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If It Fits Your Lifestyle (IIFYL)

Written by: Ryan Hodgson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Ryan Hodgson

When it comes to creating lifelong sustainable changes it always boils down to one thing, and that one thing is lifestyle. See, no matter how much we try to dress it up we are almost always physically and mentally a byproduct of the lifestyle we have led up to now.

Happy woman relaxing on comfortable soft sofa enjoying stress free.

If you’re someone who’s perhaps not quite happy with where they’re at with their body shape, fitness levels, weight, or body composition you’d be forgiven for seeing the fitter, leaner, and stronger person at work and thinking ‘It’s ok for them’ and you wouldn’t be alone with that thought. However, from working with thousands of people over the last 14 years, the thing that separates these people from the majority (who are unhappy with their body shape to some degree) is the lifestyle they’re leading.

I’m a huge believer that just because we reach a certain age we should be embracing the ‘dad/mum-bod’. In fact, as we do get a little older and staying in shape becomes more of a challenge that's a sign for us to give our mind and body more focus to reduce the effects of aging (it can be done without extremes).

If you want to build a body shape that you’re happy with, it will need to address the lifestyle which has various important areas. In fact, in Team HH Online we cover 6 key areas:

  • Stress

  • Sleep

  • Nutrition

  • Exercise

  • Habits

  • Mindset

With these 6 areas in mind, it doesn’t mean we have to pay a lot of attention to each area as they often look after each other.

I often like to focus on sleep, nutrition and exercise as this helps lower stress levels improve, mindset, and helps with habit formation too.

It doesn’t have to be drastic, in fact when you’re trying to improve your lifestyle the less drastic the better. So if you want to get in shape physically and mentally, start to build the lifestyle whilst being aware fo these 6 areas.

  • Stress - Reducing stress will help with overall health as well as increased energy levels and moods.

  • Sleep - this is the foundation to your building that lifestyle and often the most underrated aspect of being healthy. Don’t be team ‘no sleep’ it’s not a healthy approach.

  • Nutrition - as a certified nutrition coach it’s not about being on a diet or being strict with food its being mindful of portion control, getting plenty of protein and colour in and you’re most of the way there.

  • Exercise - Get some weight training in (3-5 times a week) and some cardio (2-3 times a week). Put it in your calendar each week and make it a priority.

  • Habits - Look at building habits that increase your movement and are good for your physical and mental health. Get in the fresh air, stand rather than sit, stairs over lifts. Make your eating and

  • training part of healthy habits.

  • Mindset - Think longer term, and don’t think ‘I’m on a health kick’ think I’m living a lifestyle.

Now you have an overview take a few moments out to look at your ‘ideal week’ and map out what can you fit into your lifestyle that is realistic and sustainable so that you can become a byproduct of a lifestyle you’re proud of.

Now, if you’d like to get hands-on 1-1 support from me and my award-winning team then head to to get a free 1-1 health strategy call with me or one of the team.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!

Ryan Hodgson Brainz Magazine

Ryan Hodgson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ryan Hodgson, is an executive health coach who helps busy professionals outsource their health and fitness with his 6 month coaching program. Having been in the fitness industry 13 years and having worked with over 10,000 people he’s become an industry leader. Having won several awards, and become a best selling author too. Ryan is a family man and has 2 daughters, which drive his passion to have a holistic approach to health and performance. He is the CEO of Team HH online and runs it with his wife and business partner Elly Hodgson.

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