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Is Fear Holding you Back?

Written by: Roxy Rapedius, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Do you have the "what if" thoughts constantly running in your head, creating images and stories of negative outcomes before making goals, decisions, or dreams a reality?

And on top of these stories, do you tell yourself: I'm not worthy, I don't deserve money, I'm not smart, I'm not enough, I never meet expectations, I'm a failure, bad things always happen to me, etc.

These sayings are your core beliefs and play a big role in your daily activities. They are views and notions you hold about yourself and how the world works. Core beliefs are instilled and shaped at a very young age by your parents and other dominant figures in your life and become your truth. They are stored in your subconscious, can become very powerful, self-limiting, and create the fear holding you back.

Self-limiting core beliefs are not truths about who you really are and dictate how you live and behave every day. They are automatic thoughts circling your mind daily, leading to actions or, in most cases, lack thereof, thus affecting your decisions in your personal, professional, and or business life.

“You act and feel not according to what things are like, but according to the image your mind holds of what they are like. You have certain mental images of yourself, your world, and the people around you, and you behave as though those images were the truth, the reality, rather than the things they represent.” — Maxwell Maltz.

Beliefs are formed long-term and will not be changed overnight. With persistence and dedication, you will change your beliefs, make considerable positive advancements and feel powerful differences in your life. If I can do it, so can you!

I used to make up those stories, have those negative self-talk and, suffer in silence! Why, why, why?

Jumping out of my comfort zone was so scary. The fear was holding me back from making decisions to leap forward.

Up to the age of 38, I used to live for the weekend and would jam-pack it with "stuff" that I couldn't do during the week because I was too busy, or simply keep me busy enough to prevent sadness to creep in. Come Sunday night, I would dread the upcoming week!

Does that sound like you?

I believed there was more to life than living from paycheck to paycheck, working overtime, missing out on gatherings and events, and not traveling to dream destinations. Working in jobs with limited salary, strict working hours, dictated vacation time, and no pay raises was daunting and emotionally draining. Although I excelled in all my jobs, won awards every year, I was embarrassed by my title.

Seeing a life coach was one of the best investments I made. An investment in me, my wellness, my growth! I uncovered all my self-limiting beliefs and shortly realized how worthy I was in every aspect of my life and that I could achieve anything I wanted to do.

There is no limit to what you can do and achieve when you visualize, believe, trust and surround yourself with people who uplift you every day.

Today, I'm thriving in all areas of my life. I'm a successful Executive Wellness and Mindset Coach, my vision board, becomes a reality, and life is good!

Follow Roxy on her Facebook and Instagram. You can also visit her website for more info!


Roxy Rapedius, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Roxy Rapedius’ decades of professional experience include progressively increasing responsibility and measurable positive results. Roxy has built significant and unique skills through these roles. She has experience in life coaching, public speaking, training, teaching, behavioral analysis, addiction, trauma, mental health, palliative support, grief and bereavement support, opioid dependency treatment, finance, insurance, event planning, financial planning, environmental development, immigration, dental, and banking. As CEO and Coach of Life Coach With Roxy, she approaches her work and life as an established leader who gets results. Roxy has a curiosity and keen desire to expand her knowledge and acumen to reach greater heights in serving others as a leader in business and life.

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