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Interview with Louisa Havers – Success & Business Coach

Louisa Havers is the creator of the Helix Method® Certification Program, a Master Akashic Record Consultant and Teacher, one of the first 22 Energy Alignment Method Mentors in the world, an Advanced Pranic Healer, and an International Life & Business Coach. Six years ago, she stepped out of her comfort zone, escaping the corporate hamster wheel, and left her senior management role in Social Services, to create a new identity. Since then, she’s helped entrepreneurs, coaches, and CEOs to break through their upper-income limits and live their best life. To date, she has served over 8,000 people across Northern America, Canada, Europe, and Australasia, empowering them to make life-changing transformations, so they too can love the life they live.

We wanted to find out more about this inspiring success & business coach and energy healer; her journey, and some inspired tips for anyone currently looking to break through an income barrier.

Louisa Havers, Business Coach for High Achievers

Louisa, your world has changed dramatically over the past few years – what kick-started this huge transformation?

It certainly has! Ten years ago, I had a “great” job, working in the Public Sector, leading service re-designs across multiple agencies, as well as mentoring people in their careers in the workplace. I felt safe. The work was varied; I was being promoted and learning new skills and different ways to help people. I thought I had a job for life. As a single mum of two boys, this felt like a good place to be. Sure, the hours were incredibly long, but I was well-paid and could put a roof over our heads and food on the table. The reality was, I was working in a sector that had pay freezes for 8 straight years, coupled with endless rounds of redundancies, meaning I was taking on a greater workload, increased hours in the office – so I saw less of my kids - for the same money. I was exhausted; I had no time for the things I wanted to do or to enjoy the things that truly mattered.

Then came two huge life events, which led to a profound change in my thinking. The first was my father’s death. He was an incredibly creative man, an artist, who’d given up this passion to take up a corporate job, so he could keep his family in a certain style. He would always say that when he retired, he was going to return to painting, and become the artist he’d always longed to be; something he’d been unable to do for so long, because of the long hours he worked. Then he became ill and never got to enjoy the retirement he’d planned. For me, this was a huge ‘aha’ moment. I realized unless I took action and created change in my life, I was heading down the same path. My second epiphany was about Shingles and post-viral chronic fatigue, which left me off work for 5 months. My mind body and spirit were telling me, very clearly, that I needed to do things differently.

From this ‘AHA’ moment, what led you into the world of coaching?

My next steps were a puzzle I needed to solve! What would I do instead? I asked myself what my ideal business would look like, and lived in the energy of that question. I was very open to what came up. The first opportunity I manifested was within a network marketing business. It was something I could do outside my working day, so I embraced the opportunities. It opened many doors for me, as well as helping me realize that it was the coaching element of my job that lit me up. Working with people, and enabling them to achieve great results, gave me huge joy. Once I understood where my passion lay, I knew I had to make big changes in my life, now; not wait for things to happen. Unless I radically altered how I was living, I’d simply experience more of the same.

What gave you the confidence to take those first steps towards your new life?

Yes, leaving the “safe” job, with its illusion of “security” was a huge step, but I had faith that what I was doing was for the best. Whilst still working full time, I’d also become certified in Coaching, which I knew was where my passion and future lay. Once I’d made the big decision to leave, I studied further and became certified in energy modalities, Pranic Healing, The Energy Alignment Method, and certified as an Akashic Records Consultant and Teacher. Thanks to these, I learned how to manage my energy, thoughts, and emotions, to completely shift the way I looked at life. So, in answer to your question, I’d say Divine guidance gave me the confidence to finally leave my corporate job; understanding that I had to have the courage to take the first step – because by doing so, I said to the Universe that I was open to change. It’s a step I’m so grateful I took!

What was the first thing you did when you left full-time work?

Funnily enough, it was finding a Coach! Someone who could help guide me in setting up my business. It’s such a HUGE identity shift becoming the CEO of your own business that I found it massively helpful to have someone there who could mentor me, whilst I transformed my vibration and expectations.

Can you tell us more about the brand DNA?

