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International Psychic Medium Empath Intuitive Reader ‒ Interview With Destiny K

Destiny K (Katy), is an International Psychic Medium Empath Intuitive Reader, Healer, Light Worker, and Earth Angel. She has had her gifts since she was 3 years old, and after having a near-death experience in 2018, she has grown and heightened her abilities to help others. She does not believe in coincidences, and believes that everything happens for a reason. Using her abilities, she helps many around the world as, Destiny K Psychic Medium bringing them positive energies, abundance, blessings, love, and closure. As a Psychic Medium she helps loved ones in spirit pass on messages to those that are needing them. Destiny K, believes in Fate and Destiny. She wishes you all a beautiful, wonderful, and joyful day.

Destiny K, Psychic Medium

Who is Destiny K?

She is the founder of Destiny K Psychic Medium, which helps many individuals around the world connect to their loved ones in spirit that have passed on, with guidance around their current lives, past lives, healing, and inspirational speaking through her online social media presence. She has been through many shifts of energies and vibrations throughout her life, which has brought her here to help others, those who have passed, and continue to spread love and grace to everyone around the world with her gifts. She is a mum to a wonderful daughter who has brightened up her life and brought her closer to her family. Throughout her journey, before having a near-death experience in 2018 she was an entertainer in hotels, a model, and adventurous traveling to Cyprus, and Australia.

What is Destiny K wanting to achieve with her gifts?

Destiny K would like to help as many souls as she can by connecting to their past loved ones in the spirit world (known as Heaven, Other Side, etc.), helping them through the grieving process, providing guidance and inspiration to those needing it through her gifts, and pointing anyone on their right direction and path. She wants to bring inspiration and motivation to so many through her gifts, and abilities that she has grown through the past couple of years. As she always says, "For me, this is about changing someone who has been feeling very sad and down in the dumps to then coming out of a reading with myself looking and feeling like a Cheshire Cat."

Who inspires Destiny K?

Destiny K's inspiration was her nan who shared an extra special bond. As they were both spiritually connected. There had been times when they both witnessed and felt the spirit and energetic vibrations around them. For example, there was a time when they walked down a long lane together and a lady walking stopped and said to the both of them "I am sorry I stopped you, but I just wanted to say and let you know that the lane was dark and dull before you both walked down it then a massive huge glow lit up the lane with a bright golden aura around you both" and after she had said that, her nan smiled at her and said "We both share this gift" when she was only about five years old. This is only one of the things that Destiny K and her nan have shared, but she can tell you many more.

What is one thing you would change in this industry and why?

One thing that she would change in this industry would be to make peace on earth and life a more harmonious place to live in. Also, all light workers come together as one to work as a team rather than there being constant competitive behaviors and jealousy. She feels schools need to know more about empathy, and how children feel by expressing their emotions. As this is something that is not generally talked about.

What was a pivotal moment in your life and how has it helped you get to where you are today?

She has always been spiritual since the age of three, but she had closed it down for many years. Until 2018 when she was rushed to the hospital because her heart had stopped and the doctors found that she had a rare heart condition. After this moment in her life, she has become more in tune and even more aware of spirit, but as her nan passed away in 2008 she feels that is her nan guiding her to do this as it has always been in her. She can communicate with those that have passed over to the spirit world. To give valid and detailed information on their passed loved ones. As she always says, "For me, this makes me feel happy and I am grateful to be able to help others that need guidance, support, and comfort."

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