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Interview With Renate Prandl ‒ Sustainable Life Mastery, Elite Performance Coach

Renate Prandl is Asia's Premier Sustainable Life Mastery Strategist, Certified Feldenkrais® Expert, sports coach, mentor, and Certified High Performance(™) coach. With over 40 years of combined experience as a Professor in a business school and entrepreneur, Renate uses a variety of proven techniques and applications to help you reach your highest potential, get to the Next Level, and potentially live your Life by Design - in a holistic, doable and sustainable way. Her "Power of 3" systems help you turn obstacles into stepping stones and build Physical, Emotional, Financial Resilience. Renate is the CEO of Body & Brain, Founder of Body And Brain Mastery, International Bestselling Author of 3 books, and has lived on 3 continents. Her mission: Anything is possible.

Renate Prandl, Sustainable Life Mastery, Elite Performance Coach

Who is Renate Prandl? Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a Coach, International Keynote Speaker, 3 Times International Bestselling and Award-Winning Author, Mentor, CEO of Body And Brain, and Founder of BodyAndBrainMastery and Pain2Power.

I had a career as a Professor at a renowned business school before starting my own coaching business, Body And Brain, in Singapore about 25 years ago. What started as holistic Personal Training was followed by more specialized education as a Certified Feldenkrais®Practitioner. I felt the “traditional” approach to health, fitness and performance in general was lacking depth and left many people injured, physically and mentally. What began as a quest to help myself has led me to where I am today helping more people step from pain into their power, take responsibility for their life’s circumstances, find ways to turn obstacles into steppingstones, and really live the life they dream of. A life by design, not a life in default.

What is it that you do for your clients?

When I coach or mentor my clients - CEOs, musicians, other mentors, speakers, high performers and achievers, C-Suite executives - I look at the whole person and not just at one particular area. Most of the time the challenge, the problem, the real issue is not where the pain is.

Let me give you two examples:

When a person doesn’t perform at his/her best in business the reason may actually be somewhere else like relationship worries.

A person’s backpain may be the result of poor posture and poor movement habits (root cause can be depression, relationship issues).

That’s why it is so important to go deeper using a HOLISTIC approach if we want lasting shifts and improvement.

Whether I work as a Feldenkrais® Practitioner or as a Certified High-Performance Coach™ I always look at the whole person – it’s the same approach. Change and improvement happen from within when dealing with the root cause discovering the “elusive obvious”.

I offer my clients a safe place, I hold space for them. I am all about integrity and confidentiality, hence my clients trust me, they open up and step out of their comfort zone.

Who should hire/work with you?

Well, people need to APPLY as I want to make sure that we are good fit. I don’t work with people who hurt others, who have no honest intention, who lie. Why? Because it’s a partnership and I am very selective who I join on their journey to an extraordinary life.

I want my students to succeed, whether it’s in business, as leaders, in their health and wellness arena, and in their personal or professional relationships. They need to be willing to do the work, “empty their cups” as the late Bruce LEE would say, have an open mind and open heart. I am not accepting anyone who doesn’t meet these pre-requisites and who only looks for a quick fix. Then I am NOT their mentor. I do, however, if they get accepted and make all the moves, save them a 15, 20 or even 25-year learning curve teaching only what works leaving out the fluff.

What is your biggest goal?

My biggest goal really is to EMPOWER more people to take back control over their life, their time, their well-being.

Currently there are so many “inspirational and motivational” experts out there – which is great. Nothing wrong with it. Having said that, motivation without ACTION doesn’t change anything, at least not for a prolonged period of time.

I want to help more people apply the “Power of 3” Principle to become more independent, not co-dependent. I want them to know more about nutrition, movement, the mind and not fall for every “quick fix miracle solution”. The only MIRACLES are the ones you work for and make them happen.

How does this work?

  1. Shift their MINDSET

  2. Clarify and define their MISSION

  3. Design the MOVES

3 simple moves. Mindset – Mission – Moves

Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?

That’s a very tricky questions, because under the current circumstances I think it’s really challenging to plan 10 years ahead. I hope I will still be alive and kicking being able to serve my tribe, support them to get unstuck and reach sustainable levels of good physical, financial, emotional and mental well-being.

