Dallas Woodburn is passionate about helping entrepreneurs write and publish books to grow their businesses, unlock expert status, and leverage new opportunities. She is the author of six books, both traditionally published and self-published, and editor of two national anthologies. She has also written for dozens of magazines, newspapers, websites, and 30+ books in the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series. Her debut novel "The Best Week That Never Happened" was a 1 New Release on Amazon, an Apple Books bestseller and Gold Medal Winner of the Living Now Book Awards. Her clients hail from all around the globe and have won numerous book awards, become successful keynote speakers, launched new businesses, and more. Dallas received her BA degree in Creative Writing from the University of Southern California, her Master’s degree in Fiction Writing from Purdue University, and was a John Steinbeck Fellow in Creative Writing at San Jose State University. When she's not busy coaching or writing, she hosts the popular podcast Overflowing Bookshelves and leads the Book Breakthrough Community on Facebook.

Dallas Woodburn, Book Coach & Founder Of Thriving Authors Academy
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your experience as an author and editor.
I studied Creative Writing in college, went on to get my Master’s degree in Fiction Writing, and have been awarded numerous writing fellowships as well. When I added it up the other day, I realized I have more than two decades of experience in the publishing industry! That is wild to me. In my work as a book coach, I encapsulate all that I have learned into a straightforward, easy-to-digest format to help busy entrepreneurs write and publish their books to grow their businesses and leverage their impact.
As an author myself, I’ve completed nine book manuscripts, published six of them, and also edited two international anthologies. I write in all genres, from short stories to novels to nonfiction, and I have experience both with self-publishing and traditional publishing. My latest release is a YA novel titled Thanks, Carissa, For Ruining My Life that was an instant Amazon best-seller.
While I call myself a book coach, I actually think of myself as a "book doula" because I help people give birth to the books inside their hearts. I provide the right combination of cheerleading, structure and accountability for my clients to make massive strides toward their dreams. Many of them confessed that they had been trying to write their books for YEARS with not much success. Thanks to my program, they finally got their books finished and launched out into the world!
Why is book-writing so powerful for entrepreneurs?
At the atomic level, writing your book is about connection. Connecting with your inner self. Connecting with other people all around you. Connecting with your past, your present, and your future.
I always tell my clients, “You will not be the same person at THE END as you were on Page 1.” Writing is a transformational process. As entrepreneurs, we are constantly learning and growing. Writing your book is the fastest way to transform into the next-level version of yourself. It forces you to face your demons, dig down deep into the heart of your “why” for your life and business, and own your unique wisdom and voice in this world.
Writing your book is an act of generosity. It is a gift from your highest self to the world -- not only our current world, but also future generations.
Writing your book is one of the most important things you could ever do. It will transform your life in the most surprising and amazing ways. Please don’t keep putting it off forever! The time is now.
What are some of the biggest obstacles that prevent people from writing their books?
The biggest obstacles I see all the time are fear and self-doubt. We worry that our book won’t be “good enough” in some way, or that we aren’t “ready” to share our experiences and stake our claim as an expert. But there is someone out there who is desperately waiting to read your book! Someone who needs exactly what you will write to help them shift their perspective, see the world differently, and take charge of their own empowerment. Your book will change lives! You just have to write it.
I also think people tend to procrastinate on a big project in their heart, like writing a book, because it is so easy to get caught up in all the “urgent” tasks on our plate in the day-to-day. Projects for clients, new program launches, emails to respond to, social media content…
All of those tasks are important, but they shouldn’t get in the way of making progress on our biggest goals and dreams. I call these our Legacy Projects. What do you dream of doing or creating that will be part of your legacy?
Your book definitely falls into this Legacy Project category. Writing your book isn't just another task on your to-do list. Your book is something tangible you will leave behind. Something that will live on. Something that will ripple outward and touch more lives than you could ever know.
And yes – writing your book is something that will skyrocket your business and establish you as a leader and thought expert, too!
Why did you create your program Thriving Authors Academy and how does it help people find success as authors?
Being a writer takes a lot of courage. From facing the blank page, to vulnerably sharing your early drafts with a critique group… from hitting “send” on that query letter to sending your published book out to reviewers… the entire creative process is filled with opportunities to flex your courage muscle and stretch yourself.
But you don’t have to do it alone! I spent too long trying to do it on my own, and my career (and happiness) skyrocketed once I began intentionally building a community and investing in support.
I created my program because so many people were coming to me asking for help and advice with their books, and I realized that there is a ton of information out there about book-writing and publishing – it can be completely overwhelming! Everyone has a different writing process, style, book project, goals… it’s not a one-size-fits-all journey. So many people get stuck part-way through and give up. To get to the finish line of your book, it changes everything when you have someone as your guide, cheerleader, and accountability partner.
My program Thriving Authors Academy is different from anything else out there. My clients get results because they invest in an intimate, small-group coaching program that provides daily accountability and support, weekly deep-dive coaching calls, a structured framework for success and a fun, nurturing community to encourage you throughout the process. In my program, I distill my decades of experience– including all the wisdom I gained through trial-and-error and making mistakes– into simple, actionable steps moving you forward consistently.
Do you have a favorite writing quote?
I once had the pleasure of seeing Ray Bradbury speak at a writing conference, and he said, “Write with passion! Write with love!” I can think of no better way to write your book, build your business, or live your life.
Follow me on Instagram, join my Facebook community, and listen to my podcast Overflowing Bookshelves where I interview successful published authors every week.