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Intentions Versus Goals

Written by: Claire Atyeo, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Often, we think it’s just a play on words and not important, in the past myself included! I remember reading Women from Venus Men from Mars, two possibly three decades ago and becoming so frustrated I throw the book across the room. But that was before I learned about energies.

When we examine the definitions, goal infers ambition or effort; an aim or desired result, and intention refers to an aim, goal, objective, or intent. It’s easy to see why many would believe them to be the same.


Tend to be fixed a direct line from A to b, usually with a timeline. They function, results are achieved or not but personally, energetically they leave me cold, there’s no leaning into and learning from the journey, there is little to no flexibility.

Goals are normally set by stating the desire, assessing what is needed to be done to get there, and giving a time limit in which to achieve it.


On the other hand, especially implementation intentions still get results, but it supports the person within the journey, it allows greater fluidity, exploration, and experimentation whilst in the process of achieving.

Intentions are set, physical, emotional, and mental, external and internal possible challenges to achievement are assessed, on which a pathway of implementation is developed, aka – if then – what? A flow chart of action that supports the client throughout the process and from which they get to also work through false perceptions of self, others, and or environment whilst still moving towards set intention.

As an empowerment coach

With my feet, firmly grounded in spirituality, it's important to guide my clients through the process of self-actualization, which can only be achieved through an individual embracing every aspect of their being – mind, body, soul. Or putting it more accurately, physical body, mental body, emotional body, and energetic body.

Every coach understands that 99% of the time, the actual needs of a client differ from the presenting problem the client expresses, and it’s our job to guide the client to gain that greater understanding of themselves and the issue.

By using implementation intentions coaches can guide individuals take full responsibility in which they instantly gain a sense of empowerment. Right from the get-go, they are encouraged to look deeper into their persona and be honest about where they feel they are now – the present. It's through this deep honesty and personal approach that they gain insight into perceived challenges, mental blocks, perception of skill set, and fears.

The Process

Step one

I start the process by walking clients through a labyrinth of specifically designed quick response questions, that are designed to extract their subconscious beliefs. This allows the client to start understanding why they do what they do or not do, whatever the case may be. This method also has the benefit of tuning into deep latent desires, hope, and wishes that the logical mind has dismissed.

It is fair to say that this first step alone creates massive shifts as the client is faced with unfulfilled hopes. Many aha moments transpire as they reacquaint themselves with long-forgotten desires, they begin the process of understanding why they feel a void. Then assessing if those past desires are still required, needs adjustment, or replacement.

Step Two

What’s needed now - right at this moment to gain clarity over the future vision? Again, specifically designed questions in which to get the client to deep dive into their emotional body so they can form a solid foundation on which to move forward. It is at this stage of the process that clients start to examine what they perceive they lack, what emotional stories need to be healed, and what fears have been holding them back.

Step three

Armed with a list of what needs changing, releasing, or adjusting, we start the process of implementation intention. This is where the client starts to build a flow chart in which to tackle each aspect of desired change of behaviour or circumstances. By considering their present beliefs, their stage of emotional maturity, and external and environmental resources, a chart is developed using all foreseeable challenges, internal and external, and its positive counterparts. A what-if – when guide.

Step four

Clients are encouraged to self-monitor their progress, evolve the flow chart, and document via journaling their changing perceptions and inspirations.

Step five

The finale or as I prefer to communicate, the ending of one cycle and the beginning of a new…

As the client works through the what’s needed now flow chart, they will have been inspired and gained clarity into their future path. It is from this information we renew the cycle and develop a new flow chart in which to move towards future aspirations.

As you will see from this process there is no stress, no looming completion date, no failure!

It creates a self-loving, self-nurturing environment in which everyone can develop and grow with a fluidity that feels comfortable and manageable for them.

No winners – no losers just forward movement.

If you are interested in taking this program then please reach out, I currently run a women’s only intensive 4-day course in which to align you to your soul essence, next intake 19th Oct 2021.

I am also in the process of launching new courses, if you would like to be notified then please subscribe to the monthly newsletter and grab your complimentary self-love coaching eBook.

Want to learn more from Claire? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website.


Claire Atyeo, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Claire Atyeo is a Female Empowerment Coach & Shamanic Practitioner whose motivation is to inspire and guide women to create realistic, actionable solutions to life’s problems and challenges.

Claire supports women globally to reacquaint themselves with their true essence, realign and rebalance their energies to become unstoppable in their passions, goals, and life desires. As a Certified Life Coach, Reiki Master, Shamanic practitioner, EFT, Inner child, and Ho’oponopono practitioner, she has many tools to help.

Spiritually based, she may be, but gentle persistence is a strength, a power, and a much-underestimated force. She believes that once women step into their goddess self, un-apologetically on mass, the world will once again restore to balance. In her desire to reach out and affect greater positive change, she opened Athena Academy in 2020.

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