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Interview With Intuitive Healer Madeleine P Wober

Madeleine P Wober (aka Maddie Sparkles, America’s Scottish Sparkle) delivers Sage Wisdom with Childlike Enthusiasm connecting people to their Internal Light (& Guardian Angels). After three decades of medical setbacks including severe anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and suicidal thoughts in her 20’s, Ovarian Cancer in her 30’s and diagnosed with MS in her 40’s, she helps others to release their fears and step into their power so they can live a truly magical life by seeing the silver linings around every seeming obstacle and feeling divinely guided. Maddie Sparkles, an Intuitive Healer (working with the angels & spirit guides ), Voice Actor, Inspirational Poet & Transformational Empowerment Coach, illuminates the path of living magically. She runs Living Magically Retreats globally, has a vibrant, Facebook community and offers Angel & Oracle card readings for healing in any area of your life. She has been featured on ABC10 YCL, NBC BLOOM TV, FOX 24, Ticker News Australia, The Red Corner Show South Africa, Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, The Red Blazer Book, Various Podcasts & Radio.

Maddie Sparkles, Intuitive Healer

You are known as Maddie Sparkles, America’s Scottish Sparkle, where did this name come from?

I talk every day about what it is to be Living Magically, and this is partly connected to sharing my light and my joy with the world as well as what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience here on earth. I have been wearing sparkles on my eyes for 20 years, so they have become my trademark and of course they always bring great energy to the people I meet. I was inspired to start my own Glitter line so that others could also enjoy wearing glitter and experience the joy it brings to others and the fun it is to wear it.

Has your life always felt magical?

On and off. In my 20’s it was a really dark time and yet it was peppered with incredibly serendipitous moments. Serendipity (chance encounters) lifted me up and reminded me that there is always something much bigger than me at play.

For example around that time, even though I was experiencing chronic anxiety, depression and panic attacks, I had some miraculous experiences with angels, which on reflection began in early childhood, but were highly significant during my darkest times. These personal interactions led me to what I am doing now. I incorporate intuitive, transformational empowerment coaching with the angelic realm which I use with my clients on a daily basis.

What does it mean to be living magically?

Following your joy, sharing your gifts with the world, for example I love writing uplifting poetry inspired by nature, and the dreams and aspirations we have in life, so I decided to publish a collection of personal poems which were written over a five year period whilst living in Scotland, England and America, when life inspired me to write whilst experiencing challenging and joyful times. Living magically is also about feeling deeply connected to self and to others, increasing awareness and opening your mind to receiving signs, especially during walks in nature- for example seeing a butterfly, a white feather, hearing a song on the radio with the perfect message in a lyric, a chance meeting, a perfect opportunity that seemingly arrives out of nowhere. Finally, other key components to living magically include, gratitude, trust and having faith in the timing of things. Serendipity is my most favorite thing and always brings great delight, especially if it is something or someone I was thinking about a day or two before.

How can we live life feeling divinely guided?

Whether we believe in it or not, we all have a guardian angel with us since birth, guiding and protecting us, and it stays with us until we leave our body, We can talk to it and ask it for help. Since we have free will, it will never intervene if we don’t ask it for help, but it only ever wants for our highest good. The more we quiet our minds and be still the easier it is to hear that guidance

What kind of things can I ask my Guardian Angel?

Anything. The clearer you can get about the specific help you need, the more likely you can move forward. Questions might include: what are my unique gifts and talents that the world needs to know about right now? What can I do to feel more joy? What is my next step? Where did I lose my ( fill in the blank)? Ask it to show you and guide you throughout your day, and be alert for the thoughts, feelings and emotions that you experience. There is no right or wrong with this, it is a personal experience, so just give it a go, and talk to your guardian angel as though it is your best friend.

How has your Guardian Angel impacted your life during these difficult times?

After leaving my high flying VP New Business Development job due to burnout in Nov 2019, right before the pandemic, I wasn’t able to work. I wanted to do something that would be fulfilling and worthwhile and find a way to be of service. Then after meditating one day I got an answer. “Bring more Spirituality to your work. So I did, GLOBALLY with the help of Facebook, IG & Zoom, and after 6 weeks of free readings and a host of wonderful reviews, my Maddie Sparkles brand was re-ignited.

I now connect people all over the world via Zoom, IG and Facebook to their Guardian Angels and healing spirit guides so they can release their fears, step into their power, gain clarity, confidence, acknowledgment, and live a more magical life, feeling divinely guided.

How important is finding joy in life if you want to be successful?

Joy brings natural positivity which instantly gives you more energy which then automatically brings the right people and situations directly to you! My greatest joys recently have been uplifting others with my Angel and Oracle card readings and wearing my brand of sparkles every day, which is a real ice breaker when meeting people in person. I live life with a childlike enthusiasm by staying curious and open-hearted as much as possible.

Do you ever have self-doubt and if so how do you handle it?

I definitely experience self-doubt from time to time, especially when I’m doing something brand new, but really self-doubt is your ego telling you lies about yourself – and then the thoughts start, I’m not good enough, smart enough, others are better at this than me, and so on. I think being human, we all experience some sort of self-doubt in our lives, so to combat this, I talk to my ego (or fear) and tell it “You’re not actually helping me right now, so I’m sending you on vacation to Barbados for two years - have a great time I’ll talk you when you get back, but right now, I’m moving forward without you!’”

