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Inside | Out Wisdom – Not Following

Written by: Bernadette Bruckner, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Ever wondered how everything would be in the world if no one followed another person but, instead, listened to their own "inner wisdom" (intuition) and decided from the inside|out what felt good and "right?"

I have said this sentence to people many, many times when they complain about their lives or as in Covid19 times - they have to follow rules: "Learn history!"

Growing up in Austria with parents who were born in war times means you are inevitably confronted with (parts) of Nazi history. As I grew into an adult, I became very interested in how this could happen.

We all grow up with beliefs, values, and imprints from others. As our parents and our grandparents did the same. With filters from religion, culture, and experiences from others. With morals and values created from our environments. This moulds us and our behaviour in our daily lives.

Many believe that our government knows what's right and which steps are good for the whole population, as business experts and "gurus" for their target groups.

Just as you are for your clients!

And yet… we are still all human with blind spots and imprints from others! We do our best to know and support our clientele and maybe sometimes do things for our own higher living.

What would it take for a population to grow together - especially in times of crisis as we have had globally for the last two years - to go beyond our own higher living for the higher good of all good lives?

Would we "need" another person (government) telling us what to do?

When I see masses being moved with communications in a loss framing setting, then I get suspicious for a few reasons:

a. Loss framing is never a good communication style for nurturing each other, but fear still "sells" today.

b. Core values get reframed that might lead to riots for no reason at all.

c. Previous good outcomes are getting lost as the focus is on losing basic needs like security, housing, food (refer to Maslow's pyramid)

Many psychological scientific projects like the Milgram experiment or Stanford Prison experiment show us that people en masse act differently than when alone – and can even go against their morals.

My question now for you is, "Do you act similarly in a business setting? Against your morals or core values? Maybe for a higher status, more money, or to become famous?"

Is it OK to do that?

How do you communicate with your clients? With loss framing (negative with fear) or gain framing (positive and with a good future)?

Who am I in a crowd vs grouped in business?

Who am I NOT in a crowd vs grouping in business?

When do YOU say "NO?"

… or still go on?

When I wonder about history repeating itself, I see parallels with today's economy, politics, and health. Having a career, I have to go "with the system and crowd", and if not, then not!

I wonder why we didn't learn from history or what do we have to learn from history so that following others isn't the option anymore. Instead, listening to our own intuition and questioning ourselves for becoming aware of our own blind spots become the norm.

"The greatest journey I am travelling is towards me by being simply me. No matter what. Nothing else matters!" Bernadette

Or, simply put:

Creating my own business, my own way of service and products, my own way of creating a brand and finding my customers for whom I am allowed to unleash their inner wisdom and support them for living the life they love to have.

Maybe it's time to go beyond the known systems and "rules" and find your way of living and working.

Covid19 shows us that unhealthy topics are chasing AND guiding us, and most of the time, they lead us to conflicts outside.

My advice will always be:

  1. Listen to yourself and create your own "inside|out leadership" by doing what you love and love what you do.

  2. Trust yourself, 1,000%.

  3. Trust in something greater, that the best IS there for you!

  4. Disrupt everything you know and question yourself to become truly YOU.

I love nurturing others and connecting with others for something greater, fulfilling their deepest wishes, visions, and hopes. I know by heart that all of you are gifted and that inside each of us are hidden treasures that love to be seen, heard, and nourished.


I am passionate about business and health and see myself as a business doula where ideas become a reality and people trust themselves 1,000%!

Love reading from you!

For more information, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!


Bernadette Bruckner, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine The creative allrounder worked successfully in different working fields in Austria and abroad. By her interest in corporate communications, marketing, human resources, and many other business areas, she has appropriated an enormous amount of knowledge over more than 30 years. Numerous educations at international top-trainers like Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts, Roy Martina, and Clinton Swaine. Internationally active as a holistic trainer in health, nutrition, and mental health with exceptional holistic resilience methods. Founder of „iMM – intuitive mentoring method and 1-min-coaching-to-go“, further development of NLP, as well as „ORINITION® - n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body.“ – an innovative nutrition work of (re-) membering our own body intelligence. Successfully Master’s degree in health management with a focus on public health. International Ph.D. & research in health communication with a focus on psycholinguistics combined with neuroplasticity and health economics. International bestselling publisher and author of numerous books in different languages. Global Author Award 2018 / Nominatee NLP Award in Research 2019 in London. 2021 opening my own research center for intuitive science in Austria.

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