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If You Have The Desire You Are Capable Of Doing It ‒ Exclusive Interview With Seán McGeough

Seán McGeough is N.Irelands leading RTT® Therapist & International Best Selling Author. Seán has worked for almost a decade with his clients to help them find direction and move beyond limitations and live happy more fulfilled lives being their authentic selves. In the past year, Seán has been making waves in the therapy & coaching world currently providing private sessions and seminars all over Europe.

Seán McGeough, RTT®, CL Hypnotherapist & Best Selling Authour

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

I’m Seán McGeough, I’m an RTT Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Best-Selling Author, though I’m not a fan of the term clinical hypnotherapist, I think I’m too much of a hippy to be clinical. I’m from Belfast (N.I) but I’m currently living on a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea while I’m on a working tour in Europe. I don’t know if this happened, one conversation leads to another which led to other opportunities, and now I’m working my way through a few different countries providing private sessions, training seminars and talks. Pretty exciting and I also think it’s a great thing to show that if I can so if anyone can.

What is your business name and how do you help your clients?

It's just Seán McGeough, nothing fancy there. I work with a range of different things with my clients so no one “name” could cover that. I’m a Rapid Transformational Therapist® & Hypnotherapist and I’ve sort of fell into working with addictions, but I think it’s my way of looking at it that makes it's it so effective. I’m all about ‘Being Authentically You’ and showing up as that person, and that’s what I work with be it smoking or migraines. I like to find out with clients what is the belief under smoking, under drinking that is keeping them stuck, and uncovering that frees my clients to live happy more fulfilled lives… being their authentic selves. What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?

Next year I would like to help 10000 people get their lives back and be their authentic selves. I have no idea how I’m going to do that, but I don’t know why it wouldn’t happen. I see it all too often, and it’s a soapbox I won’t get down from, people shouldn’t struggle alone. We are a social species; we thrive when others help but somewhere along the line, we were taught our feelings don’t matter or that we must act a certain way to be safe and liked. Then we grow up we have all sorts of issues, we smoke, we drink, we take pills, we hide from people, we can’t show up as ourselves for fear of rejection, and that’s not right. So, if one of my audios, programmes, rants on Facebook helps one person step into authenticity then I’ve only 9999 left to help.

A personal goal of mine is to take my nephews to Disney Land, I’m totally using them as a reason for going. It's all for me. I’m obsessed with Sleeping Beauty & Maleficent. I’ve got 3 tattoos already of them, and I’m considering a 4th.

Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?

I tend to keep my blinders on and not know what anyone else is doing so my answer is probably a little different from what you usually get. I’ve 2 groups of people:

  1. I’m the uncle to 3 beautiful nephews. Logan, Caleb and Noah and I want to show up as my best authentic self to show my kids that they can create anything they want in their life if they just do it.

  2. Is for every single person who is in that place they feel they have no one and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. To every single one of those people, ill sit in the dark with you, can’t see a light? I’ll start a fire for you. When you’re ready we can climb out of the darkness together. Nobody should go through that alone and those that do deserve a medal.

When you're inspired by these things nothing really gives me a wobble anymore. I mightn’t know what I’m working on one day, but I sure as hell know why I’m working. Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

Oh my goodness, there’s so many things I’m so proud of but I think over the past year an amazing achievement has been people in the hypnotherapy and mental science field much longer than I have reaching out to me and asking me for training on how I get the results I do working with smokers. Like when I’ve read these people's books, listened to their audios, watched their YouTube videos and all of a sudden, you're an email or DM from someone asking how I’m getting those results and can I teach them, can I talk at their training programme. It's mind-blowing.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

I never thought I would be doing what I’m doing. Not just working as a hypnotherapist, I never thought I was smart enough to be honest. Never mind the trust my clients have put in me over the years, long before I became a therapist. I can't say I have an actual pivotal moment but what I did have was a desire and as that saying goes “if you have the desire you are capable of doing it” so I just brave and took action and that’s really what I want to let anyone know is that if I can do what I'm doing, that’s proof enough that you can do what you want to do. Just take a little action.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

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