In everything I do, I lead by the heart. My motto is – love your body, love your life, love your soul addicted to alignment. My original business name, Trifolium – the Latin name for clover - represented this three-faceted approach. If you’ve ever seen a Clover with its three heart-shaped leaves, connected to a triangle in the center, you’d understand why. However, as my work evolves, so does my business. I recently renamed it LAMH International Ltd. LAMH combines both mine and my sons’ initials, reflecting the Legacy energy that my business is creating. Our motto of “Love your life, love your body, love your soul, underpins everything that we do.

How important is one’s vision of self when it comes to success?

I’m always fascinated by the different success masks we wear. These are the things we’ve attached our identity to – they reflect the roles we’ve played to reach the point we currently find ourselves. The question is, when you strip them away, who are you?

For me, having gone from leading large teams to becoming the leader and the team, was a real turning point in my life. I was creating a whole new identity; opening myself up to both self-doubt, as well as opportunity, and I needed to change my vibrational set point to reflect my new circumstances.

We attract the things that mirror the self-concepts of our identity, so there’s always work to be done around this. It’s one of the reasons why I love helping leaders and entrepreneurs break through to those next income levels. It’s because so much of it revolves around identity – because how we see ourselves is a story we tell ourselves and others. We do this because we seek to prove the idea we have of ourselves is right; that we are indeed who we see ourselves as being. The crucial thing to ensure an income breakthrough is to discover which stories we’re telling ourselves are the ones holding us back… then release them, and replace them with new ones, vibrationally aligned to our updated vision of self.

What else has your energy healing and coaching taught you, when it comes to breaking through an income barrier?

Everything is energy. If we’re out of alignment in one aspect of our life, this has a ripple effect across everything else. I’ve seen this time and time again – in my own life, as well as my clients. Alignment is a crucial part of the success story. It’s also something that I help my clients achieve. Our bodies talk to us… and if you know what to look for, they are wonderfully clear! So, if you aren’t where you want to be, then there’s something holding you back. I help clients uncover beliefs they may be holding on to – ones they might not even be aware of – and enable them to be released.

It’s so wonderfully simple. Once you understand that everything you create mirrors the energy state you’re in, it becomes easier to discern what your subconscious is doing and if it’s holding you back. The key is to find out what’s happening energetically. Only then can you recalibrate and move forward.

We’re always in one of three energetic states.

a. Being in Flow

This is a receiving energy. It’s where we want to be. This is where everything feels easy. All is going well. It’s effortless. We are open to allow things in.

b. Being in Resistance

This is when it seems like you’re making progress, but it feels slow and hard – two steps forward, two steps back. Limiting beliefs pop up. We are creating this resistance.

c. Reversed energy

This is where everything feels stuck. You’re doing the right things, but nothing is happening. You feel as though you’re moving away from your goals.

It’s amazing how a seemingly innocuous belief you’ve held all your life, can be the very thing that’s stopping you from being inflow. If you can get to the root of the cause and then let it go, the resulting release and forward momentum can feel like magic. Cleaning our energy opens up the space to receive. Muscle testing allows you to identify any resistance you’re holding, release it and realign to a higher energetic attraction point.

What would you say is the most commonly held myth that can hold you back from earning the income of your dreams?

Ah, this is a myth that comes up a lot in both my 1:1 coaching sessions and group Mastermind classes. It’s more common than you’d imagine. What is it? Well, it’s getting rid of the ‘work hard’ programming. The belief that you must work really, really hard to achieve the money/success you desire is a root cause of stress and burnout and attracts the opposite results. It’s a conviction that’s been imprinted in our conscious and subconscious minds from a young age, thanks to our parents, schools, friends, and work colleagues. “You’ll only succeed if you spend longer doing XYZ / working harder at XYZ”, is something we’ve all heard at some point in our life. We also absorb this message by watching others acting it out. Certainly, for me, watching my dad working himself ragged, it was definitely a program I ran, until I released it using my Energy Kinesiology Method (part of my Helix Method® Certification Program).

This myth can show up in so many hidden ways. For instance, “if I don’t work hard, my business will falter”, “if I don’t work hard, my money will dry up / clients disappear” etc. We need to catch all the different thoughts around this myth and replace them with positive aligned beliefs that raise our vibrational energy, i.e., “the more money I make, the more money I make”, and “the easier it gets, the easier it gets” and “the more energy I have, the more energy I have.” etc.

