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Inner Child Healing Through Neurowisdom Coaching – A Holistic Approach To Unlocking Your Potential

Andrew Low is a transformation coach, mentor, and trainer to thousands in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, the United States, and Asia. Using a unique blend of ancient wisdom and neuroscience, he helps his clients release the past to live a full, happy and abundant life.

Executive Contributor Andrew Low

In today's fast-paced and constantly evolving world, many individuals find themselves trapped in the monotony of a 9-to-5 grind, searching for deeper purpose, fulfillment, and personal freedom. Neurowisdom Coaching is an emerging life coaching specialization that offers a holistic pathway to transformation. By integrating mindset, heartset, and spiritset (archetypal work and ancient wisdom), this approach addresses deep-rooted emotional blockages while helping individuals unlock their unique talents and life purpose. Through inner child healing and archetypal exploration, clients break free from limiting patterns and cultivate sustainable, lasting change that helps them thrive amidst both current and future challenges.

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What is neurowisdom coaching?

Neurowisdom Coaching is a comprehensive life coaching model that draws on neuroscience, emotional intelligence (heartset), and spiritset (archetypal work and ancient wisdom) to help clients achieve deep personal transformation. Unlike traditional coaching, which often focuses on surface-level behavior modifications and goal-setting, Neurowisdom Coaching delves deep into the subconscious, addressing the emotional wounds and limiting beliefs shaped in childhood that continue to influence adult behaviors. These early experiences, often forming the "inner child," can lead to self-sabotage, fear of change, or difficulty stepping outside of societal expectations.

As Carl Jung famously said, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." Neurowisdom Coaching aims to do just that—make the unconscious conscious. By healing the inner child, shifting mindset, and aligning with archetypal energies, clients can remove the blocks holding them back, allowing them to tap into their full potential and create meaningful, lasting change.

The inner child: A key to lasting transformation

At the core of Neurowisdom Coaching lies the concept of inner child healing. The inner child represents the emotional part of ourselves shaped by our earliest experiences, often carrying

unhealed wounds into adulthood. These emotional wounds can lead to limiting beliefs, such as feelings of inadequacy, fear of failure, or fear of the unknown, which in turn keep individuals stuck in unfulfilling careers or relationships.

Research in psychology supports the idea that early childhood experiences have a profound impact on adult behavior. A study published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology showed that individuals who engage in inner child work experience greater emotional awareness and are better able to manage stress and interpersonal relationships. By revisiting and healing these early wounds, clients experience breakthroughs that allow them to move forward with greater clarity, confidence, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Mindset, heartset, and spiritset (archetypal work and ancient wisdom)

Neurowisdom Coaching centers on three interconnected pillars—mindset, heartset, and spiritset—that work together to foster deep, holistic transformation. Each pillar plays a unique role in addressing the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of personal growth, offering not only immediate solutions to current challenges but also a long-lasting framework for navigating future changes and uncertainties.

The three pillars of neurowisdom coaching

1. Mindset: Rewiring the brain for success

Mindset refers to our cognitive framework—the beliefs, thoughts, and perceptions that shape how we engage with the world. Neurowisdom Coaching employs neuroscience-based techniques to help clients shift from limiting beliefs to empowering thought patterns, allowing them to break free from self-imposed restrictions and cultivate a growth mindset. Practices such as mindfulness, cognitive reframing, and neuroplasticity exercises are used to rewire the brain for success, enabling clients to embrace new opportunities, overcome fears, and unlock their full potential.

Neuroscience research continually highlights the brain's remarkable ability to change and adapt, a concept known as neuroplasticity. According to a Harvard Medical School report, mindfulness and cognitive training can actually rewire the brain's neural pathways, helping individuals develop more positive, resilient thought patterns. This mental rewiring helps individuals become more adaptable and resilient, better equipped to handle the challenges of both today and tomorrow.

