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Interview With Aeron Lazar – Expert On Akashic Records, Ancestral Healing And Energy Work

Aeron Lazar is a Spiritual Activator, Energy Healer, Multidimensional Psychic, and Akashic Records Expert whose soul mission is to liberate people from energetic blockages and generational karma.

Aeron’s proficiency in the Akashic Records (which is a ledger of all souls’ experiences), helps him identify his client’s soul missions, as well as their past life karmas, and unhealed soul traumas, that are preventing them from living their best life. Aeron helps people devise an escape plan from repeating karmic cycles within this lifetime.

Aeron regularly holds a variety of online classes to help people in their spiritual ascension journey. Together with his wife, Riya Loveguard, he is also the co-host, co-creator, and co-producer of “The Architects of Destiny '', a podcast dedicated to guiding and supporting leaders of the New Earth on their soul missions.

Aeron Lazar, Expert On Akashic Records, Ancestral Healing And Energy Work

Aeron, you’re renowned for your work with the Akashic Records, channelling messages of hope from higher dimensions and powerful consciousness technology transmissions. What’s the driving force behind all the work you put into this world?

My drive is to transform lives – and to show my fellow human beings just what is possible with the power of our consciousness. I love witnessing how the energetic, Quantum work translates to instant shifts in my client’s lives. I have been blessed with powerful spiritual abilities, but I am also a firm believer that we all have these “supernatural” gifts ready to be utilised for healing and consciousness evolution of our species. My role is to guide my students to explore realms beyond this third dimension as defined by our five physical senses, so they can get an expanded, Galactic perspective on their lives.

What was your journey like, leading up to your current mission of helping people on their ascension journey?

I wasn’t your ‘typical kid’ when growing up. Although I played sports, I was always interested in the ‘unusual’. Ghosts, UFOs, aliens, all fascinated me and I’d find myself conducting paranormal experiments even as a child! This followed me into my early twenties when a friend of mine who was a powerful spiritualist medium taught me to open my third eye up for the first time. I developed and honed my consciousness from this point, giving accurate readings and messages from spirits that had passed.

Did you stay on your spiritual path when your third eye opened for the first time?

No. My antenna had been turned on and from this point it was almost as if EVERYTHING and anything wanted to come through and communicate with me, I was terrified as I didn’t feel like I could control what was happening to me. I found it completely overwhelming. It was terrifying when I’d be trying to sleep at night and I’d sense extreme negative energy in the room and observe shadows moving.

As a young man who wanted my headspace back, I consciously turned off my receiver and pushed my gifts as far away from me as possible. I didn’t want them, wasn’t interested in them and frankly, I wanted my sanity and life back again.

So, how did you get back to using your psychic abilities to transform lives? Consciously shutting my third eye and pushing my psychic gift worked for nearly two decades. I lived a ‘normal’ life, travelled, ran businesses, chased material objects and was a firmly paid up member of the three-dimensional system, who religiously watched the news. Over the years running several businesses became extremely stressful and this prompted me to take up guided meditations and spirituality as a way of managing my psychological stress levels. Soon after that, my business spectacularly failed and my life exploded like a grenade had gone off. It was through this period of intense pain, suffering and soul searching, where having lived a life completely out of alignment with my Soul's mission and Higher Self, the Universe brought me abruptly into alignment by punching me in the mouth. I was seeing stars. It hurt beyond belief, but as Steve Jobs once said, 'the patient needed the medicine'. It was at this point that I experienced my Great Awakening and could finally ‘see’ the reality beyond this third dimension. From my awakening and having accessed higher states of consciousness, I realised that I had been able to elevate my consciousness into The Quantum Field for twenty years, yet had pushed my gifts away decades earlier. It was at this point I had a burning desire to help others spiritually develop and be the mentor I didn’t have, all of those years ago.

