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I Quit My Job, Now What? 3 Key Questions To Ask Yourself To Just Know What’s Right For You Next

Written by: Ulrika Sullivan, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Are you one of the many people who know you need a major career change? You’re either feel completely done with your existing career, can’t stand it another week, or you have not had a choice, you have had to leave your job. You may already have quit your job or you are thinking about it?

In any case, the big question that is stuck in your mind, blocking you from taking action is “What would I do instead??!”Some of us spent months if not years trying to figure out the answer to that question.

And as a result, procrastinating and dealing with major resistance in the process, because things are not moving. Life stays the same because you don’t have the answer…

Not anymore.

What if you JUST KNEW what was right for you?

That immediate warm feeling of “THIS IS IT!”.


Do you want that? (Who doesn’t?!)

The key to stop procrastinating and delaying your decisions and instead, start to act without resistance is a major inner shift. This inner shift is one that only you can make. It is the shift from being driven by the mind and logic to living from the heart and using your intuition.

Are you living driven by the mind?

“How do I know?” you may ask. When we live driven by the mind we live with a limited perspective than what’s available to us. What I mean by this is that there is SO much more that we can tap into than what we can see and touch. But the mind wants us to see it before we can believe it exists. The mind is built upon logic and with logic, we think we can figure things out. Or at least that’s how it seems.

Since there’s so much more possibility available to us and we only tap into a fraction of it, we often experience resistance because things are not happening within that limited portion of tangible evidence. We struggle because we think it’s all there is. We struggle some more because we try to push the outcome into that limited box.

The consequences of being driven by the mind may be that we’re feeling not fully satisfied, we experience limited progress and predictable outcomes. We feel less creative and experience a lack of adventure. And the ego gets inflated and many times unknowingly because the reliance and determination to get some tangible proof before believing something is possible for us is evident.

If you experience any of the above, you have an opportunity to make a shift!

Want to start living from the heart and intuition?

You may respond “Yes, please! Bring it ON!” to that question? What if you could increase your trust in what is beyond the physical and JUST KNOW what is right for you? Let go of the frustration and experience more fulfillment, ease, and flow in life as you take your next step?

You can start today by asking yourself the following questions today.

3 Practical Questions to Ask Yourself to Just Know what’s Right for You Next.

If you’re courageous enough to ask yourself questions that reveal your truth you’re putting yourself on the path of soul growth.

The below questions have the power to kickstart the process of finding your next opportunity. These questions are heart-centered and help you to tap into your true self to get to the bottom of what you truly want.

The first question is “What is mine and what is others?” This question has many layers. The mind goes to what you’ve been taught or given as a child and the belief that it’s still your truth. But it may not be.

Another aspect of this question has to do with your energy. Do you get influenced by others? Then you get influenced by others’ energy. So the question on what’s yours here is about what truly is you, and what influence others are making on you.

Do your parents influence your choices? Does your partner or spouse tell you what’s right for you? Do you often ask others what to do?

To navigate the question you need to come clean with yourself and get back to what is truly your own belief about a lot of things. This can take some time to get to the bottom of.

If you truly want to clear your own energy from others’ energy, you need to spend some time with yourself and only yourself.

How can you make space to get to know yourself fully without others around?

The second question is “What am I good at already?This question can be tricky to nail down because we often hold assumptions about ourselves and our abilities based on what education we have or skills training. Also, most of us are dealing with things we “have-to” that we can be pretty good at.

What we’re talking about here is what talents you innately have. Without training, without being asked, without showing off. You are just good at this for no reason.

That’s your goldmine.

To find this out it’s important to first go back in time to your early pre-teenage years and go on a treasure hunt for forgotten memories and escapades that you went on exploring your world. Within those creative moments are your talents captured.

Your natural talents only you have.

To find out what your natural talents are you need to allow yourself to go with the flow for a while, without a schedule or responsibilities calling on you. It may be a two-hour window that allows you to be creative and notice what excites you for no reason. Within what excites you for no reason lies a clue, your talents, and your gifts.

The third question is “What does my heart say? This question helps you hit the nail on the head when it comes to finding the next opportunity that is JUST RIGHT for you next. Without consulting your heart you’ll move in a direction made up of logic. To listen to the energy of your heart and what your true self wants for you next you need to slow down and remove outer distractions.

That’s not enough though.

You have to be courageous enough to truly listen and accept the answer.

In my opinion, the best way to learn to begin to listen to your heart and your intuition consistently is to commit to meditation practice.

Meditation not only puts your analytical mind in the back seat for a little. It also connects you to your heart and intuition as you turn your attention inwards.

This way you can turn to your quiet space within and listen to what’s right for you next without having to figure it out with your mind. Your heart and true self know already. All you need to do is to listen and accept what you learn about yourself.

The path to a new opportunity doesn’t have to be a struggle. You too can make a shift to heart-centered living and increase your connection with your true self by first asking yourself these three questions.

Ulrika invites you to make a shift for yourself by reading her book “Wisdom Beyond What You Know: How to Shift from Being Driven by the Mind to Living from the Heart and Intuition”

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info!


Ulrika Sullivan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ulrika Sullivan is an intuitive spiritual life coach, yoga teacher, and energy healer. After leaving a stressful multitasking corporate career that left her feeling on autopilot, Ulrika realized she didn’t know who she truly was. A complete inner shift led her to her “point-of-no-return” when she with clarity connected with her true self, natural talents, and life purpose. Ever since Ulrika is successfully helping busy working women to connect with their own intuition, find their inner calm, self-love, and life balance, so that they can live with more ease and flow. Ulrika is the host of the podcast “New Light Living - See Your Life in a New Light”.

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