Written by: Ilaria Storch, Senior Level Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Sometimes we keep ourselves small out of conditioning, or by living in a place, and even a city, or country, that has not found the capacity to inspire, or stir emotions, in us. It happens, sometimes specific people, or locations, do not motivate you to grow, to thrive – they fail to have an emotional and practical input on you, in order for you to create the desire to change and move forward. Some relationships and jobs can get you stuck as well. The world is big, there is room for your ideas, for celebrating and welcoming your vision and projects, wherever you are.

1. Notice the Size of the Places Around You
Access right now the physical space around you ‒ is it spacious, tight? How long has it been since you moved the furniture around, or renewed the painting? This exercise here is to bring you into awareness of where you are and bring the emotion towards you. If you are at a big house, or by the sea, or country – do you feel at ease and grateful, really enjoying where you are right now?
The practice here is to see if the place brings you joy, maybe even knowing, and learning, a sense of history about the place, and never letting yourself feel entitled by it all – just being aware and receiving the experience of basking in your own presence and venue.
If you live, on the other hand, in a smaller apartment, condo, or home, is your heart at peace or longing for more? The sensation when you open your arms wide, take a deep breath and look at the things around you, whether you like them or not, is to get you out of automatic mode.
It's about getting the motivation to match your inside desires with the outside ‒ by taking action, so that you feel worthy of what you already have, and worthy of those big dreams inside you.
2. Bringing in Joy, Not Comfort
The famous comfort zone continues to be one of the best ways to just sit and let opportunities and joy pass you by ‒ halt here!
As you are reading this, I can see your mind is already stepping up with ideas. Congratulations! You've tackled your surrounding on step one, here you may be feeling somewhat insecure, and almost convincing yourself "you've done all you can" ‒ to go bigger on your dreams, career, relationships, changing country, and even to seek more peace of mind.
Do something different today, call someone new, set new boundaries, enroll in a class to uplevel your skills, come up with new routines for yourself. Your kids. Your loved one. At work.
Here a story to tell you how conditioned one can get.
Some months ago, I rearranged my kitchen cabinet, and moved the cups and glasses to the other side, and the plates to where the cups are now. On the first week it's quite normal to open the cup's, or dishes’ cabinet, forgetting the places were swapped.
Yet after many weeks, and occasionally up to now, when I'm a bit distracted, or unaware, I will still go to the previous order of things. Imagine that one ends up doing that with many other bigger issues in life, so it's important that you set your intentions daily – from where you get your coffee cup, to where you want to go with your business, relationships, health, and all. Practice your sense of wonder each moment, think big, challenge your mind, shake it up!
3. You are Your Best Example
Yes, you are the one that can keep yourself thriving, doing the growth and work ‒ or keep yourself small, by believing in people's ideas of who you are and what you do.
You certainly have been through a lot and learned from so many personal and professional experiences – so remember to compare yourself only to your previous self, and it doesn't have to be linear, it just has to be your own road.
Finding inspiration in others is wonderful – looking up to someone, to a parent, a teacher, sibling, or professional coach, or mentor – and a doctor (when mental issues are involved), gives you a sense of support and some idea of what is possible. It's a great starting point.
You can temporarily borrow that energy, while you find your own roadmap, with your unique talents, capacities, and desire to think and create your delightful days and life journey. Travel is a great way for self-discovery, be it a mini short trip, a huge one, or even a whole day off, disconnected. Nothing like putting yourself in an unknown environment or situation to bring out resources you did not know you had!
Time invested in knowing who you are, in self-improvement, in understanding life around you, is a very generous act, that will also make you available and compassionate of those close to you, wherever you are. Ask yourself: what things get you feeling that all is possible, which ones bring you down – now and in the past? Slowly build your today, bigger and renewed.
See that unique smile of yours popping up, one that says, I'm here, I own my story and want to live it well, by my standards ‒ being big is not about being bossy or arrogant. It's about being fulfilled even in the tiniest challenge you've mastered, and feeling that you're larger than life, gratefully.
Life is Nomadic by Essence!
I help you navigate major life transitions with confidence towards your big goals and best life, wherever you are!
Remember to get your “Free 7 Tips to Feel at Home Anywhere” on the site.
Read more about self-discovery and nomad journeys here.

Ilaria Storch, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Ilaria Storch, a Life Coach Nomad, is the creator of Life Coach Nomads, where she shares her passion for travel and for inspiring people everywhere to access their true center and find more connection and energy on the way to more joy, fun, and fulfillment. She practices that following your emotions, wrapped up in a personal structure that can connect your goals, desires, and love, is the path to all real and true growth. Wherever you are, change is nomadic by essence, and it takes time, support and starts inside you when you absolutely desire to develop yourself and move on. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Advertising, speaks many languages, won a Fashion Illustration Award during College, and loves coaching her clients towards their expressive life journey.