2. Heartset: Healing emotional wounds

Heartset focuses on emotional intelligence and the ability to process emotions in a healthy, constructive way. Emotional wounds, often stemming from unresolved inner child issues, can manifest as fear, anxiety, or self-doubt, which in turn can prevent individuals from pursuing their dreams or taking risks. Neurowisdom Coaching helps clients heal these emotional wounds

through heartset work, which includes practices such as emotional release, self-compassion exercises, and inner child dialogues.

Daniel Goleman, a pioneer in the field of emotional intelligence, once said, “Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor one’s own and other people’s emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior.” Neurowisdom Coaching harnesses the power of emotional intelligence to help individuals manage their emotions, build resilience, and develop healthier relationships. By cultivating emotional resilience, clients gain the confidence and clarity needed to pursue careers and life paths that align with their authentic selves, free from the constraints of past emotional trauma.

3. Spiritset: Archetypal work and ancient wisdom for lifelong growth

Spiritset in Neurowisdom Coaching goes beyond traditional practices like meditation or journaling; it dives deep into the exploration of archetypal energies and ancient wisdom. Archetypal work helps individuals tap into their natural talents and unique genius, uncovering deep-seated motivations that guide their behaviors and life choices. Archetypes, such as The Creative Nurturer, The Knight, The Innocent Adventurer, and The Ruler, represent universal patterns that resonate within us, providing insight into how we can align our lives with our true passions and purpose.

Spiritset is also grounded in exploring universal laws of consciousness and ancient wisdom philosophies that have stood the test of time. These principles provide more than just solutions to current challenges—they offer a framework that helps individuals navigate future trends and innovations. Ancient wisdom recognizes that all revolutions and evolutions, including those sparked by technological advances like artificial intelligence, will inevitably bring new challenges.

For example, the ancient Stoic philosophy, as epitomized by Marcus Aurelius, teaches that “You have power over your mind—not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” By understanding these timeless laws, clients are better equipped to remain grounded and purposeful, even as the external world shifts. Spiritset prepares individuals for these future trends by teaching them how to remain anchored in their purpose and talents, regardless of external circumstances. It offers a lasting framework that helps individuals adapt to evolving landscapes, ensuring they remain resilient and aligned with their core values, even in the face of revolutionary shifts.

Archetypal work: Uncovering unique talents and flow of genius

Archetypal work in Neurowisdom Coaching helps clients connect with the deeper aspects of their identity, revealing their innate talents and guiding them toward their flow of genius. Each archetype represents a set of motivations, behaviors, and strengths that naturally resonate with an individual’s core nature. When clients align with their dominant archetypes, they tap into their

unique potential, allowing them to operate at their highest capacity in both personal and professional domains.

Key archetypes include:

The creative nurturer

Driven by a desire to create and care for others, this archetype thrives in roles where empathy and artistic expression are central. Their flow of genius lies in their ability to inspire and nurture others through creative endeavors and acts of service.

The knight

The Knight is action-oriented, motivated by achievement, results, and recognition. Knights excel in roles that allow them to take decisive action, set ambitious goals, and demonstrate their skills. They thrive in leadership positions, entrepreneurial ventures, or any environment where their ability to achieve and succeed is acknowledged and rewarded.

The innocent adventurer

This archetype seeks joy, fun, and possibility. Innocent Adventurers are driven by curiosity and a sense of wonder, often taking leaps of faith to explore new experiences. Their flow of genius lies in their ability to approach life with openness and excitement, thriving in careers that allow them to explore, experiment, and embrace the unknown.

The ruler

The Ruler is characterized by a natural ability to lead and create order. Rulers excel in positions of authority, where their strategic thinking and leadership skills can bring about growth and stability. They find fulfillment in guiding others and creating systems that foster success and harmony.

Through archetypal alignment, individuals can move beyond traditional career paths that may feel limiting, discovering roles that allow them to fully express their genius. This process accelerates personal and professional growth by helping individuals focus on the activities that bring them the most fulfillment and success.