What brought you to work as a coach and mentor in the first place?

I wanted to become a teacher as I was inspired by some of my own. The ones who asked for some disciple and work ethics, the ones who also made us laugh, the ones who listened to us kids. I LOVED teaching, yet I felt I needed to break free from the limitations of the official “school system” to serve more people, different age groups, different backgrounds, different race and color. I became a professional coach and mentor, because many people graduate from school/university without having a plan what to do next, even without any guaranteed job. Others have no plan how to take care of themselves, their well-being and end up with injuries, burnout and even stroke.

What is it that you do for your clients?

My system works and helps them reach their dreams, faster, safer, potentially. I want my students to have a more fulfilled life, not a life in pain, but a life where they show up in their power, their strength, their potential. I don’t want them to find themselves on their death bed feeling unfulfilled pondering “how life would have been IF…. “

I coach/mentor online and offline, individually, in groups, I speak on stage (keynote speaker), hold workshops tailored to the client’s needs while following my system and structure. I write books, articles for magazines, I provide lots of FREE training on social media to give those who are really struggling a chance to get back on their feet (all part of my Pro-Bono work).

Languages: English, German.

Could you probably share a success story?

Yes, Mr.W, in his 70ies, suffered a severe stroke. His wife was told by the doctors that her husband who had been a very successful entrepreneur would be in the wheelchair for the rest of his life. When he came to work with me he was off balance, could barely walk, and had some other severe signs of a stroke survivor. As mentioned earlier, I always look at and address the whole person. He wanted me to do some “Feldenkrais magic” (the MOVES) - we covered that – but more importantly we added 2 of the most important elements of High Performance Coaching - MINDSET and MISSION. Now he is fully functioning, he walks, plays tennis and golf living his Life by Design.

Can you give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote“? Why do you think that resonates with you?

“If you stumble and fall, get up on your feet, brush off the dust and keep moving forward”.

I stumbled many times due to lack to knowledge, lack of guidance, too much enthusiasm, lots of reasons, you get it, right? Maybe this sounds familiar. I learnt to look at the situation with curiosity and ask myself, “Why exactly did I stumble?” “What can and will I do differently next time?” There’s always a lesson to be learnt. It is only regarded a failure or a mistake if you do the same over and over and over again. This is called insanity, right? Trust you heard this before. Learn from the situation. Emerge stronger. Have a clearer vision of the journey ahead.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now and how do you think this will help people?

Currently I am building some workshops, trainings, and a few shorter kickstart programs to get people from pain into their power, fast. I guess this is what people need right now. They don’t need more motivation. People need more doable steps, things they can implement right away to see and feel change, to create momentum, create shifts.

I have also started to work on a new book based on my proprietary system to master Body, Brain and Mind. This will probably be done and published around March/April next year. It will help people to stay on track as there will be action steps, exercises, a little bit of a “workbook”. Self help versus Shelf help book. Cannot disclose more at this point.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped you to get where you are?

For starters, my PARENTS who told me all the things I couldn’t not do, things that were meant for others, but not like people “like us”. This ignited a fire in me to prove them wrong and instilled a “never give up” attitude. I am also grateful that they eventually made it possible to attend university (yes, I didn’t give up on this, I was very persistent), me being the first person in our whole extended family to do so.

Some of my teacher who created the desire to travel and even move to different countries and continents.

Professionally I had a few other mentors/teachers along my way before I met Joel Bauer. I admit, I didn’t like him in the beginning, but now I do J Having worked with him intensely just over a year I understand where he is coming from. He not only teaches Business, Closing, he also teaches Coaching/Mentoring while doing so, and Personal Development. He helped me – and still is – stepping into my full power, offline and online.

Best part I like about Joel as he emerged as one of my role models is that he gives and gives and gives while serving with an open HEART.

What is the best way our readers can further follow your work online, Renate?

Instagram, LinkedIn, FB are the platforms where I can be reached easily to start or deepen a conversation on how to lead a healthier, wealthier, potentially more fulfilled life.

A Life by Design.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and visit my website.



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