Written by: Frida Joosting, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
Without really knowing what to expect, I entered the small workshop room when a woman with a heart-warming smile walked towards me and embraced me as if she had known that I would come. I still hear myself mentioning my name and then the most important words that ‘I had come for ME’. She answered, ‘Yes I know’.
This was the introduction to a series of healing sessions, which were packed in a course I signed up for, with the intention to share one day with other life travellers; all of us being curious and ready to explore the incredible invisible content which the chemistry of our bodies hold.
I felt like a little one being back in the womb, being cradled and moved in a rhythm close to the heartbeat of a foetus. In a rocking motion, in a loving embrace, being bathed in the fluids of my own body. I felt the gentle pulses penetrating through the skin into the deeper layers of my soul.
I knew I could only release, trust and surrender to all what I could experience from within at that moment. Water and energy were moving and small ripples easily spread through my whole body from crown to toe. Suddenly I burst out in incredible laughter, being pulled into this motion by my big toes. No idea where it all came from, being only even not for five minutes on the table. I didn’t know how to stop, as it was such a spontaneous outburst.
I felt the space within me growing with the release of such uncontrolled joy and had to fall deeper and deeper within to be able to listen to my inner voice merging from every cell. The voice engaged me into a dialogue coming from unconscious memory, surfacing in so many colours of expression. I had no idea what would be revealed, just knew that I was ready to welcome any truth, flowing through an open channel into the river of magical moments of awareness. Smaller and larger pulsing waves accompanied my breath, unfolding the tension hold by physical cramps and causes of my earth lived life story. I felt how my facial expression was changing and how tears, formed in my eyes, were seeping down my face in silence…
There was the bridge. The bridge of wooden planks over the enormous canyon; swinging me from right to left in the middle of its curve. I was looking around and suddenly saw a rabbi with a very little girl at the far end of the bridge, on the edge of the cliffs. I could see how he was standing there with the little girl in front of him. The bridge was swaying immensely but there she came. Unexpectedly the little girl started to run and kept on running and running. I couldn’t believe it; she was running up to me. An overwhelming feeling of simultaneous angst, relief and excitement entered my chest.
Here she was. I will never forget this moment that I lifted her up, she is still in motion of her intense drive to be reunited with me. A motion filled with intense love; this was the reunion I had been longing for, waiting for. So many years had passed and here she was, so unexpectedly, such a surprise, this little girl, ME. The tears rolled over my face as I knew immediately who she was. ME, this inner child who had been wandering for such a long time, finally coming ‘Home’.
I was holding her firmly when I sensed a miraculous Light appearing behind me. I looked over my right shoulder and saw my spiritual guide standing there in immense bright abundance. I heard his voice, ‘Look back to the other side’. I turned my head, looking over the cliffs but no one was there. Only the cliffs and an empty sky; the rabbi had disappeared. The noise had disappeared and standing in the middle of the bridge with this little girl in my arms, a silence became apparent, leaving just ME with ME in the Light. No more separation, only ME with ME!
I was deeply touched, in bliss, feeling incredibly humble. This was my story uniting ME with ME in inevitable acceptance with ‘who I am’. A change emerging to the surface as a thief in the night, coming from far, so close though in ME.
I felt my body still rocking on the table. An intense vibration rippling out in every corner of my existence. Far away hearing the warm voice of the lady. She had been guiding me through my story in just being present in ultimate Love. Allowing me to enter the profound caves within me, I even didn’t know existed. The intensity had been enormous and would continue to heal me in the coming days, coming years.
For sure I knew that this was the journey I wanted to embark on, the journey of going ‘Home’. So much healing to be done, but I was not afraid. I had only one wish ‘to be united in the Essence of Creation, ’the Home of All’. I relaxed in this moment and felt incredibly thankful for the surprise gift I had received. Slowly I rolled over on my side as a foetus in the womb, listening to my own breath, the slow motion of the in and outflow. It was time to move back into the 3-Dimensional space with its limits and sequential timeline. I had been for a short moment in an infinite space and timeless experience, which was far more the REAL ME than anything else.
I thanked the Creator wholeheartedly from very deep within and knew that time had come to wake up in the 3-Dimensional Illusion. When I opened my eyes the radiation of a heart-warming smile came my way and only one response was possible. I smiled back and opened my arms to embrace the woman like I had embraced my own inner child!
Brisbane, Australia
Word Count: 487
Ph. +61 (0)447 335 077
Frida Joosting, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Frida Joosting is a Life Traveler, lead by curiosity into experiences of seeking depth and truth in Existence. Guidance from many spiritual souls like Krishnamurti, Yogananda, Osho, Eghart Tolle, Deepak Chopra and Rumi has enriched her Life and moved her into diverse directions. She is an Artist at heart, living a life of service, using intuition and intention for Creation, and allowing Reality to unfold wherever the river flows. From Dancer, Choreographer and Educator transitioning into Writer, Speaker and Business Facilitator, is the never-ending exciting adventure she brings to her audience. Potential Freedom, her inspirational business in Personal Development Programs and Events, offers like-minded travelers to join her in a unique Work / Life Balance experience. And so she says: Live Life Truly, Fully and in Abundance!