A framework for the future: Navigating change through ancient wisdom

One of the most powerful aspects of spiritset in Neurowisdom Coaching is its focus on universal laws of consciousness and ancient wisdom. These timeless concepts provide a framework that not only helps individuals address present challenges but also prepares them to adapt to future trends and innovations. As society rapidly evolves—through technological advancements such as artificial intelligence, automation, and other disruptive forces—spiritset equips individuals with the tools to stay grounded in their purpose, even as the external world shifts around them.

According to the World Economic Forum, emotional intelligence, creativity, and adaptability are becoming increasingly important as automation and AI transform industries. Neurowisdom Coaching offers a forward-thinking framework that helps clients cultivate these skills while remaining deeply connected to ancient wisdom principles. By embracing these universal laws, individuals are better able to foresee and adapt to changes, maintaining balance and clarity as they navigate the unknown.

Inner child healing and spiritset: The path to sustainable success

The integration of inner child healing with spiritset and archetypal work creates a comprehensive approach to personal development that fosters long-lasting transformation. By healing emotional wounds, rewiring mental patterns, and aligning with archetypal energies and ancient wisdom, individuals can create sustainable success that stands the test of time.

Neurowisdom Coaching helps clients break free from limiting beliefs, uncover their unique talents, and remain adaptable to the ever-changing landscape of life. Whether it’s overcoming emotional blockages, thriving in today’s competitive environment, or preparing for the future of work in the face of technological revolutions, Neurowisdom Coaching offers a holistic framework for success, fulfillment, and personal freedom.

Your next steps

If inner child healing through neurowisdom coaching resonates with you—whether for your personal transformation or to pursue international accreditation as a neurowisdom coach—take the first step today. Visit The Coaching Circle Community and explore how this journey can unlock your potential for healing and growth.


1. What is Neurowisdom Coaching?

Neurowisdom Coaching is a holistic form of life coaching that integrates neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and archetypal work with ancient wisdom traditions to help clients heal their inner child, uncover their purpose, and create sustainable, long-lasting transformation.

2. How does inner child healing work in Neurowisdom Coaching?

Inner child healing involves revisiting emotional wounds from childhood, offering care and understanding to the inner child. This process releases limiting beliefs and emotional blockages, allowing clients to pursue their passions with greater confidence and clarity.

3. What is spiritset, and how does it help?

Spiritset involves tapping into archetypal energies and ancient wisdom to uncover natural talents and align with one's higher purpose. It provides a lasting framework for solving current challenges, gaining insight into past problems, and navigating future trends and innovations.

4. How can archetypal work help me break free from the 9-to-5 grind?

Archetypal work helps individuals discover their true passions and talents by connecting them with universal patterns that resonate with their core nature. This alignment makes it easier to pursue careers or ventures that bring fulfillment and freedom, helping them leave unfulfilling jobs behind.

5. How does spiritset prepare individuals for the future?

Spiritset draws on ancient wisdom and universal laws of consciousness to provide a framework for navigating future trends and disruptions, such as technological advancements and societal shifts. This timeless approach ensures that individuals remain adaptable and aligned with their true purpose, even in the face of change.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Andrew Low, Elite Coach and Coaches' Trainer

Andrew Low is a transformation coach, mentor, and trainer to thousands in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, the United States, and Asia. Using a unique blend of ancient wisdom and neuroscience, he helps his clients release the past to live a full, happy and abundant life. Having toiled and struggled in a corporate job of 16+ hour workdays, working nights and weekends, Andrew fell asleep behind the wheel and totalled his car. He knew then that things had to change. He's been on a journey since and now, his coaching school trains an ever-growing ripple of internationally qualified and accredited transformation coaches. His message: You can make a great income doing what you love, and enjoy the process. You just need to learn the blueprint for achieving the trifecta of success, love and happiness.



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