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Inspires And Empowers Busy, Ambitious, Working Women ‒ Interview With Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas

Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Harmony Happiness Coach and Founder of HappyHarmony, inspires and empowers busy, ambitious, working women to manage stress effectively and integrate work-life successfully to pilot their flight of happiness with self-belief and confidence.

Pallavi is a highly sought-after Harmony Happiness Coach, a Work-life Balance Expert, an inspiring speaker, a passionate Soft Skills Trainer, a motivated Educator, an enriched Telecom Engineer, a poetess, an aspiring Author, and a nature lover. Pallavi holds a Ph.D. in her expertise in Work-life Balance amongst working women.

Stress levels of working women are quite high due to managing work-life, and constantly multitasking can be very challenging and taxing on their body and mind.

Pallavi specializes in helping working women manage stress with a smile and design a happy work-life harmony in a matter of months rather than years so that they can live purposeful and joy-filled lives.

After 16 successful years in the Telecom industry and Education field, Pallavi found herself more passionate about coaching individuals to carve their own Happiness journey. Her passion is empowering individuals to discover their self-worth, unlock their unique potential, find true happiness, and live a life they love living. She has always been passionate about helping others and has touched hundreds of lives to lead a happy life.

Pallavi has been awarded by a highly prestigious club, The Indian Achievers Club, in the category “50 under 50”, the Indian Achiever for the year 2020.

Pallavi offers coaching, individual services, group programs, seminars, and workshops.

Her motto is: Be Happy and live in Harmony.

Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Harmony Happiness Coach & Founder of Happy Harmony

Tell us a bit about yourself and your career path so far?

The Happiness of life depends on the quality of thoughts. Feel the happiness within yourself to spread its fragrance outside.

I am the Founder of HappyHarmony, the Author of a book titled “From Hustle to Harmony – Master Work, Life and Happiness”, Harmony Happiness Coach, a passionate Soft Skills Trainer, a motivated Educator, and an enriched Telecom Engineer, a poetess, theatre enthusiast and a nature lover.

I as a young girl, who was full of dreams and wishing to make a mark in this world, started my career as a Telecom Engineer climbing the ladder of learning and growth successfully traversing the best companies in Telecom Industry.

The versatile and rich experience inculcated management skills, leadership skills and effective decision-making skills.

Harnessing my learning further, I completed MBA in Human Resource Management, which catapulted my career as the Head of Department, mentoring, motivating, and counselling students to help them achieve their desired goals. An opportunity to make a difference in the lives of youth.

My personal and professional journey has been a canvas of various colours. From a young girl to a married woman and then a mother of a loving son. Also, professionally from a Telecom Engineer, later moving to Academics and then a trainer and coach ‒ A complete change over.

This all called for a blend and balance of work-life to keep going which inspired me to pursue PhD in Management with the thesis titled 'Work-Life Balance amongst working Women.

The constant quest for new learning helped me pursue Soft Skills training International certification and Happiness Coaching, International Certification.

Myparents are the pillars of my wellbeing. Simple living and always helping selflessly making a difference in others’ lives. Living the essence of life with a smile. Their way of living by example inspired me to venture as an entrepreneur and founder of “HappyHarmony”. It’s an endeavour with the larger purpose of life in the joy of giving back to the mankind.

My Soft Skills Training sessions help youth develop life skills and a positive mindset to pursue their dreams by enhancing individual strengths to shine happily.

My Harmony Happiness coaching empowers ambitious working women to integrate work-life to pilot their flight of happiness with self-belief and confidence.

What motivates you to work?

I am a happy person with positive thoughts and motivated actions. I love interacting with people and being amidst them while learning and growing together.

I am passionately sowing the seeds of happiness so that the flowers blossom joyfully with a fragrance of love and hope.

I strongly believe in myself which motivates me to get up each morning to do things that I love doing of spreading happiness and smiles across miles.

Having a positive mindset helps me see through the challenges. The commitment toward life purpose and the vision to make a difference keeps me going each day.

Practising Gratitude and positive affirmations daily, boosts my motivation. Gratitude is the key to happiness.

Why people are not happy and insecure for their future?

Anxiety about the uncertainties of future – The essence in living in the present and being mindful of the now is forgotten by worrying about the future.

Feeling worthless and being ungrateful – Feelings of self-doubt and not realising the joyful gratitude of what one has, leads to unhappiness.

As a happiness coach how should one live stress-free life with happiness.

Practice acceptance – Accepting the unavoidable and uncontrollable events of life and not overanalysing about the imaginary scenarios will give a calm, stress free life.

Blend body, mind, and spirit – The harmony of healthy body, positive and spiritual mindset brings happiness.

What part of your work do you find most satisfying and most challenging?

The harmony of healthy body, positive and spiritual mindset brings happiness.

It is very satisfying to believe that you are worthy and being yourself without any judgement. This gives the self-confidence to be the change making a difference by doing what makes you and others happy.

It is satisfying to take decisions that benefit self and the society to lead a respectful and fulfilled life. It is heart-warming to be able to touch upon lives across the physical and mental boundaries.

I am grateful for the confidence, positive mindset, and belief to accomplish the dreams.

It is challenging to practice acceptance of the unavoidable events of life and not over analyse the happening. The challenge to be mindful when people have a closed mindset and are not ready for self-discovery to explore happiness. The challenge to experience the obstacles with a smile and never lose hope.

Who is your inspiration?

My success = My parents

My parents are my inspiration and my role model.

The good work that I’m able to do is purely because of my parents. I owe every bit of who I am today to my parents.

I am a happy and joyful person due to the happy genes from my parents. Never give up and keep going with a smile.

My parents have given me the strength, confidence, trust, and self-belief to fly high and shine.

My success is dedicated to my parents.

I am blessed to be the daughter of my parents. I am doing my bit of contributing towards the betterment of humanity with the blessings of my dear loving mother Vasudha and my beloved father Vishwas.

What are some things that you are passionate about?

The decision to quit a steady job, take risk and start as an entrepreneur, following my passion, spreading happiness.

I love writing, a gift received from my beloved father. Writing brings happiness to me. I am passionate about writing poems and being on the stage for the love of acting.

I am extremely passionate about being happy and making others happy. I am passionate about appreciating the goodness of life.

I am passionate about being human and building happy ever lasting relationships.

Share some insights on your plans for future.

Dream big, take actions, and achieve big.

Know your strengths, believe you are worthy, be the radiant confident, shine with positive attitude, never give up, keep going and reach the skies.

I have embarked on a happiness cruise to spread smiles across the miles.

Every woman deserves to have a harmonious life while perusing her goals with a strong belief in herself to accomplish her dreams.

Helping women blossom by relieving themselves from stress and achieving a work-life harmony to enjoy what they love to do & be happy in their lives by finding their inner happiness.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or visit my website!

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