It’s one of the biggest illusions out there and, one of the biggest causes of stress and burnout. Working harder and harder is never the solution to achieving the success of your dreams. The key is to become the vibrational match to all you desire, then it’s your energy that does the heavy lifting for you.

That makes so much sense! Do you have another top tip for busting through an income ceiling?

If you haven’t already got a manifesting process, get one… and implement it daily! It’s part of my everyday ritual – where I set my intention and co-create with the Universe. You can always take my process for a spin and see how it serves you. It takes no more than 15 minutes a day.

1. Connect to your higher self. It’s so crucial to align all levels of our consciousness: the conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious. You can do this by setting the intention to connect, then taking heart-centered breaths, in and out... until you feel linked to the universe, rather than your ego.

2. Create the identity of your future self. By this I mean, take time to consider what is showing up in your business. Is there any resistance? You can muscle test what comes up and find out if any sneaky, hidden beliefs have crept in. Clear these and reprogramme your thoughts by doing affirming activations. This will help re-wire self-concepts and create a new vibrational set point.

3. Live in the energy of the question. This is a very powerful step. It’s where you pose a ‘how’ or ‘why’ question – because phrasing it in this way creates an energetic space for answers to come through. For instance, “How is it that I’ve doubled my income?” or “Why am I always receiving more money?” Doing this is like writing your desire on a post-It note and handing it to the Universe. Don’t try and force any answers to your question, just notice any synchronicities or guidance that comes through. It may not be immediate – it can come later in the day – and it might not be a blinding ‘aha’ moment. It can be just a little nudge here and there. With practice, you’ll learn to recognize and be open to what the Universe is showing you.

4. Take aligned action on the inspiration you receive. This action is vital. As you do this, you are allowing yourself to take action on those ideas that are in resonance with your intention, which leads to greater moments and results. If you want to know more about the Law of Vibration – take a look HERE.

The key to this manifesting process is to do it DAILY! Consistency is so important when it comes to building momentum around your new energetic attraction point.

What’s your final piece of advice for a leader or entrepreneur looking to break through their income ceiling?

Focus, focus, focus! We live in a time when we wear many hats – mother, daughter, friend, CEO, etc. – so our lives can sometimes feel like a juggling act. It can lead to feeling a bit scattered, as our intention can become spread across too many areas. Concentrate on the main outcome you want – i.e., an income breakthrough – because, as we know with energy, wherever your attention is, becomes your intention. Having a single-minded focus in one area doesn’t mean that you must neglect everything else, but it shows the Universe where your current priority lies, and the Universe will respond in kind.

What do you think when you look back at your journey from Public Sector to internationally renowned Success & Business Coach, and Energetic Healer?

Looking back to when I was struggling on the corporate hamster wheel to where I am now, I’m profoundly thankful for the incredible transformation I’ve made in my own life. I now have time to spend with my sons – and our relationship has changed so profoundly because of it. I am also able to enjoy my home in East Sussex, England, and my cats, Batman and Robin. I’m so grateful I get to contribute to my clients’ lives; to help them align and manifest beyond their wildest dreams, in both their lives and businesses, and that is more fulfilling than I could have ever thought possible. I think if I have to narrow it down, success to me is a feeling you embody; of being in the moment, feeling in flow. I call it aligned success and having this aligned success is the best place to live from.

So, what’s the next big project for Louisa Havers, and how can someone get in touch with you?

I have just launched The Helix Method® Certification program. It’s a truly exciting program, for anyone seeking an intuitive methodology that can be used, for the rest of your life, to stay in alignment and make your manifesting inevitable. You’ll also learn how to coach clients on energy alignment and manifesting techniques, so they too achieve results greater than they could have imagined. The possibilities for using The Helix Method ® in your transformational business are limitless!

You can contact me via FACEBOOK, where you can join one of my amazing Mastermind communities - or on INSTAGRAM, or visit my WEBSITE, or email me directly at I am open to working with soul-aligned leaders, entrepreneurs, and coaches anywhere in the world.

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