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Is It Time For A Change?

Written by: Kat Malinowska, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Life is giving its spin. What is normal routine to you one day, it may not necessarily be the same the next. You see, we all think we have time to do this or that, to lose that weight, to become healthier, to read more, to go out more, be less this, be more that.

Well, the truth is, we do have time to do all of those things until the expiry date comes. And this is something we do not know when is going to happen.

You see, it is not about living in constant fear, or being filled with the negativity that life is going to end, so therefore what is even the point of trying? It’s about being aware, and conscious each time you decide to postpone something. Whether that is to see your friend, or relative, or maybe take up a course you’ve been thinking about for quite a long time but always found some excuses. Or speak up instead of being quiet down each time you had something to say? Or maybe do the health check-up? Whatever that is, you always have limited time to do it. You just don’t know the deadline for it.

Do you know the feeling of total powerlessness? Do you know how does missing a chance feels like? What does it even mean? I could go to the extreme and write about those who missed their chances and lost their health, or family. Well, these examples are tough, sad, and for many hard to imagine, and I don’t want to go that far to draw a picture.

Instead, I want you to imagine yourself in 5 years.

  • Where are you?

  • What do you do?

  • Who are you surrounded by?

  • Do you have what you dreamed of?

  • Are you happy where you are and what you do?

It’s ‘only’ 5 years, relatively not far future, right? But nothing has happened by sitting and waiting for those 5 years to pass by. To be where you want, some actions will have to be taken now, and by you, am I right?

Maybe you will need to invest in yourself to gain more knowledge and qualifications?

Maybe you will have to be bold and cut the cord from some of your family?

Maybe you will have to find the balls and quit partying, and behaving like a child to finally find a job, or change your social circle and find people who won’t drag you down?

Every action taken will require you to stop repeating certain actions.

‘This is the last time, ‘From next month I will...’, ‘Next year I’ll do that, ‘Next time 100%...’

How many times do you even think you’ll have occasions to choose whether this is THE


Change is a process and usually won’t happen overnight (well, unless we talk about things like hairstyle), we need to prepare for it somehow. The easiest way to do this is to draw a plan. But it is so important to be aware of what we want to change, and what area in our lives needs a change. Remember, as with anything, small steps can be more beneficial than rushing things and trying to change everything at the same time. Instead of rushing, try to be specific:

  • What area of your life would you like to change now? Choose one, it will be easier to stay focused.

  • Why is the reason you want to make a change?

  • What resources will you need?

  • How much time do you expect you'll need?

  • What obstacles can you meet on your way?

The more details you answer those questions, the more precise your approach will be. It will also help you to keep your motivation level up high.

The process of change is described as a process of transformation. The verb 'change', as per dictionaries, means 'to make or become different. Before you decide to start the process of change, usually YOU have to change first to change your circumstances. But what does it have to happen for you to decide 'Yes, now is the time for a change?' What could be a great factor that will push you towards that decision? Is it actually needed though?

It happened already to most of us, for some even more than once. A desire to change something. Whether that is a place where you live, a job, a new hairstyle, or maybe even a partner. Have you ever thought about why is that you feel like you need change? Is it because you feel fed up with your current situation in life? Is it because, you actually don't know what you want, but definitely what you do right now is not fulfilling at all? Not without a reason, it is so important to find your passion, purpose in life, something that motivates you each day or gives you a thrill.

Did you picture specific enough yourself in those 5 years?

I want you to come back where you are now. How is your reality differs from where you just saw yourself in the next 5 years? What has to happen for you to be there?

Are you aware of where you would like to be?

You see, there is nothing wrong with not knowing where you see yourself in the future. However, if you know this is a completely different place from where you are NOW, what are you waiting for to happen to make some changes?

For instance, as was in my example, when I was in my 20s, same as probably many others, I didn’t know what I want to do. People straight after school, which by the way isn’t a great choice sometimes, are out there thinking 'what the heck should I do now?' Some are lucky enough to get a job that they will love and pursue, but there are many that still in their 30s are looking around because they keep asking 'what the heck am I supposed to do?'. If you are from a similar family like me, you have not necessarily been thought about what passion is and how to find one.

Jumping from one job role to another was my kind of thing for a long time. And because they differ, there was always something new to learn in my new roles. So as soon as I reached the point I knew enough about the role and the company itself, I was getting bored, looking for some adventures, new excitements. But one day, when I looked up my resume, just before applying for another position to change my career, I asked myself 'do you really think this one will be THE one?' At some level, I am pretty sure I knew the answer.

Sometimes change comes with an impulse, in a moment we decide 'I had enough' and although we don't do anything with this yet, our mindset is starting to change. Unfortunately, people often fail before they even start, or they are becoming demotivated so quickly. It is quite important to know what we want from ourselves as well as from others. That way it is easier to stay on track.

Change is good, but it mixes opposite feelings such as excitement and fear of the unknown, joy and pain. Until you don't know whether you need it in your life and in which area, you will walk blindly from one job to another, from one diet to a different one, and so on.

I am not saying you don’t have time to figure this out, you do, you just don’t know how much. So what are you waiting for right now?

'Time is limited and some opportunities never repeat themselves.' ‒ Belle de Jour

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Kat Malinowska, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Kat is a LCHF Mindset Coach, certified Life Coach (ICF), Msc Consumer Psychologist and she is undergoing Professional Training in LCHF/Ketogenic Nutrition & Treatment (CPD). She encourages and motivates others to improve their mental and physical health by eating low carb high-fat way, overcome sugar addiction and emotional eating. She doesn’t believe in magic of fad diets, but in real foods. She is a mum and wife, thus she also helps parents how to create healthy relationships with food for their little ones. By eating right food, Kat believes we can optimize ourselves and lifestyle. Her main principles are – no sugar, no processed food, eat real food and live your life to the fullest.

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