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Is Unconditional Love Possible?

Written by: Dani Green, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Dani Green

I write and officiate weddings. I allow wedding couples to edit the ceremony text I write for them. I noticed a wedding couple removed the word 'unconditional' from the ceremony text. I wondered why. Should I learn from the next generation and remove 'unconditional' from future ceremony texts? Am I giving up on a long-standing concept in marriage?

Selective photo of red and white hearts graffiti.

Times have changed

Unconditional can be understood as unrestricted or unlimited. In a marriage, I can understand why restrictions and limits are imposed in relationships. Times have changed. People are more realistic now and would not want to vow unrestricted love. We need boundaries to keep us safe. Boundaries tell others what we will and will not tolerate. Boundaries help us stay aligned with who we are. We can ask ourselves whether our boundaries are created from woundedness or empowerment. 

Boundaries created out of woundedness put up walls and are difficult to maintain. Woundedness causes us to be reactive. A concept in Power vs. Force by Dr. David Hawkins states the power of anything taken by force will dissipate. 

I am super good at pronouncements in my family. I state how things should be and expect others to follow. No discussion. Then, I worked for a boss who was even better than me at pronouncements. In response, I would ask questions and pose a different scenario to investigate his decisions that affected the organization. Our professional relationship was exhausting! Eventually, both of us found other jobs. He left first, and then I did. I am sure we are both better off having moved on. By the way, I learned my lesson about pronouncements.

Soul power

Decisions created out of empowerment enable us to stand up straight and hold our ground. When we feel something is best for ourselves and others, we are motivated to see the issue through. We cannot give up on the truth that drives us forward. In 2018, with the help of a $6,000 business coach, I created my concept of Soul Power! (Thank God she let me pay monthly!) Since then. I live 24/7/365 with an expansive, powerful, and beautiful sense of my inner and infinite Soul motivating and empowering EVERYTHING I do! Oh, my goodness, I am so amazing! No one and no circumstance will ever be able to diminish my Soul Power!

The concept of sin

A religious view of God tries to balance God's love and the problem of sin. The concept of sin weighs us down emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Of course, we should do our best every day to be loving, but we can remember that our best is our best, even on our worst day. We face the natural consequences of our behavior, not as a punishment, but so we can learn, grow, and change for the better. 

Violence is a story of power-grabbing from a place of woundedness. Someday, Love will stop all wars. Humanity will evolve.

The unconditional love of the divine

The unconditional love of the Divine can be understood as the Source of all Love. Divine Love/God loves everyone unconditionally, which is nice to know and rely on. We can feel happy knowing the unconditional love of the Divine is ours without exception. 

So, what does it mean to rely on God's unconditional love? When we realize love is all around us and within us in infinite measure, we feel good. Feeling loved, supported, cared for, and celebrated every moment is so empowering that we will want to share this love with others! Energetically, we emit our emotions measurably within a 12-foot radius around our body. We can be people of love and make a difference in the world. 

The world has violence and tragedy, so this constant source of love isn't always apparent, but just because we cannot see it or feel it does not mean it is not there. We can trust love, have faith in love, and own love as we imagine love infused in every cell of our body. 

How would you like to live? Believing love is not true or believing love is true? We get to choose.

The love formula

During meditation, the word " LOVE " became written across my body like an invisible tattoo. The 'L' covered my head and left shoulder; 'O' was across my heart; 'V' landed on my lower torso; and 'E' covered my legs and feet. I became LOVE that day. I use this energy daily. Close your eyes and imagine LOVE written across your body. Where and how is it written?

After working for myself from home for eight wonderful years, I felt called to get back out into the world and be the person of love I have been able to cultivate. I work as a para-educator at a local high school. As I walk onto campus and see the beautiful, strong, and capable young people, I whisper to them, “I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!”. At least once a day, I turn a circle, spreading love to the entire campus. The administration says the school culture feels like it was before the pandemic. It would be vain of me to assume my spreading love makes that much difference. My intention is to make that much difference. I act as though my spreading of love is essential. 

I recently realized how important it would be to spread this energy of love in my home, too.

I call making a circle of love ‘The Love Formula. The love formula is me plus love energy, which equals more love for everyone everywhere. I look forward to walking down the street one day and seeing someone turn a circle of love!

In the Bible, Proverbs 11:25 says, ‘The generous will prosper those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Let's be generous with love. The energy of love will make a difference in your life and the world. 

Our grandsons celebrate two cultures with differing religions, so I have always talked with them about Love. While playing our favorite exercise game, the youngest, 3½-year-old, Kabir, held his hand to his heart and said, “Nani, I love my heart. My heart is my friend.” He is on a loving path. 

Unconditional love is possible

Unconditional love is possible and essential. We can receive unconditional love from God/Source and give out the energy of unconditional love from our Soul while making decisions that allow for a life of empowerment and infinite possibilities.

Let Dani be your guide to unconditional love

As a hypnotherapist, Dani offers a free 20-minute The Emotion Code session, which helps energetically remove an inherited or current emotion. 

Activate Your Soul Power! Live Your Infinite Greatness! Be Your Own Hero!

Book a FREE Breakthrough phone call and learn about The Soul Power Experience, One & D.O.N.E. Weight Release, or Intuitive Hypnosis sessions! 

Visit here.

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Dani Green Brainz Magazine

Dani Green, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dani Green is a certified hypnotherapist, speaker, author and spiritual activist. Dani’s core focus and passion is to guide clients to rewrite the past, present, and future Story they tell themselves at the subconscious level and to discover their own Inner Mantras.

Dani has a 12-session course called The Soul Power Experience. The courses, Be Smoke Free and One & D.O.N.E. Weight Release are each six sessions. Dani also offers Intuitive sessions.

Dani opened her hypnotherapy practice in 2015 and uses client-centered hypnotherapy, as well as The Emotion Code, PSYCH-K, and RIM.

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