What is your favorite quote for overcoming great challenges, and how has it helped you?

I have so many but this one always comes to mind. “Leap and the net will appear” (John Burroughs). There have been so many times in my life when I have felt paralyzed with fear, because I knew with every fiber of my being, that I HAD to take the obvious next step, even though it was excruciatingly terrifying, and every single time I took the risk, it paid off, and made me feel incredibly confident, resilient, and invincible. Like the time I did the famous AJ Hackett Bungy Jump, off the Kawarau Bridge in Queenstown, New Zealand. Even though I have an intense fear of heights, after this symbolic ode to myself, I felt like I could do anything!!! Did my fear of heights vanish? Not at all, but I still, to this day, feel proud of myself for accomplishing this feat, and living to tell the tale.

This example went on to inspire me to overcome extremely challenging decisions in my life when I knew I wanted to take a big risk, for example, walking over hot coals at ‘Unleash the Power Within’, Tony Robbins’ live event. Then there was the time, I decided not to take a connecting flight at the last minute, forfeiting my return flight to the UK from san Francisco, with only £100 left in my checking account. As a result of this risk, I ended up crossing paths with a woman who sponsored me to work, and eventually live in America. My lifelong dream! Each of these choices opened incredible doors of opportunity for me and gave me the strength to trust my intuition.

Is there a particular book, podcast, or film that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?

Again I have so many, but I always come back to the light-hearted movie “SERENDIPITY” starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale. Living in Hove, England in 2013, preparing to close that chapter of my life, I was still obsessed with my childhood dream of living in New York City and/or California, trying to figure out how this would ever come to pass, and this movie came on TV, it was all about chance meetings and happy accidents, and New York City was one of the movie’s greatest characters. I was waiting for the guy from the Salvation Army to drive over and accept my beautiful oak table as a donation. As I watched the credits roll up on the screen, I waited to see the name of the person that wrote this amazing script on ‘serendipity’, it was a screenwriter called Marc Klein. I said aloud, ”I’d LOVE to meet this guy”! and I remember thinking it was an unusual way of spelling ‘Marc’. A few moments later, my doorbell rang, it was the guy from the charity shop to collect my table. I was sad to see the table go but knew it would bring someone else great joy. As he was leaving I asked him what his name was. He said “Oh I should’ve introduced myself, I’m Marc, Marc Klein!”. I asked in disbelief, Marc with a ‘C’ or a ‘K’!? He replied “Marc with a ‘C”. This was SERENDIPITY at its best and a real sign for me. Six months later I had been offered a job and was living in California.

What are your 5 top tips for living magically and dealing with life’s challenges?

1. Have a cold shower in the morning which will take a bit of getting used to but the pay-off is that it feels invigorating and refreshing – take it a step further by imagining you are standing under a beautiful waterfall cleansing you and washing away any negativity

2. Play a favorite, uplifting, empowering song up loud while you are getting dressed, doing some exercise, taking a walk in nature, or sing aloud whilst driving in the car. When we sing, or dance and get the body moving, it creates feel-good energy from the hormone Serotonin which is the key hormone that stabilizes our mood and brings feelings of well-being, and happiness. This hormone impacts your entire body. It enables brain cells and other cells in our nervous system to communicate with each other. Serotonin also helps with sleeping, eating, and digestion! When I wake up in the morning, I love listening to India Arie, and when I’m driving I sing along out loud, with PINK.

3. H.O.P.E. – this acronym stands for Help. One. Person. Every. Day. One of my mentors shared this with me and I live by it – even if you are having the toughest day, it truly helps us to be of service to someone else - you’ll get out of your head and feel useful and fulfilled. Being able to help someone else is a gift, and can literally change our whole outlook on life on any given day.

4. Spiritual Practice – carve out some time each morning to meditate, pray or still your mind in a way that works for you, alone and without technology. You can focus on your breathing or simply stare into a candle flame.

5. Ask your Guardian Angel for help – it may feel strange to do this if you haven’t tried it before, but if you stay alert, you may notice things start to feel or look different. You will also feel less alone and come to know you have help available to you 24/7. All you need to do is ask.

Why do we need to hear these tips now more than ever?

We have been living in times of great uncertainty, fear, frustration and anguish during this global pandemic. A healthy shift in perspective and mindfully choosing to turn the mundane into the magical can bring lightness and healing to ourselves and others.

What is your message to the world?

You are surrounded by miracles every day, and though we are not always in control of our environment and the things happening outside of us, you can choose to tune into your own internal light and the wondrous nature that surrounds us.

You are unique. There is only one of you in the whole universe. You are a miracle and you make a difference, what will you do with this insight?

Are there any upcoming Living Magically events that you would like to share with our readers?

Yes! I am super excited to be launching my Living Magically Retreats, in person, in Italy, next summer (29th May – 2nd July 2022), as well as the brand new Living Magically online course, launching in December 2021 designed to help you get rid of the fears that hold you back from stepping into your authentic power, leaving you feeling invincible, clear-minded, free from self-doubt, deeply connected to your internal light, and well on the way to manifesting your dreams for 2022 and beyond.

Where can our readers learn more about you?

For more information on Angel & Oracle card readings and the Living Magically retreats in Sabbioneta, Italy next summera nd for FREE audio affirmations to nurture, enlighten and empower your authentic self, please check out or follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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