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Integrate These 6 Segments To Achieve Wholistic Wealth

Written by: Kc Rossi, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How does wealth translate to you? Society and the marketing industry contribute to the global message that money rules. However, money is not the only form of wealth. If your sole goal is financial abundance, you may very well end up feeling poor. Unfortunately, many of us are raised to believe that money is the end-all and be-all. Somehow, our sensibility on the subject has become warped. It’s time to redefine what wealth is to truly experience wholistic fulfillment.

Think of a circle comprised of 6 sections — physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, connection, and collective. Each segment is no greater than and no less than the other, and all are needed to make up the whole. To have internal and external stability, equal attention must be given to all factors that contribute to the structure. If you only attend to one aspect, there will be an imbalance. In the same way, for a sustainable life and business, cultivating richness in multiple areas is needed.

Integrating the following 6 segments will provide wholistic wealth:

Physical Wealth — You’ve most likely have heard the proverb “health is wealth”.” This holds a powerful truth. To perform at your best, you must have physical vitality. Without energy, how can you approach your day with enthusiasm and vigor? What’s one thing that you can start doing today that you know will positively affect your overall health? Perhaps it’s taking a yoga class, going to bed earlier, or staying hydrated. Whatever it is for you, schedule it for success. Now, what’s one thing that you can stop doing to improve your physical well-being? It might be skipping meals, working out too hard, or drinking excessively. Be honest with yourself and commit to taking a micro-action to eliminate what’s draining your energy.

Emotional Wealth — You are a sentient being motivated by feelings. You are inherently programmed to move towards what feels good and move away from what doesn’t. The astonishing thing is that you can stimulate happiness chemicals with small everyday activities.

Here are a couple of suggestions:

Dopamine (known as the reward chemical) can be triggered by celebrating your wins. When you accomplish a big or small task, you can say to yourself, That’s like me! with passion. This simple act will instantly make you feel better and reinforce self-trust.

Oxytocin (known as the love hormone) is released with stimulation to our skin, like physical touch. Petting animals or receiving a massage is a wonderful way to experience more joy.

Serotonin (known as the mood stabilizer) responds to laughter and movement. So, a walk-in nature, laughter yoga, or even watching an excellent stand-up comedian can help lower anxiety and reduce stress levels.

Endorphins (known as the body’s natural pain killer) are released during times of stress and pain but also during eating, exercise, and sex. Enjoying a piece of dark chocolate can raise endorphin levels increasing your general sense of well-being. Yes, please!

Spiritual Wealth — This section is a powerful component that can strongly affect the other areas. Why? Because I believe when you lean on a power greater than yourself, there is a sense of security and peace. I’ve been meditating daily since 1990. It’s a practice that is nonnegotiable because of the benefits I experience. When we give spirituality an equal seat at the table, aspects like mission and purpose come alive. Tapping into our souls opens our hearts and radiates love into the world — the most healing balm of all. Especially in these times of global chaos and uncertainty, having faith stimulates hope for a better future.

“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” — Thomas Aquinas

Financial Wealth — In today’s world, the exchange of money for goods and services is required. Money is not a bad thing; it’s just another form of energy exchange. Acquiring financial security minimizes money worries and stress. However, a misconception many people have is that money solves all of life’s problems. One of my core values is freedom. In that, cultivating financial abundance is essential so I have the security to be independent, the ability to give back, and the flexibility to travel. A crucial part of my mission is to support female entrepreneurs acquire wholistic wealth. Busting through imposed glass ceilings and making money is a part of it. But as you can see, financial wealth is just 1/6th of the story.

Connection Wealth — I’ve seen strong achievers be able to handle enormous challenges, but when it comes to family and relationship drama they’ve cracked. Most are highly affected by their inner tribe. Cultivating healthy relationships, being an active part of the local community, and prioritizing family time will make for richer life experiences. Like Barbara Streisand’s lyrics say, “People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.” Would you agree? I’ve started donating time at a local food bank. It’s been a humbling and eye-opening experience to see dozens and dozens of cars lined up to receive their monthly box of food (some waiting in line for up to 2 hours). We can create strong communities. When our communities are enriched and healthy, we all win.

Collective Wealth — We are all interconnected. When a species is suffering, it has a ripple down effect on the entire ecosphere. As we individually change the way we approach money and wealth, it will undoubtedly have far-reaching consequences — both energetically and materially. For example, Clinton Global Initiative states, “When women work, they invest 90 percent of their income back into their families, compared with 35 percent for men.” Plus, there is a history of women influencing philanthropy. As women continue to rise to positions of power and scale their income, I predict we will also see the landscape of giveback continue to change for the better. Collectively we can create transformational change that will have a generational impact. How exciting is that?

There is a world of possibilities that open up when you expand your viewpoint regarding abundance. Being mindful of and contributing to each of the 6 segments will ensure wholistic balance for yourself and those around you.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Kc Rossi, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Kc Rossi is a Mindset and Self-Leadership Coach who supports entrepreneurs scale a profitable and soul-aligned business.

She’s been a full-time entrepreneur since 1991 and has built six and 7+ figure businesses. Kc is a Certified Aromatherapist, Mind-Body Eating Coach, and NLP Practitioner. This allows her to bring an integrated and intuitive approach to her coaching.

Kc is the Founder of The Soulprint Method™, a system that combines energy, mindset, and spirituality. This holistic approach provides extreme clarity, dissolves limiting beliefs, improves performance, and opens the way to experience and share your full potential.

She is the host of Women Developing Brilliance® — The Spirit of Business, a show dedicated to cultivating confidence, increasing visibility, elevating vibration, and leading with purpose without burning out.

When she’s offline, you can find her whipping up plant-based eats or hiking the Finger Lakes Trail in Upstate, New York. Kc is an Executive Contributor of Brainz Magazine.

Her work has been highlighted in ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Thrive Global, SmallBizDaily, International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapists, Female Entrepreneurial Association, and The Smart Girl Tribe.

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