Written by Nathan Francis, Youth Self–Sabotage Coach
Nathan Francis is a 30 Year old former school teacher from Australia. Nathan is a podcast host and youth self-sabotage coach/mentor who freely admits that his mission is to lift the self-esteem and health of our youth.

Quite a substantial amount of our youth on the planet have Facebook and Instagram (Meta) accounts. However, very few are aware of how Meta can alter the influences, the beliefs and culture amongst not only the youth but all of humanity. There are many ways this is done from those behind the veil. Read on from here and I will show you exactly how Meta is yet another distraction from reality and how you can sidestep it and take back your time!

One very obvious way Meta influences our youth are the female ‘influencers’ in their bikinis, lingeries and very little clothing showing it all for the masses to see. On the flip side, we have the males promoting toxic products, showing off their chiseled abdominal region. Furthermore, there are photo editing features that greatly enhances their ‘look.’ In reality, the most attractive features are your heart and soul. It is what is on the inside that counts. Being authentic to you, and just by simply being you if far more attractive. Be you, do not pretend to be someone you are not.
Quite often people live their lives through social media scrolling for countless hours a day and repeat. It is such a huge distraction from reality. You see these people hooked on their phones and/or their devices inside. Furthermore, we see people so addicted to this virtual reality that they can’t even drive a car without checking it. People need to be outside communicating with each other physically. Furthermore, fresh air and sunshine is what the human body craves not behind a screen inside for countless hours. We are not designed for this. It is time we see and understand our reality. We are powerful beings once we realise that the outside world is truly an amazing place.
Our youth spend hours endlessly scrolling.. It is a massive distraction from reality. We can all see people hooked on their technology, looking down instead of up. Simply, our human body is not designed to be indoors living a sedentary lifestyle through a screen. We are designed to move and create. This is quite the opposite. Our youth are not moving and they have poor health as a result of this. Once we remember who we are and why we came here and that the outside world is truly an amazing place to experience, no longer will we as a society be so reliant on tech and social media.
In summary, limit the daily use of social media. Stop wasting time endlessly scrolling. If you scroll for 8 hours a day, cut it back to 4-6 hours a day. Use those additional hours to exercise, move, breathe, get outside and find your passion. Have fun, enjoy the sunshine, the moment, the meal, the people you’re with, read, do something that lights up your mind, body and spirit. You have the power to change and become healthier, wealthier and wise. Take back control of what you consume on a daily basis and consume things that empower you, not disempower you. Remember it starts and ends with you.
Read more from Nathan Francis
Nathan Francis, Youth Self–Sabotage Coach
Nathan Francis is a leader in the Youth Coaching space. Drawing from 10+ years experience inside the mainstream system, it became quite evident to him that the system is failing our youth. Nathan has dedicated his life to helping our youth unleash their innate human potential. He is the founder of teenageselfsabotag.com where he offers 1:1 and group coaching programs. Author of Breaking Free: A Teens & Young Adults guide to identifying their addictions and overcoming them. He is also the host of the breaking free podcast.