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Is Your Leadership At Risk? 4 Keys To Being An Exceptional Leader In 2024

Written by: Theresa Agostinelli, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Theresa Agostinelli

For many leaders, the answer to successful leadership is constantly changing and evolving. The short answer to being a successful leader is knowing how to lead. However, this can be extremely subjective. In today’s economic uncertainty, many leaders and managers are still worried about their future as well as the future of those they lead and serve.

2024 business planning and strategy concept

Experts are now saying that for 2024 it is about being proactive. Being proactive, especially in a competitive market is important so that you can be ready and prepared for any changes. There is an old saying that goes something like this: “To be forewarned is to be forearmed”. In other words, when you are warned about something, you are better prepared to handle it.

We all know that the world of business learned some very valuable lessons during the pandemic. The world of public health changed forever, and the overall well-being of humans changed dramatically. We also learned how to do things differently. Some things we even learned to do better. We learned how to work remotely. We became more aware of ourselves, and our employees, and we all worked hard to minimize catastrophic results from a downturned economy.

How can we use those lessons to be better prepared for 2024? As someone who has been coaching and counseling business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders for almost 20 years I can honestly say that things have changed drastically in leadership skills. Equally, as someone who is passionate about emotional wellness in the workplace, I see that many companies are extremely nervous when it comes to talking about the psychological ramifications and mental health safety issues within leadership and their teams. 

If you are an entrepreneur, a manager, or a business owner, then you are considered a leader. Quite honestly, no matter what stage or phase of life you are in, no matter what position you hold in business or life, you are a leader. A leader influences. I have talked to over 50 leaders while preparing this article and this article will offer you the 4 top tips that successful leaders in several industries shared with me.


4 Things every leader should master for success in 2024


1. Accept personal responsibility

I love this quote from Oprah Winfrey.

“You are responsible for your life. You cannot blame someone else for your dysfunction.”. 

Getting real with who you are and who you want to be is the first step to great leadership.

A key component to being an exceptional leader in 2024 will be the ability to accept personal responsibility and accountability. It is your responsibility to become your best self as well as having an open mind and an open heart. It is true that in today’s competitive market, leaders need new and higher levels of leadership skills, but it is equally true that there must be a balance between managing your team while managing your own personal accountability. Leaders in 2024 will need to continue to lead with empathy and continue to be on a journey of discovery. Many leaders have the attitude that “we have always done it this way”. That is a dangerous attitude. Knowledge is power and the successful leader must constantly strive to gain knowledge to impart to their team. We are seeing a new set of leaders emerging, who are replacing the old ways of doing things, and these budding leaders are going to have to stand out among the crowd. They are going to need to be the best in their field. They are going to need to translate that message of greatness to their teams. Owning your own stuff is critical.


2. Mindset trainings

A famous author, Napolean Hill, was quoted as saying, “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.” In other words, it all starts in your mind, and training your mind for success is so important. Training is important to run a successful business. We saw a very high rate of increase in DEI training throughout the pandemic, but that is changing. We are starting to see a downward turn in DEI training. More and more companies and leaders are looking for less DEI training and more Mindset training. Rewiring the mindset of an individual allows them to grow in their personal and professional lives. Mindset training can help you to prepare for success and give you more optimistic and positive ways of thinking so that you can overcome obstacles and accomplish desired goals. This increases productivity and team spirit. Mindset training can also decrease bias and poor thinking patterns. Leaders who can offer mindset training will see a winning spirit in those they lead. Helping others to release what is holding them back from getting to the next level is important to the wellbeing of each leader and the team they manage. This leads to loyalty and talent retention.


 3. Embrace AI

Investing in your technology is important. Perhaps the most significant change we are seeing for 2024 is the onslaught of AI. Automation and cost-cutting jobs are on the table. We cannot get away from the fact that many jobs are being phased out. Humans are now being replaced by non-humans. Say what you will, but AI is here to stay. Warren Buffet said this about AI, “We won’t be able to uninvent it”. Many leaders fear using AI. Fear makes us think of robots when talking about AI. Just as the internet gave birth to the digital age, we mut understand that we are always advancing in technology. Whether it’s a minor shift in technological changes or a larger shift, we will need to get in line with the times. Investing in your company is needed, and how you showcase your goods and services takes a good tech team. We have learned to utilize virtual platforms using technology to unite us across the world. So too, we can learn new ways to use advanced technology while keeping our teams happy.

Competitive markets are increasingly embracing AI.


4. Communication skills building

Good communication is vital to the health of your business. It requires discipline. John Maxwell stated that “Small disciplines repeated with consistency everyday lead to great achievements gained slowly over time”. Leaders and team managers will need to place a high emphasis on the discipline of developing the ability to communicate well. The key will be keeping your eyes open and your mind open for learning and offering basic soft skills strategies. Soft skills are essential for any leader. Our core soft skills can promote communication in the workplace which translates into an increase of productivity and decrease in workplace drama. Communication is so important in the dissemination of information. It is important to learn and understand how the different ways that people communicate can shape your business. Good communication skills allow others to understand and process information faster and more effectively.

This leads to an increase in business.


As we embark on a new year, as a leader, we must all consider these three questions to ask when developing a plan for being a great leader in 2024:

  1. What qualities would I like to see in those I lead?

  2. How can I be of service right now to my team?

  3. Is there someone on my team that I can honor today?


In conclusion, remember that being a leader means that you can influence people. Leadership is all about influence. Nothing more, nothing less. It's about leading by example. The unpredictability of the state of the American workplace continues to ebb and flow like the tide of the ocean. Let’s make sure the response from leaders to this instability will be able to create a workplace that is safe and secure and able to retain talent.

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Theresa Agostinelli Brainz Magazine

Theresa Agostinelli, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Professor Theresa Agostinelli is a licensed psychotherapist as well as a certified personal and professional coach. A widow and single mom at age 26, she found herself with few resources, no job and not many skills. She dramatically changed her life and rose from widow to successful business owner, entrepreneur and author. She has dedicated her life to helping others by teaching them how to maximize their mental and emotional well-being. Theresa is the author of the prolific book, The GRID System which speaks to unlocking your potential and living your best life. Her mission is helping people create more of what is good in life.

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