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Is Spirituality Being Perceived As A Threat?

Written by: Claire Atyeo, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


If your open to or practicing spirituality, then this may seem like a weird title! But stay with me, and all will be revealed. Within this article, I’m going to challenge mainstream societal covert actions which demonstrate spirituality, aka individuality, is being actively discouraged by our governments.

First, let us focus on intuition.

As it is the catalyst from where we all start our spiritual journey. What is intuition? It’s an emotional response or sensation of knowing to external or internal variables, a tuning into our bodies rather than our minds which allows us to decide if something feels good or bad, right or wrong. An inner compass set to our individual true north and situated in the vortex center of our energetic physical being, the base, sacral, and solar plexus chakras. The I am… of our individuality within the collective.

Sounds a little complex and far-out, right?

And it’s for this reason that conventional science has until recent years metaphorically parked it on the self and denied or belittled its existence, working from the premise that if it can’t be measured or seen, it can’t exist. But over the generations, as the greater population of humanity became better educated, that hypothesis has been challenged.

Honestly, I question if the metaphorical parking was instigated by the scientists or if there was a third-party insistence that it be parked, but that’s a whole different article!

Anyway, in recent years scientists have discovered that the gut effectively is a brain and can store and retrieve memories. Studies are showing that people who use and make decisions from their intuition (gut) rather than intellect alone make better choices for themselves and, in most cases, are more successful in life.

Science is also proving that our DNA not only carries genetic traits such as body structure, facial appearance, etc., but it also carries ancestral memories. Most of the public known studies at present have concentrated on phobias, fears, and trauma due to its relative ease to quantify. But it’s a logical assumption to say that through our DNA, we can tap into the diverse knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors.

My question at this point is, are these ancestral wisdom the trigger of our intuition? I believe so, but we each must look within and decide for ourselves.

As a Female Empowerment Coach

One of the first activities I encourage with my clients is to connect with their intuition on a deeper level. Both men and women are intuitive, but women overall tend to naturally be more highly attuned with theirs. This probably is due to the differences in which men's and women’s brains are wired, and again the societal influences (boys perceived soft if they openly show emotion).

During my time as a coach, I have observed repetitive themes from our societal structure globally that appear designed to remove individualism from the individual. As I said previously, intuition facilitates the ability to make better choices for self, a scientific fact! Which innately creates a strong bond of individualism within the individual.

Where the threat comes into play

If we express ourselves through our individualism, we are much more difficult to control. And please, I am not an anarchist, but I am calling for people to lift their heads, open their eyes and see what is covertly happening within society today.

Great examples of this are parents, and I am focusing on parents of young families because they are the next generation. They are the ones who have been and are still being directly affected by this current culture of almost total control.

What concerns me is that parents are openly discouraged from using their innate gifts of intuition and nurturing in a way that feels correct for them. They are no longer allowed to feed their babies solids when they innately know the baby is ready. They are viewed with suspicion or deemed neglectful if they make the difficult decision not to have their babies fully immunized. Children are forced into separation from their parents at the tender age of 4 years old and placed into a system that has been structured in such a way there are little to no resources to accommodate the individual expression, the main component to healthy growth and learning.

Families are no longer permitted to raise their children in a way that is aligned with their beliefs, their individuality, and their ancestral heritage. And instead are directed to follow protocols and procedures designed for the masses with no room for personal thought or creativity.

Questions we need to be asking?

How is it advantageous to have generations so stifled and conditioned to follow that they are incapable of decision making without first checking it's ok? Who are incapable because unaccustomed to feeling and acting on what’s right for them and having the independence to speak up? To never have experienced the freedom of free play, imagination, and expression, which leads to the healthy well-being of mind, body, and soul?

Is this an intentional plan? To create generations so dependent on the state that they look to governments for guidance instead of themselves. That becomes so disconnected from their individuality they become reliant on pharmaceuticals to stabilize their minds.

When we look at ourselves...

When we start to learn, understand, and take ownership of the fact we are each unique and should live our lives by our own moral compass and in doing so then take complete responsibility that those actions create a cause and effect for which we also take responsibility for, we then ascend from the I to we, becoming a collective of individuals fully aware of our interconnectedness, potential, and power.

Is this the reason spirituality/ intuition poses such a threat, and are we currently experiencing a re-enacting of the dark ages witch hunt, but with greater sophistication? In my opinion, the younger generation is not only losing the right to choose but are slowly losing the ability to know how to choose for themselves!

If you have taken the time to read this article, then thank you, I know it’s been a long one! I now encourage you to sit quietly and review all the decisions you have taken in the past week and ask yourself, how many stemmed from your own free-thinking beliefs and values and how many were directed from outside influences?

If you feel drawn to work with me, then hop over to my site and check out my awesome events and 1:1 programs.

Want to learn more from Claire? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website.


Claire Atyeo, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Claire Atyeo is a Female Empowerment Coach & Shamanic Practitioner whose motivation is to inspire and guide women to create realistic, actionable solutions to life’s problems and challenges.

Claire supports women globally to reacquaint themselves with their true essence, realign and rebalance their energies to become unstoppable in their passions, goals, and life desires. As a Certified Life Coach, Reiki Master, Shamanic practitioner, EFT, Inner child, and Ho’oponopono practitioner, she has many tools to help.

Spiritually based, she may be, but gentle persistence is a strength, a power, and a much-underestimated force. She believes that once women step into their goddess self, un-apologetically on mass, the world will once again restore to balance. In her desire to reach out and affect greater positive change, she opened Athena Academy in 2020.

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