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Is Anything Truly Important?

Royce Morales is a renowned trailblazer and creator of an innovative, spiritually-based approach to inner transformation. Her program, Perfect Life Awakening, emerged from a lifetime of frustration searching for inner work that worked. She discovered that by revealing specific subconscious origins of self-sabotage and removing its persistent influence, life can shift.

Executive Contributor Royce Morales

Ridiculous as it sounds, a while ago, I found myself stressing because I didn’t have time to make the bed in the morning. And, OMG, it was almost ten!

Butterfly with red and black wings rests on a person's outstretched arm against a serene waterfront background, evoking a peaceful mood.

Granted, we live in the forest, and our closest neighbor, hundreds of yards away, would never think of “dropping by.” In fact, in ten years of living here, maybe fifteen people have crossed our threshold, and they were all planned for.

Except for one time, three years ago.

It was a busy morning. I had just finished taping my podcast, and my newly adopted dog, Gigi, was frantic to go out. Most of the snow had already melted, but I still carefully watched every step as I walked with her to do her business. Then, kerplunk, I slipped on some black ice (who knew what that was?) and fell, breaking my hip.

On the ambulance ride, I texted my neighbor to see if she could take care of my disabled husband until I got home. At that point, I thought I would be back in a few hours (denial is a good thing!). After she agreed to help, I suddenly remembered I had not made my bed. Oh, the terror of someone seeing my house a mess!

From then on, the bed has been religiously made the minute we get up. Especially if there is snow on the ground. Ahem…

Telling this story is embarrassing, but the amount of growth from that experience still unfolds. My need for approval was obvious. But seeing one more layer of the interconnection of everything helped me evolve to a place of so what.

It all connects

When I began to understand life from a spiritual perspective, I started experiencing the interconnectedness of everything. At first, it was superficial. I would think about someone, the phone would ring, and it would be them. (Note to those under the age of 60: This strange occurrence would happen back when people actually called rather than texted!)

Then it got deeper for me.

I would need something, no matter what it was, and it would show up. I would meet someone who had the answer I had been searching for. I would feel complete with a friend or a love relationship, and they would vanish without a messy breakup. I would feel pulled into a shop I would never have gone into, only to find the perfect gift. If I was talking to a student, precise words would come to me, exactly what they and I needed to hear.

Inevitably, things like that would happen in unexpected, often bizarre ways, always shocking no matter how often they occurred. The Zen notion that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings is felt around the world became very real to me.

As my inner spiritual journey became my every breath, I implicitly trusted the interconnection of everything.

I learned that the web of energy was always supporting me, even when it appeared not to be, especially when it seemed to be hindering me or stopping me. Eventually, the puzzle pieces would come together, and I would discover why certain things happened or did not happen. Tearfully, I would thank its wisdom for preventing something or for taking me in a direction I was meant to go. Everything was an awakening lesson, allowing me to clean up something I had been in denial about.

Then so what happened

Something else occurred during that time. I call it being in the so what place.

I know. It sounds dismissive, like who cares, whatever, what is the big deal, or the current one, meh.

Actually, so what is a very evolved level to attain. It means that, rather than living from this is so awful, how could this happen, what a jerk, or my life is ruined, you know that, yes, everything happens for a reason. And you also understand that, on a spiritual level, you have chosen this life to learn and complete things, so it is perfect.

Trust me, it is not an easy place to reach. Plus, it is all too easy to use so what as a way to suppress your emotions or to put on a Joe Spiritual act. Do not do that. Trust me again, faking it does not work.

Instead, allow yourself to get to so what by fully feeling everything, the upset, the sadness, the fear, the disappointment, the hopelessness. Look deeper and see what the triggering is really about, the specific button that was pushed. Then, you can allow the higher consciousness truth to unfold naturally. Sometimes, it takes as long as it takes, so patience is definitely a virtue.

Doing this will allow those amazing coincidences to appear. Think of so what with different punctuation: So, what? Like, so, what now?

Can so what apply to even big events?

Okay, I bet your wheels are turning, trying to find examples where so what could never apply.

Like what is going on politically and planetarily that is negatively affecting millions. Like brutal, ridiculous wars, destruction of the environment, and power grabs. The list is endless.

Should we just sit back and say, well, they or we chose this, and they or we just need to get their or our lessons? Should we roll our eyes and say, so what, get over it?

No, on both. That would be a close relative to narcissistically saying whatever. Like I said a few paragraphs above, it is tough to get there even with decades of inner work, but even harder when someone shoves it in your face. Or when you shove it in your own face.

A better thing to do is shift that comma and turn it into so, what? What should we do now? What can I do now? What can all of us do? By coming from a compassionate place, also known as truly caring, your assistance can take someone from OMG to the positive form of so what.

It might be challenging to help others and the world get to that place right now since it needs to happen organically. But know that evolving to so what means understanding that, in the big picture, nothing really matters except living from an awakened place of love. And when you do, others awaken as well.

Here is my final trust me: That is what is happening. Perfectly.

Well, gotta go make my bed now!

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!


Royce Morales, Transformational Facilitator, Teacher, Podcast Host, Speaker, Author, Columnist

Royce Morales is the creator of the Perfect Life Awakening program. Reach out to her to awaken your evolutionary journey by neutralizing the origins of what’s triggering you. Transform from fear to empowered love in her empowering, life-shifting courses. Sign up for her next ten week seminar “Transform from Self-Sabotage to Empowerment” date and time TBA. Watch her awakening podcasts on OM Times Media, “The Perfect Life Awakening Show” and “It’s All Mirrors” livestreaming every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. PT or linked on You Tube. 

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