Written by: Louisa Havers, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Have you experienced a slowdown in business recently? Maybe you might have noticed a steady or unexpected decline in your income stream? It's been interesting to note a pattern of new clients contacting me, looking for help and solutions to enable them to turn around just these types of scenarios. Firstly, know that you're not alone, so don't let overwhelm overtake you. Secondly, I want to share a little secret with you. Your relationship with speed might be one of the causes for the situation you currently find yourself in.

My relationship with speed, I hear you say? Yes. Our beliefs and thoughts around speed can profoundly affect our wealth consciousness - that complex, many-layered thing. Subconsciously it can impact how quickly we're able to grow our wealth and attract new business. The good news is that clearing unwanted thought patterns and rebuilding our mental framework can lead to significant shifts in manifestation. You'll be able to move out of the slow lane and back into the fast lane to success, where you want and deserve to be.
As a first step, it's important to discover whether you've any hidden thought patterns around going fast or slow. Usually, when we look to manifest growth in our business or our bank balance, we want to do so as effortlessly and quickly as possible. This is where our relationship with speed and time is critical. Our thoughts can dramatically impact the acceleration, or deceleration, in achieving the very things we are striving towards, be it attracting new clients or increasing our monthly income.
If you've never overthought about it, then now might be time to start doing so. For instance, when you think about speed, what comes to mind? How do you feel? Does your stomach somersault with fear, or do you light up with a joyous thrill? Is going fast something you naturally resist, preferring instead to take things as slowly as possible? Maybe you've previously experienced turbulence in your life when things moved too quickly? Conversely, you might have been punished for being a speedster – with a few speeding tickets to prove it?
There are no right or wrong answers. However, what you uncover is very instructive. This is because our monkey minds have absorbed all associated messages from previous outcomes connected with when we've sought to move quickly or make hasty changes in our lives or business. And, as we are naturally hardwired to expect the past to repeat itself, we will fall back on our default position. So, suppose your previous experience with moving swiftly towards a higher business goal has been a negative one, then in the future. In that case, your mind will seek to naturally protect you and make you feel as safe as possible. This usually means that brakes are applied to any progress because moving at pace in the past resulted in a less than satisfactory outcome. Your subconscious is protecting you from making the same 'mistake' twice. It's a classic case of self-sabotage. Your monkey mind is up to its usual tricks, doing all it can to keep you stuck in a 'safe' status quo. The reality is that it's hindering your ability to proceed in the direction and speed of your choice.
So how do we overcome this? How do we change our way of thinking – especially as it's our subconscious, not our conscious mind, that's causing the issues? The key is uncovering all hidden thoughts around speed and clearing any that don't currently serve before rewriting and re-aligning our relationship with it. Then we can forward to the future we imagine and desire.
Releasing unhelpful beliefs is simpler than it sounds. An audit of any thoughts and feelings that came up around the subject of speed will have given you a greater understanding of your current mindset. You can then test which thoughts are helpful and which are not. Do this by asking yourself relevant questions and gauging your response to each, using the kinesiology sway technique.
Stand up straight – knees and legs relaxed, arms by your side, eyes closed – and ask yourself a yes / no question. Be open in your mind to each query. Your body will sway forward or backward – it may just be a subtle nudge, but if you relax and open your mind, you will feel it. Usually, a forward sway denotes a yes response; and sway backward a no.
Types of questions you could ask may include:
Do I have a pattern of resisting speed?
Do I hold a belief that moving too quickly is a bad thing?
Bad things happen when things speed up
Is speed something to be feared?
Does my business suffer when things move too fast?
Am I afraid I can't handle it if I get new business too quickly?
Am I afraid the business will disappear as quickly as it appeared?
Am I ready to receive success quickly?
Slow and steady always wins the race.
If you receive a positive sway to any of the above questions, the next step is to release this mindset. It has hindered your progress towards your goal, so you'll need to let it go before you're able to move on and free up space to allow the good things in speedily.
To do this, and say,
"I release this mindset of (insert the belief) across all dimensions, planes, times, and levels of consciousness."
Repeat this three times for each thought statement you want to let go of.
Now for the most important part. Once you've released the unhelpful mindset, you need to align to a new positive one, which resonates with you and mirrors what you want to attract into your life and business.
Raise your arms – so you look like a Y - breathe in positive energy and (for example) say:
"I am so thankful that I accept and believe the idea of easy speed in my life (and business)." As before, you say this 3 times.
This is the tip of the iceberg – but it's a useful exercise to see where your monkey mind has taken you and how it's been contributing to your journey along your current path. Your relationship with speed is just one of the mindsets you may need to finesse to achieve all you desire.
When I work with clients, we analyze many different outlooks in areas you wouldn't naturally think would affect your business or wealth—from attitudes to speed and time to patterns of distractions and temptations, shedding unhelpful beliefs tears down the blocks to attracting more of what you seek. It's an area I work in every day, and the shifts I see in my clients are nothing short of miraculous. If this resonates with you, then why not see what's holding you back.
I’d love to gift you a complimentary spot in my next Wealth Alignment Masterclass Series. Register and find out for yourself if I can help you on your journey most easily and speedily possible. After all, if you’re in a hurry to reach your business goals, what have you got to lose?

Louisa Havers, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Louisa Havers is an internationally renowned Master Transformational Coach, Master Manifesting teacher, Master Akashic Records teacher (Soul Journeys® Method), and business mentor. She enables high achievers and coaches to unlock their superpowers, turbo-charge soul-aligned magnetism, and "lift the ceiling" in both their lives and businesses. It’s a journey Louisa knows works as she’s personally undertaken it. Years spent leading change in the highly pressurized and stressful social services sector led to shingles and chronic fatigue, compelling her to break free from the corporate matrix of overwork. It was the first step to creating her own life of freedom and dream business income. Louisa enables clients across the globe to activate quantum leaps to success in their journey to fulfillment, self-love, and a six / seven-figure income. Daring to live your life’s purpose is genuinely possible under Louisa’s loving, powerful and insightful guidance.