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Interview With Emanuela Visone – Master Transformational, Health, And Life Coach

Emanuela is a leading expert in restoring health and a Master Transformational, Health, and life coach. After 20yrs recruiting in the finance industry, she discovered her true calling for naturopathy and helping people and their pets throughout the US. The value she provides her clients has put them in a position to gain better health and live a more fulfilling life. Having restored her own health, Emanuela is excited to share her victory and help others do the same; from thyroid conditions, shrinking nodules, blood pressure, hormones, and much more. This inspired her to write her first book, “Healing Through Nature’s Medicine”, A Story of Hope. Having restored her St. Barnard’s health as well, Emanuela coaches many pet owners how to become your own best healer. She loves spending time with her family and friends, the outdoors and her deepest passion is helping others transform their health.

Emanuela Visone, Master Transformational, Health, And Life Coach

Who is Emanuela?

I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and am Brooklyn girl at heart.

I still reside in Brooklyn with her family and up until two years again my dog Sonnie was a huge part of my life but unfortunately, he passed away. I’ve been blessed with two amazing brothers, lots of cousins who are more like siblings, as well as my 4 beautiful nieces and a very handsome nephew whom I absolutely adore. I consider myself to be fortunate with wonderful friends and am very grateful for my parents.

Sonnie meant the world to me and was my muse. He was the reason why I completely shifted my career from being a top recruiter in the finance industry for over 20 years to become a natural healer, health coach and currently studying to become a functional nutritionist and lifestyle practitioner. When he got sick with irritable bowel syndrome, our worlds changed and his care became much more heightened so, without even a question in my mind, I started to work from home more because I could never be at work with a clear mind wondering “Is he feeling sick…does he have diarrhea?”

As I think of the question posed to me, who is Emanuela? I think of who I am now and that is a fierce, strong, kind and a compassionate woman who has within the last several years rebuilt her life, mind, body, and soul. I’m proud to say I’m a published author and in her book, she hopes to inspire others to become their own health advocate and healer as I did. My motivation and drive is to reach as many people as I can to shift the stigma that your body can not repair itself once you fall into a state of dis-ease. It’s crazy how it’s shamed upon to say that I healed myself. That the word “healed” I am not supposed to say to others but how else do you describe what I accomplished? I completely reversed my thyroid issue, shrunk the mass and nodules on it, restored my energy and actually have more energy than I had in my 20’s and lost 24 pounds in four months.

A few years ago, this wasn't the case. I was lost, not making the right decisions in relationships and didn't feel as if I was worthy of something wonderful in my life plus my health was failing and I truly believed it had to do a lot with the stress I was going through at the time.

I was tired all the time, gained a lot of weight I couldn’t lose, drained of energy, my joints and muscles were achy all the time especially at night. I was very irritable and just didn't like the woman staring back at me in the mirror. I was suffering with chronic adrenal fatigue, going through premature menopause along with a major thyroid issue. I had also developed a mass and nodule on it as well. I was a mess.

Question: What is it that you do for your clients?

The experience I want my clients to have, is to finally see the light at the end of darkness. To feel empowered that they can be their own health advocate and envision a new perspective that natural healing is possible. Medications are only a band-aid and do not get to the root cause of the disease. And, in fact with all the ads on TV captioning the warnings of medications, they do cause long-term negative effects on your health.

I focus on the gut first and foremost. Once the gut is functioning properly, the liver and kidneys will start to eliminate chemicals and toxins better. Then I work on nourishing the body with antioxidants to rid the body of any free radicals and oxidative stress. Along with shifting my client’s beliefs that were instilled in them as a child and no longer serve them into transforming them into healthy habits that last a lifetime. We work on stress, sleep, water intake, exercise and so much more.

I want my clients to walk away with the powerful knowledge and tools needed to know they can feel confident that they will restore their health. To trust in the process and have faith. Natural healing is a process and does not happen overnight. The ultimate result will be in witnessing with each passing day the beautiful transformation in themselves as they begin to see all other areas in their lives are filled with more light.

With the surplus of energy and resilience, they can re-invent, re-structure, or re-imagine their career to match life purpose, create the lifestyle they truly desire, give back to their community in a more powerful way, feel as though they are now the person they were meant to be.

They have the energy to be more present with her kids, create new fun family traditions, set up a regular girl’s night, and have more fun with his/her partner. Having increased intimacy with their partners and removing the roadblocks that have stood in their way for so long. It’s unlimited possibilities.

To feel a new level of depth, harmony, and satisfaction in all relationships. Strengthen their connection to that which is greater.

Investing in a personal trainer, personal chef, higher quality foods, on-going coaching, a new wardrobe, now feels a new level of beauty, strength, and confidence.

Have the attention and clarity to pay attention to his/her finances, learn about investing, address any financial problems, make more money, manage income streams outside of his/her primary job.

Question: Who should hire/work with you?

My ideal clients are individuals who are open to the possibility that natural healing works. Those who want to have more energy, clarity, motivation, to feel more confident. They want to find the solution they've been searching for. They want to put an end to feeling helpless, hopeless and being in a state of needless suffering and discomfort. To truly desire to see themselves thrive again.

Someone who is struggling with doubts that their doctors know best and are still feeling sick which creates an internal nagging feeling, an intuition telling them “Maybe western medicine is not really my best option?". What if there is a better way, a natural way to heal and reverse their health condition.

I work with many clients that have come to me with different ailments from thyroid disorders, nodules in their body mainly on the thyroid, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol issue, hormone imbalances, psoriasis and much more.

Not only do I work with humans, but I also work with many pet owners coaching them on how to restore their pets' health naturally. Specializing in irritable bowel syndrome, digestive issues, skin, and chronic ear infections.

Question: What is it that many people don’t realize?

Doctors only learn about nutrition for maybe a month or 2 in all the years of schooling.

They want to feel better and are willing to do the work to get there.

That it’s ok to trust your own intuition and follow your heart to move towards a wholefood approach.

Their doctors will be amazed as to how they restored their health.

How much stronger and confident they will feel once they start feeling more energy, happier and focused.

Processed foods are one of the reasons why they got sick in the first place.

Other “solutions” like medication are only band-aids that severely affect organs in the long term.

The process is easier than they think once they get into a flow.

Question: What is your big goal? Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?

To make a move South, possibly South Carolina and purchase my first home. To be of service on a global scale and to guide more people on their journey to achieving their goals in health and in their life. To be able to be so abundantly wealthy so I can help those less fortunate than me by assisting them to get back on their feet with the possibility to finance their dreams of leading a healthier lifestyle. I want to open a dog sanctuary and continue to coach more pet owners to become their dog's best healer. To be with my perfect partner in life, my best friend and travel the world. For us to build a beautiful and happy life together. This last sentence I clearly see happening within the next year.

Follow Emanuela on her Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website for more info.

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