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Is There Hope for Our Youth?

Nathan Francis is a 30 Year old former school teacher from Australia. Nathan is a podcast host and youth self-sabotage coach/mentor who freely admits that his mission is to lift the self-esteem and health of our youth.

Executive Contributor Nathan Francis

In our modern society, there are many ways in which our youth are unconsciously disconnecting from themselves, hurting themselves, and suppressing their innate gifts and talents. Thus allowing external influences to control, run, and dictate their lives. Influences from parents, social media, friends, school, TV, Movies, porn/sex, and music, there seems to be no end and most definitely no escape. However, they are using the screens to escape and run from themselves. Furthermore, it is this current technological society that is driving our youth to pretend to be someone they’re not, furthering the disconnection from themselves and their body they have inhibited for their human experience.

The photo shows four young people standing on a rooftop, facing away from the camera, looking at the sunset over a city skyline.

Our youth need to be encouraged and reminded that everything they wish to seek and desire is deep within. It is hidden under all of the programming, fear, and self-doubts. Simply, beginning the process of stripping these layers back allows them to rediscover and remember who they are and what they’re doing here. All of these are not taught in our current mainstream schooling system. Our current schooling system is job-focused. From resumes to cover letters to career expos. Our youth are not taught how to start their own business or how to invest. They do not have entrepreneurs come in and give talks. Simply put, a dependency-focused curriculum is better than independence. Thus building someone else's dream instead of building your own. This is very evident to see in today's society.


We should all be pondering how we begin to create a better world for our youth. The answer is quite simple. A world full of real, honest, and authentic role models is a perfect place to start to turn this ship around. I observe quite closely what our youth are consuming, and to be honest. The ship is sinking just like the Titanic. Currently, we have fake ‘idols’ whom our youth are worshiping. These ‘idols’ on their screens and in their ears are currently singing about worshiping devils, getting drunk, having sex, doing drugs, and drinking alcohol. Click Here (devil song) to see for yourself. Our mainstream music is dangerous. It is destroying our youth, plain and simple. From this, the self-destruction cycle our youth are in is evident to see. They are chasing lust; they are getting drunk as if it’s a good time, and they are doing the drugs and hitting repeat. This perpetual loop is destructive and sets our youth up for a life of pain, disease, discomfort, and living out a mediocre existence, never rising up or stepping into their full potential. Furthermore, on a subconscious level, listening to and watching this content programs the youth to act this programming out as a safety and comfort mechanism. This is extremely dangerous. Look around at our youth today, and you will see this exact program being played out. To turn this ship around, our youth need empowered, strong, healthy adults leveling up their lives. People chase their dreams, goals, and ambitions. People build their wealth and strive each and every day to be their best. This programming on a repetition basis is far better than the latter. Our youth crave authenticity. Let's give our youth something better to mirror, mimic, copy, and leave this world better than when we found it.


This is a world worth living in. The more youth turning their back on these idols and worshiping themselves and their journey, sends out a ripple effect to the rest of humanity. Powerful energy. We can all become better and live better lives here on Earth. Set an intention for something better, and the stars will align.


You came here for a more important reason than playing small and being mediocre. You are worthy, you are enough, and you are capable of amazing things. Go out there and be awesome. I believe in you. As always, reach out anytime; I am always here for you.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Nathan Francis


Nathan Francis, Youth Self–Sabotage Coach

Nathan Francis is a leader in the Youth Coaching space. Drawing from 10+ years of experience inside the mainstream system, it became quite evident to him that the system is failing our youth. Nathan has dedicated his life to helping our youth unleash their innate human potential. He is the founder of where he offers 1:1 and group coaching programs. Author of Breaking Free: A Teens & Young Adults guide to identifying their addictions and overcoming them. He is also the host of the Breaking Free podcast.

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