Written by: Serena Fordham, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

I have noticed a lot over the last few months that many female entrepreneurs are spreading themselves very thin when it comes to their workload.

What I mean by this is that I see situations like;
Someone who I know as an incredible fearless fitness coach suddenly offering blogging services.
Someone who I look up to as a super talented makeup and beauty expert, randomly promoting themselves as a sales trainer and business coach.
Someone I respect as a reliable social media expert giving advice as a spiritual healer in a women's business Facebook group.
Plus, every single week, I see at least one amazing woman who was once pursuing her business idea wholeheartedly and then starts promoting multilevel marketing (MLM) products as a side hustle - and as time goes by, her once-flourishing business is never to be heard of again.
Now I'm not going to lie, and this makes me extremely sad.
Especially for these women who I know deep down wished their business-babies had grown up into profitable adults, but instead (due to desperation for money to pay the bills), they were forced to leave these on the sidelines before they had time to fully develop into money-making machines.
Not only is it sad that business dreams are becoming extinct before they have even started to become a reality, but by extinguishing these flames too early in favor of new fires (whether in the form of new ideas, projects, businesses, or side hustles) this also confuses potential customers - which results in even lower interaction, sales, and money all round.
As confusion is the single biggest reason why your ideal client won't buy from you, imagine if you suddenly started promoting a totally different business, product, or service that your audience had been used to seeing from you - this would cause a massive sense of confusion and raise a lot of questions and concern amongst them.
Plus, from these reactions, people who might have been considering buying from you might now feel uneasy about you and totally back away. So, if they are not interested in your new offering, then you have totally lost these customers for good.
And how do I know all this?
Well, I have been there on more than one occasion (yes, I admit it) and have learned the hard way. I previously switched my focus here, there, and everywhere, and from it, I have learned that this kind of behavior takes a lot of hard work to fix and to begin to gain trust and respect from your ideal client again.
So, if you are struggling to make the money you want (and need) from your business, my advice is, rather than choose something completely different to attempt to increase your income, invest all of your time into making your business a huge success and making all your money from it.
Rather than spreading yourself so thin and sporadically switching your focus at the drop of a hat (in desperation to get the next pound or dollar in), focus all your time, efforts, and energy into building and nourishing your business baby to ensure that it blossoms into something you can solely financially live off.
After all, like real babies, you have to invest a hell of a lot into them in order to see successful and sustainable results.
Don't give up on your business dreams too early, just because everything you want doesn't come to you straight away.
Instead, reign in your focus towards creating a business based on pure quality and passion, and with a few workable business strategies thrown in, very soon, this will result in more than you could ever have achieved by spreading yourself too thin and clutching at various smaller income straws.
If you are interested in speaking at or attending any of our events to train, inspire and empower female small business owners, please get in touch through www.herbusinessrevolution.biz & follow me on Facebook.

Serena Fordham, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Serena is an expert Business Strategist, Growth/Development, and Empowerment Mentor to Female Entrepreneurs, as well as a best-selling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, and successful multiple Business Owner. Her main passion is offering business strategies, support, and empowerment to ambitious and high vibe business women both locally and internationally – through HER Business Revolution at www.herbusinessrevolution.biz. She is also known for her organizational skills through owning Glow Virtual Assistants and for her support of women and child-related charities (also founding two charitable initiatives – Mums Empowerment Movement and SociaBubble).