As a mentor to spiritual seekers, do you see a danger in using psychic abilities? Opening up spiritually can be a completely safe experience as long as you know how to adequately protect yourself. When my third eye opened up for the first time, I was simply immature. I had the energy and exuberance of youth and was influenced during this stage by ego. I thought I knew best, I didn’t follow advice on protection and it’s one of the reasons I feel that I ended up consciously turning my antenna off. I don’t have regrets, although should I have a little time machine, I’d pop back and have a chat with myself back then, taking back some wisdom which would have helped me immensely. Today, when teaching my students how to use their pineal glands to access higher dimensions, I teach them a number of techniques for energetic protection. Also, rather than connecting to spirits of passed relatives or low vibrational entities, I teach them how to open up to realms and dimensions where Beings of Light such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians or the Sirians reside. They get access to wisdom, perspective and guidance from the higher realms. Their spiritual experience under my guidance is safe and they have a much better start exploring the Quantum Field than I ever did.

Your future predictions and readings are extremely accurate. But, given that you work with invisible energy, have you ever doubted your gifts or accuracy? No, I’ve never doubted my spiritual abilities. I made some mistakes early on as my consciousness was ‘stretching its legs’ for the first time, but overall I was accurate. I’ve always instinctively trusted my intuition and as time passed I proved my accuracy time and time again. Experience showed me that my consciousness can be relied upon.

Your work involves accessing the Akashic Records of your clients. Can you tell us more about that? How does that help them?

The Akashic Records is a subject and a half. I’m in the process of writing a comprehensive book on this very subject, but I’ll do my best to answer you succinctly.

The Akashic Records exist in The Akashic Realm. I call it The Akashic Realm as there is so much contained within it than the Records themselves. During my sessions with clients, I will typically work in a soul’s terrestrial block of records and the corresponding karmic field of energy.

A client will present to a session experiencing energetic blocks in their life or perhaps some repeating patterns in their life that don’t serve them. They may be experiencing situations where everything seems like it is going wrong at once or come with problems like physical ailments, income unexpectedly drying up, relationships ending in similar ways, negative situations repeating themselves.

By identifying that there is an energetic or karmic reason for what is happening, I am able to deal with the issue once and for all.

We’ve been conditioned to only pay attention to matter and the five senses, but when we take energy seriously, we can enact ‘miracles’ and transform our lives on every level. – Aeron Lazar

How do you help clients identify their karmic life patterns?

First we need to identify what needs to be done through an investigative conversation. I deep dive into exactly what’s going on and at the same time as listening to the client, I’m “spiritually multitasking”: elevating my consciousness and reading the energy in what they say.

During the investigation, certain elements light up for me energetically. When I follow these threads, I eventually uncover exactly what’s going on and then we can begin the process of clearing.

Once I have determined that the origin of the problem is not from this lifetime or from the ancestral lineage, then with the client’s consent (which is a crucial part of the process), I’m able to go to access their Akashic Record and locate the past life in which their soul and consciousness created the karma, or experienced trauma.

When I retrieve this information, I explain this to a client, so that they understand the karmic lesson. At that stage it is possible to remove and neutralise the associated karma stored in their karmic field of energy, or release the trauma.

Additionally, there may also be some distortions in a clients personal energy field, so I will head in and inspect this, removing any stagnant energy and liberating a client from what they’ve been experiencing.

How does this energy work translate to people’s lives?

The results of my energetic work are remarkable, as they begin to show up immediately in their lives. As long as we fully understand the karmic lesson and neutralise the karma, the physical realm then begins to settle down immediately. The problems people have been experiencing begin to melt away as if they weren’t there to begin with and people see these changes begin to take place almost right away. Having helped hundreds of people, their only question afterwards is ‘Aeron, why the hell didn’t I find you sooner!’.

What message would you give to the world?

Treat the metaphysical world in the same way you treat the physical world. We’ve been conditioned to only pay attention to matter and the five senses, but when we take energy seriously, we can perform targeted energetic surgery in the correct manner, enact ‘miracles’ and transform our lives on every level.

For those interested in accessing the higher dimensions, or working with the Akashic Records, where can they find you?

Best place to find me is my website as well as my podcast

For updates about my upcoming classes and events, head to

Finally you can also connect with me on social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok or Instagram!

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