year into my own entrepreneurial journey, having worked with entrepreneurs before, I knew I needed to bring in some help with my own business. Within my first year of operating, I brought on my first team member and assistant. I knew this was the only way to scale sustainably, also enabling me to balance time with my family while running a successful, and growing business. Utilizing a stellar executive assistant, and now a digital marketing manager, I’ve been able to scale my own company while growing discerningly with incredible team members. This has allowed us to continue helping more businesses bring their goals to fruition, increasing not only their revenue but their overall quality of life! We are on a mission to empower the CEO within every entrepreneur with strategic partnership and collaborative support.

There’s an abundance of misunderstandings I frequently hear as to why someone isn’t “ready” to hire an assistant yet. But if you stop and think about it, these misconceptions are usually coming from a place of FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real.

The Four Most Common:

1: “I’ve been told I should hit a certain revenue milestone before I hire support, so I can’t afford it yet.”

My business was not making much money yet when I brought on my first assistant. I knew, however, that a percentage of my earnings needed to be invested in the right kind of support right away. It’s recommended that you set aside 15-30% of your monthly earnings for support staff. It was when I did this, that I was able to focus on developing and elevating my business more, and within a few months, more than doubled my revenue. For example, if you bill out $8,000 in a month, 20% of that is $1,600, which is what you should invest back into hiring an executive assistant.

Most business owners resist hiring early on since they’re not in a position to pay someone 20-40 hours per week, but that’s actually a misconception – 5 hours per week can make a huge difference, and that’s often what many people want to do and have the bandwidth for. From there, there is also room to grow your hours, if and when you mutually decide to do so.

2: “I don’t know if I am ready for an assistant yet – I’m getting by on my own.”

I hear a lot “I’m way too busy to train someone,” or “I’m not sure what I would even have them do, and I’m not organized enough to also have to supervise someone. Wouldn’t I have less time?”

When you’re already living in an overwhelming, it can feel like “just one more thing” to deal with when it comes to bringing on someone else. But remember, you’re not moving all the heavy items before the moving truck arrives, so if you’re waiting to get everything optimally together before you bring on support… it’s never going to happen. An experienced executive assistant is really your strategic business partner.

Bringing on that level of support will facilitate you moving out of chronic overwhelm and survival and start to thrive, and thrive sustainably!

3: “I don’t feel comfortable asking someone else to do the things I dislike doing, and how can I trust someone with my personal information?”

If everyone had the same passions, the same skills, likes and dislikes, this world would be a very different, and boring place. Fortunately, that’s not the case! There are a LOT of individuals out there who don’t love what you love to do, and there are plenty of very accomplished and highly qualified individuals who love the kind of work that is not your forte. They not only enjoy it, but they excel at it. Their experience, talents and drive bring an incredible caliber of support and partnership to augment you as an entrepreneur, thus supporting you in claiming your space and authority as the CEO of your own business.

An experienced EA is not only uniquely poised to compliment your strengths and balance your weaknesses, they’re passionate about it also! This gives you back more time and energy to focus on what you’re most passionate about, working in your zone of genius ON your business, no longer buried IN it! An experienced EA also has seen it all; they’ve had access to it all, and as the gatekeeper to their executive, uncompromising discretion, integrity, and trust are fundamental pillars in this line of work. A seasoned EA will loyally honor and protect you and your business – it’s just a part of the job. Period.

4: “I’m falling short. I’m not enough.”

I’m not sure I’ve ever spoken to another business owner who feels chronically well-rested, relaxed and like they’re the pinnacle of organization. This image can be portrayed when we’re trying to prove we can “do it all,” but how is that serving us? How is that serving our clients? Our lives? Let’s be real here, let’s get vulnerable and authentic – I’ve had clients burst into tears on a consultation because they’re at their breaking point. The reasons they started their businesses, the things that brought them joy, were now buried, seemingly forever, under the ever-increasing insurmountable mountain of running a business. The burnout is not a badge of honor, and should not be worn with pride. Burnout plagues so many business owners, and it comes from not delegating enough. You reach a certain pain point past which it’s detrimental to your business to NOT hire and bring on support. The growth and SUSTAINABLE success of your business ultimately is directly tied to your capacity, and ability, to trust in others, accept help, and DELEGATE.

Being overwhelmed is a common theme. So many of us feel consumed with tangential time sucks and get frustrated with a lack of perceived productivity. Delegating can be uncomfortable because it requires vulnerability. So, would you rather feel uncomfortable for a temporary, onboarding period of time as you adjust to delegating, followed by increased and sustained balance and success, or would you rather continue to live in burnout, overwhelm, and live in that discomfort indefinitely, wearing your badge of burnout? You get to choose your comfort, and your discomfort. and consider empowering yourself and your business. As Brené Brown said, “Time is, hands down, our most coveted, nonrenewable resource.”

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Hayden Orme, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

For over a decade, prior to launching her own business (Handled. By Hayden & Co.), Hayden supported top executives and teams at companies such as Partners Healthcare, Brightcove, Inc., Novartis and McKesson. She most recently managed the office of the Chairman and CEO of McKesson (a Fortune 5 company at the time). Now as an entrepreneur herself, Hayden leverages her corporate experience and her unique “get it” factor. With her intuitive and pragmatic approach, she will guide you through detailed directions to orchestrate the growth you want to create for your brand and business.

Supplementing over 13 years in the corporate world, as a licensed 50-Ton Master Merchant Mariner, Hayden has captained yacht charters and delivered private sailboats. During her tenure managing and growing a Boston-based charter company, Hayden was awarded “The Top 10 Meeting Planners” by Women’s Business Boston and also featured in Boston Business Journal’s “On the Move” for Business Services. Hayden was recently added to the Brainz CREA Global Awards list for 2021.

Her dynamic professional history culminates in a very unique ability to anticipate needs, recalibrate for change, multi-task, manage multiple demands, strategize, envision and execute the best path forward with a keen intuition, a discerning eye, compassion, trust and reliability.

Hayden and her team of uniquely experienced consultants, executive assistants, project and digital marketing managers, and graphic designers collaboratively guide and support their clients, empowering the CEO within every entrepreneur. Working with Hayden is a unique experience. With her you know you’re not alone; you have a trusted confidant and guide to help you grow your business and step into your own CEO confidence factor.

Hayden is passionate about animals, dedicating time to volunteer with various animal rescue leagues wherever she has lived. She currently sits on the Board of Directors for the non-profit Craniocervical Foundation, is an international speaker, an international bestselling author, and lives in New Hampshire.



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