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Ignite Bold Leadership By Embracing Your Inner Child

Ramona Robinson, founder of RoRa Hypnosis, blends personal resilience with professional expertise, guiding individuals on transformative paths. Drawing from diverse life experiences, including triumphs over cancer, she helps them rediscover the joy and vitality of life, reclaiming strength with newfound resilience and hope.

Executive Contributor Ramona Robinson

When we were kids, we didn’t hesitate to dream big, take risks, and create magical worlds out of cardboard boxes and old blankets. That child, full of wonder and boundless imagination, is still in there, even if we’ve tucked them away to handle all the adulting.

boy biting stem of pink rose

But what if the secret to becoming a better leader, a more creative thinker, or just a happier human was reconnecting with that inner child? And no, it’s not just about taking a nostalgic trip down memory lane. It’s about unlocking your true potential.

Why play is seriously underrated

Remember when play was our job? I would spend hours making "soup" out of rainwater, mud, and flowers. My kids? They could lose themselves for hours learning everything there is to know about trains. And I bet you had your own version of that. It turns out, all that playing was training us for some pretty important life skills: being spontaneous, creative, and adaptable. We didn’t overthink things back then. If the couch cushion fort collapsed, we just grabbed more pillows and kept building.

Fast forward to now, and the leaders making waves aren’t the ones who always play by the book. They’re the ones who still know how to play, trust their gut, and pivot when things go off-script.

As adults, we get so stuck in routines and “what’s practical” that we forget how essential play really is. That childhood instinct to improvise on the fly? Yeah, that’s exactly what we need in this fast-paced world. Spontaneity isn’t just fun, it’s a superpower.

Spontaneity: The unsung hero of creativity

As kids, we didn’t plan every detail to death. If you wanted to build a spaceship out of a cardboard box, you just did it. There was no business plan, no committee approval. You just tried, maybe failed, and figured it out along the way.

Leaders today who embrace that same spontaneity stand out. They trust their instincts and take bold steps, even without a perfect 12-point plan. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s a time and place for strategy, but giving yourself permission to jump in and play with ideas can open doors you didn’t even know existed.

So take a page from your childhood and dare to leap. That unplanned leap could be the key to your next big breakthrough.

Imagination isn’t just for kids

Ask any kid what they want to be when they grow up, and you’ll hear answers like astronaut, superhero, or maybe even princess fairy zookeeper. Kids don’t see limits. They dream in full technicolor, and they don’t let reality hold them back.

As adults, we start clipping our own wings, shrinking our dreams to fit into “realistic” boxes. But what if you let yourself dream big again, just like when you were a kid?

The leaders who truly innovate aren’t the ones with the safest ideas. They’re the ones who dare to think differently, to dream bigger. They approach the world with the wonder of a child, minus the bedtime tantrums (hopefully). That’s where the real magic happens.

Failing like a pro: The toddler method

Ever watched a toddler learning to walk? They fall down, a lot. But do they give up? No chance. They wobble, face-plant, and get right back up.

As adults, we tend to treat failure like it’s the end of the world. We overthink it, let it crush our confidence, and then overthink it some more. But what if we handled failure like toddlers? We’d laugh, get back up, and keep moving.

Successful leaders understand this. They know falling down is part of the process, and they’ve mastered the art of failing forward. Each misstep is just another chance to learn, grow, and keep going. So the next time you face a failure, channel your inner toddler: fall, laugh, get back up, and try again.

The power of reconnecting with your inner child

So, how do you bring out your inner child when you’re juggling all the adult responsibilities? It’s actually pretty simple:

  • Make time for play: Give yourself permission to do something just for fun. No goals, no productivity pressure. Just play. Whether that’s doodling, running through sprinklers (yes, as an adult), or building that metaphorical pillow fort, enjoy the process.

  • Trust your gut: Remember how confident you were as a kid? That’s still in there. Start acting on your instincts more and overanalyzing less. Sometimes your gut knows the way better than your brain does.

  • Dream without limits: What would you try if you didn’t care what anyone thought? Let yourself dream big, wild, and without boundaries. Those are the ideas that change everything.

  • Fail better: When you fall down, laugh, dust yourself off, and try again. Failure isn’t the opposite of success. It’s part of the adventure.

Lead like a kid (but, you know, with adult supervision)

At the end of the day, the leaders shaping the future are the ones who remember the lessons from their childhood: the wonder, the spontaneity, the ability to dream big and fall without giving up. By tapping into the wisdom of our inner child, we unlock our full potential, opening up space for growth, creativity, and joy.

So, next time you face a tough decision, ask yourself: What would 6-year-old me do? And if the answer is, “Build a cardboard spaceship and aim for the stars,” well, maybe that’s exactly what you need to do.

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Read more from Ramona Robinson


Ramona Robinson, Hypnotherapist & Mindset Coach

 Ramona Robinson, founder of RoRa Hypnosis, is a seasoned hypnotist and mindset coach dedicated to guiding individuals on transformative journeys. With a compassionate approach and a wealth of personal and professional experience, she empowers clients to overcome challenges, reclaim their strength, and embrace life with renewed resilience and hope. Through her work, Ramona aims to inspire others to discover their inner power and live authentically.



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