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Is Your Worry Warrior Ruling Your Life?

Written by: Sandra Lamb, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Are you one of many who do an amazing job of keeping all the balls in the air, but under the surface, you are desperately trying to keep your feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, and overthinking under control?

Have you have noticed that you spend more time worrying about what's going on around you than you do enjoy it?

Do you spend too much time worrying about future events, so there is no time to feel excited about them?

Or, perhaps you go over in your mind, worrying about what's already happened even though you know you can't change the past?

Then perhaps your Worry Warrior is getting in the way of you living your life to the full.

It may feel as if this is just who you are, but actually, it’s who you have become, and it is absolutely possible to change this.

When our Worry Warrior is active, it is essentially our stress response at work; an automatic alarm, designed to keep us safe. However, for many reasons, most of which are related to our past experiences, we may find that our Worry Warrior mode is switched on more often than is helpful for us.

As a result, our true self can become hidden in the shadows of our Worry Warrior; with lack of confidence, procrastination, unhelpful self-calming habits, and overwhelm becoming issues we would rather be without.

Clients I work with begin to see a completely different side of themselves emerging when we begin to address their overactive Worry Warrior; amazing themselves at the improved feelings of energy, focus, and wellbeing that come from this.

Making these changes has great benefits. Restoring relationships, creating new career pathways, and recovering from chronic health conditions are just a few of the amazing changes I have seen with my clients.

It’s wonderful to see the differences this can bring to an individual; a recent client described it as, ‘suddenly the light is shining again in my life.'

I am passionate about helping more people understand that it is possible to escape the constraints of stress and anxiety so they can live happier and healthier lives.

In my recently published book, I share tried and tested strategies that can help you see that it is possible to Calm Your Worry Warrior, and Allow Your True Self to APPEAR.

In the book I describe my six-step system, The APPEAR Process, which sets out a pathway, to help you find freedom from your Worry Warrior.

The Process helps you to explore the following questions:

A= AWARE What unhelpful fears, beliefs, or expectations are triggering your stress response and getting in the way of how you want to think, feel or act?

P=PURPOSE What benefits will arise from changing these unhelpful beliefs and expectations? What will those changes mean to you and how you could live your life?

P=PERCEPTION How can you view this/ these situations from a different place that would allow you to feel differently about it/them?

E=EMOTIONAL INTENTION How will you be feeling now that the situation has changed?

A=ACTIONS What actions are you taking to support/ implement these changes?

R=RESOURCES What help or support will ensure you make these changes? Where will you find this?

If you have noticed that unhelpful thoughts and feelings are getting in your way, then perhaps it’s time for you to explore these questions in more detail and discover how you can begin your journey to Calm Your Worry Warrior and Allow your True Self to APPEAR!

For more information, follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Sandra Lamb, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sandra has over 30 years’ experience working in healthcare, as a Physiotherapist, a Stress and Anxiety Therapist and Pilates Instructor. She is an expert in helping clients find freedom from a life limited by anxiety, self-doubt and overthinking and, also has a special interest in helping clients overcome the restrictions of long-term health conditions, particularly chronic pain.

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