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Interview With Silvia Fontquerni Freixa – High Performance Leadership Coach

Silvia Fontquerni is originally from a town near Barcelona. She holds a postgraduate in Human Resources and is currently studying a Master in Learning and Development to re-direct her professional career to Human Development and Resources. Moreover, she founded Silvia FF Coaching on the side, performing as a psychologist and coach helping individuals to be more confident by reducing self-critic, self-limitations and ego.

Silvia Fontquerni, Life Coach

How did your career start?

When I finished my Psychology Bachelor's, I wanted to become a Life Coach, Executive Coach, or work in Human Resources to help companies improve their way of operating. However, after talking to professionals, experts and knocking on a lot of companies’ doors I was rejected again and again with comments such as you are too young, you need to be an executive for that, what you ask does not exist, you cannot make a living out of it… Life and my gut feeling pushed me in another direction: jumping from company to company, again and again, changing jobs constantly in different areas and roles since I was not able to find my professional career. Even though it was not easy, this professional journey gave me a lot of knowledge of different company strategies and cultures, management styles, team operations as well as lots of different skills in many different areas such as training, sales, human resources, coaching, psychology, diversity, and inclusivity… Until I ended up in Intercontinental - IHG Hotels in London where my boss Globy Ouseph could value and appreciate the great impact of my skills and knowledge on the team, work atmosphere, and the results within the company overall. He suggested making a career out of it, however, due to COVID-19, this was not able to happen. Nevertheless, I decided to launch my Coaching Business “Silvia FF Coaching” expanding on the areas that I wanted to grow when I finished my Psychology Bachelor: life coaching, and workplace culture.

What about your personal life?

My personal life was a huge challenge for me as well. Facing situations such as bullying at a very young stage; toxic/abusive and manipulative environments; lack of motivation; friends, work, and family issues; feeling completely lost, overall created me high levels of anxiety and stress; my self-image and confidence were completely damaged. I went broke more than once and I found myself doing completely the contrary to what everybody was expecting, doing, or advising. This led me to constantly feel lonely and out of place. Until I decided to start a new life from scratch in London, UK (2 suitcases, hostel booking, and a few savings).

These challenges made me extremely independent, strong, highly skilled, and resourceful. My life path allowed me to grow a lot in well-being, integrity, ethics, and toxic profiles. Moreover, the power of your mind in creating your reality, how to create abundance, human psychology, and potential, joy and fulfilment, stress and pressure management, what motivates, what creates a good atmosphere, how to gain clarity to make the right decisions, how to grow confidence, be unstoppable and successful.

What was the result of all of that?

The result of all these challenges has been growing my knowledge and expertise exponentially in all the areas of my career. Turning all my pain into my gain provided me acquiring impeccable and effective knowledge which creates impact.

What was your business based on when you launched it?

When I first launched my business, it was based on life coaching as boosting confidence and self-image, leaving a toxic workplace behind, dealing with anxiety and stress, changing my career path, gaining clarity to make better decisions, overcoming fears and self-limitations, assertiveness, communication or fulfilment.

Do you see your clients only online?

Silvia FF Coaching is currently working online with platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft teams and it will keep growing in this direction at the moment. However, I am always open to new offers, deals, and opportunities.

My coaching consists of three stages.

  1. Clarity and self-awareness: where clients define where they are now and where they want to be, they define their impossible.

  2. Transformation: clients' inner changes create and shape their reality daily; their barriers start to fade and what looked like a big problem ends up being a life lesson.

  3. Outcomes & Impact: when clients' inner world change, not only their reality changes but also their impact on their team and company.

Why did you decide to include the sentence “Make the impossible possible” in your coaching business?

Because nothing is impossible. Everything is impossible until it is done. How many cases there have been in humanity where it was believed something was impossible until the contrary was proved. You can recognize it even with science where it was truly believed that the earth was flat and that the earth couldn't be a sphere. A woman couldn't go to work, needing to stay home taking care of children and house tasks until it was done. How many cases were diagnosed as terminal illnesses and never died because of that? And the list can go on and on. I do believe everything is possible and the only limitation is your mind, your thoughts, and your beliefs. Your current reality is your perception, the society where you live is a social invention. I already achieved some of the impossibles and this is just the beginning. Your inner wisdom or gut feeling is key to achieve your dreams, fulfilment, goals, success, and any impossible you may have still not even considered.

Want to learn more from Sílvia? Follow her on Instagram, Facebook and visit her website.

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