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I Am The Greatest

Written by: Dominic Emerson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The greatest thing that you can ever think about or say to yourself are these words, for the power that comes from this statement alone gives you the clear affirmation of who you are and what you could be. I was young when I heard Muhammad Ali say this, and it wasn’t that he was just saying it to the crowd of spectators. I realized after watching it several times that he was just saying what he already knew and letting the world know what he understood about himself. If we are going to proclaim such a bold statement to the world, then we must first believe that we are and that this is what I am ready to proclaim to the world that I AM THE GREATEST.

As great as I know we could be, we have to train ourselves and condition our minds that this is the day that I have come to the knowledge and understanding that I’m great, and that means in whatever you do in life to achieve success, you have to believe that you're the greatest at it.

Life is like a boxing ring with several different rounds and several different fights; there’s going to be times that you have to go back to your corner, take a break, catch your breath then get back up and begin boxing again, your opponent that your fighting against is yourself, the one that has doubt, the one that has disbelief, the one who is ready to through in the towel in the middle of the fight, that’s when you say to yourself, I AM THE GREATEST.

I love the part when he says float like a butterfly string like a bee, and we have to realize that these are two different meanings. The butterfly is born out of a cocoon coming out of total darkness and blossoming into something so beautiful and graceful that people love and are more to accept. The bee is born to be a hard worker doesn’t look as nice as the butterfly most people are afraid of the bee and not knowing that the bee will only attack when threatened. In this life, you are going to have to be both to be successful and be the greatest you, you have ever been.

The fight for success is not going to come easy. The opposition is not going to lay down or take a dive, and the opposition is going to stand with you toe to toe just to see so you have what it takes to stand and say, I AM THE GREATEST.

To be the greatest, you are going to have to train your mind, body, and soul that this which you desire the most and are willing to sacrifice time and effort for will be one of the greatest achievements you have accomplished. No fighter ever gets into the ring and thinks I’m going to lose, you go into it thinking about ways to defeat your opponent, what are the weaknesses, and once you find it, that’s when you have figured out how you are going to knock down this giant.

We have to start looking for what works when becoming successful. Socrates said, “ The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

What are you building that’s new for you to say that in this fight for success, I AM THE GREATEST. This rode will take you as far as you are willing to go. Do you have what it takes to reach that mental state of becoming the champion you were created to be?

I used to stand in the mirror and shadow box and think about if I were a boxer and what it would be like to hear them say, and the new heavyweight champion of the world is, but I realized that I would never become a boxer and that was Muhammad Ali’s life. I thought about how great I was in other areas of my life, so I decided then that I would focus on them, and I stood in that bathroom and said to myself, I AM THE GREATEST at being me and the turnaround and focus on self and the success I wanted and desired started to come, slowly I could see it was like I was moving up into different weight classes, and when I accomplished a goal whether big or small I would say to myself, rumble young man rumble.

This is the moment that you have been waiting for the moment all of your reading and your training, and the moment that you realized that you were born to be dope because you are the greatest to ever achieve your own personal desire of success, and no one can take that from you. When you get to put on that championship belt and let the world know that you didn’t give up and that nothing has stopped you from winning the fight even though some may have had you as the underdog and had the odds against you, now look them straight in the face and say, IAM THE GREATEST.

The reason why many believe that Muhammad Ali is the greatest of all times is that he believed it first. You have to believe in yourself first, and if need be remind people of who you are. It doesn’t matter what they think about you. It matters what you think about yourself. We must turn our mindset into the reality of what we believe.


Dominic Emerson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

He is a servant to others. He has been a keynote speaker. He has a passion for transforming thoughts and encouraging others to have a Master Mentality. He is a published author. He is someone who seeks to help bring out one’s desires.



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