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Is GOD Greater Than Your Feelings?

Written by: Melia Diana, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


By far, we live in a world of disorder, chaos, and confusion. What if I can tell you there is another way. Would you listen? Would you believe with your heart, mind, and soul... there’s something greater than your feelings? Your thoughts? Your fears and insecurities?

What if you can gain better clarity of emotions and behavior patterns affecting your relationships? Or have the faith to push through mountains? Sounds pretty good, right? The truth is most people lack accountability and avoid detoxification to get truly healthy in all areas of their lives. Why? Ultimately it takes faith, hard work, and a trust without seeing what lies ahead. We are told to believe God without seeing Him. To trust the process because He knows what’s good for us. “Blessed are those who believe without seeing me” (John 20:29 NLT). Yet, we would rather live in our feelings. We would rather put up with misery and drag it around. Why?

This is why God sacrificed His son, Jesus, so we can have an intimate relationship with Him. A faith and trust in God is designed for us to have a Vertical Relationship with Him. To be changed by the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. To lean on Him during trials and tribulations. To be at peace with Him when those storms come twirling in… and they will! God says, “I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give” (John 14:27). Right there, it tells us that the world cannot give us peace! Yet, so many of us are still running around frantic, not knowing Jesus as our Savior and Healer.

Many often think temporary illusions of happiness will grant them peace and stability. Yikes!

We want to control. We justify and put up defensive walls avoiding the harsh reality. We want everything handed to us on a silver platter. We want a quick-fix. Truth is, most people are full of selfishness, fear, ego, and manipulated by the devil antics. I say this not to belittle or attack, but to share with you that God’s Word is alive and real. That He is our source, not your fickle feelings…. Know this: the devil will do whatever it can to stop you from having a deep kinship with Jesus. To keep you extremely busy, you don’t have the energy or time to spend time with Him.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our messes and ourselves that we miss the point. We miss out on what God is doing behind the scenes. To the naked eye, we can only assume our own interpretations at a surface level. Getting right with God takes legitimate effort. No, this walk is not easy. I realize that’s not a selling point, but its lasting fruit will outlast any negative feeling. Most people abandon ship before they truly give it a real try. The moment things get hard… replays of old, worn-out patterns and toxic mindsets set it, and conformity happens. In order to be changed by Him, we have to follow Him. Allow God to do His thing! And when he does- your behaviors start changing, which allows us to deal with our feelings properly.

God is greater than your feelings! He knows everything. “Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything” (John 3:20).

Every day we are faced with countless decisions. How we respond. How we allow it to make us feel. Changes will happen. I’m always reminded of the power of God’s Word. That our thoughts directly affect our emotions and feelings. Feelings come and go. Be encouraged to live out of your feelings and in God’s Word.

Not sure about you, but I wanted to be changed, and I was tired of living that “old life” not bearing any fruit. What about you? Tired of living off your feelings? Is it going to be God or your fickle feelings?

Subscribe and check out more episodes on— The Vertical Relationship Show on iTunes and listen to my podcast on my website!

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Melia Diana, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Melia is an International & Best-Selling Author, Certified Christian Counselor, Award-Winning Contributing Writer, Relationship & Dating Coach, Trainer and Podcaster. She has spent over 14 years in medical and fitness field, as a Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant, Certified ACSM Personal Trainer and Personal Training Specialist, completing numerous certifications. But it doesn’t stop there!

Melia’s extensive certifications and background led her to utilize her faith, knowledge, experience and personal development to brand and design her own Signature Coaching Programs. She developed a unique methodology to help clarify the missing links and identify core root problems hindering God’s best. She takes her clients through a one-on-one transformational healing journey, guided by the Holy Spirit, for restoration of their hurting souls and removal of toxic wound patterns. With a godly approach, she helps Christian women to break soul barriers and have loving relationships they’ve always desired.

She is a faith-based published author of Vertical Relationship: 4 Steps To Salvation & Getting Right With God and International Best-Seller of Overcomer: Redeemed Masterpiece, where she wrote “7 Keys To Finally Have a Godly Man.” Melia is also a Best-Selling author of Raising the Bar Volume 6, her eye-opening chapter is “Relationship Breakthroughs & Breaking Barriers.”

Melia’s faith-based podcast is called The Vertical Relationship Show, inspired by her heartfelt book. Her topics include godly relationships, marriage, dating, inner healing, and fitness & health from a Kingdom mindset perspective. Learn how to heal “God’s Way” and cultivate thriving relationships with others, yourself, and most importantly-Jesus! She sprinkles God’s Word in her podcast to reveal His truth with no fluff.

God’s mission for Melia, is to help lost souls find true healing to cultivate fruitful relationships. With her God-given spiritual gifts, Melia desires to genuinely encourage and inspire others to heal through the love of Jesus Christ.

Blessings xo

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