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Human Design And Neurodivergence – How To Be More Successful In A World Not Designed For You

Written by: Ebonie Allard, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Ebonie Allard

In today's fast-paced and competitive world, the pursuit of success is often defined by societal standards and expectations. However, for neurodivergent individuals, who possess unique cognitive and perceptual characteristics, conforming to these traditional success markers can be challenging and often result in feelings of alienation.

businesswoman walking while drinking coffee outdoors

Understanding and embodying your unique Human Design can allow neurodivergent individuals to find alternative success markers that align with their authentic selves.

Defining success in a changing world

The truth is that our definition of success gets to vary greatly from person to person, and conventional measures of success may not always align with our individual strengths, desires or abilities. This is particularly true for neurodivergent people, who often possess unique perspectives, talents, and ways of processing information. In order to successfully navigate a world that mostly does not cater to our specific needs, it is essential for neurodivergent individuals to explore alternative success markers. Success, in its essence, is a highly personal and subjective concept. Traditionally, it has been associated with material wealth, social status, and career accomplishments. However, as society continues to evolve, there is a growing recognition that success encompasses a much broader spectrum of factors. True success encompasses personal growth, fulfillment, meaningful relationships, and overall well-being. Getting really clear on your Values, not just from a cognitive or semantic standpoint but from an embodied and lived perspective is what has helped me and the thousands of other ‘Misfits’ over the years. I have a tool known as your compass or The Value Filter that you can get it here, which increases interoception and assists you in aligning with an embodied sense of success. Getting an embodied tangible sense of what success feels like makes aligning with it much easier and also allows us to know when it is missing. I have also found connecting to a sense of my greater purpose to be really helpful. For me, that means understanding that I am a Spiritual being, having a Human experience and that I chose to incarnate here and now specifically in order to learn and grow through by having an emotional and physical experience.

Taking this further, having psychospiritual, metaphysical and quantum physical frames like Astrology and Human Design help by offering deep insights into our individual inherent design and unique paths to evolution, authenticity and fulfillment. By becoming more self-aware and embracing our unique operating system, we get to learn to interpret our inherent Soul blueprint for how we were designed to use our energy, be in alignment and make choices. Self-actualisation and ‘success’ then become a natural bi-product.

Introducing Human Design

Human Design is a spiritual science system that combines astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, the chakra system, and quantum physics to reveal a comprehensive understanding of our individual energetic makeup. This unique blueprint, including our personality traits, strengths, and areas of potential instability offer us the opportunity for insight and wisdom. Human Design categorizes individuals into five types: Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors, each with its own distinct aura, way of interacting with the world, and strategy for alignment and decision-making.

Embodying your type and strategy

Human Design is deep and broad, it offers layers upon layers of understanding, (as do each of the systems it is synthesised from) This means that many people are keen to hear all the details of their design, without fully embodying the fundamentals first. It is really important to take the time to understand and really embody your type. Doing so will lead to a much more ease-filled, empowered and fulfilling sense of personalised success than skipping over the implementation part in order to learn the next bit of information.


Manifestors are natural initiators and innovators. Trailblazers. Visionaries with the ability to bring ideas into reality.

Their success theme is Peace.

Their strategy is to initiate and inform others before taking action. (Rather than shooting off alone without telling anyone what they are up to.) Manifestors are energetic leaders who desire freedom and space to be at peace in their own process. They want to be free to play and create and not be told what to do or how to be. Manifestors are natural initiators. They have a powerful aura that impacts the world around them. By openly communicating their intentions, Manifestors can gain the support and cooperation necessary to manifest their visions. For a neurodivergent Manifestor, success might mean finding opportunities to express their creativity and learning to impact others positively so that they might bring their unique and innovative ideas to life.

To be successful, Manifestors need to trust their inner impulses and act on their desires. They need to accept that some will be repelled by their aura, but that those that ‘get it’ will get on board and bring their vision to life. Success will come more easily when they are mindful of informing others about their plans and work on respectful communication in order to maintain harmonious relationships. Example: An aspiring entrepreneur with Manifestor design may find success by embracing their urge to create and lead, initiating innovative ideas, and sharing their vision with team members who then implement. Manifestors are not designed to micro-manage. They are here to lead in line with their urges … use their energy and move forward fast … and then rest. This opens them up to sustainable energy and the ability to move with more conviction when they receive another urge. When they follow the urges, doing comes naturally but they don’t have to ‘do’ all of the time. Action is effortless when they are following the urges from an aligned place. When there is pressure to keep doing, it short circuits the urges.

Manifestors find success when they inform and buy their team into the vision, fostering collaboration and support.


Generators are the life force of society, the builders and alchemists.

They possess sustainable energy to engage fully with tasks they are passionate about. Their success theme is Satisfaction.

Their strategy is to respond to opportunities that resonate with them (rather than trying to make things happen or do things out of duty or obligation.) They have an innate ability to work diligently, going all in on their work and deriving satisfaction from a job well done. They garner energy for themselves and those around them by being lit up, and doing things that make them buzz with joy like a happy worker bee. To be successful, Generators need to follow their gut instincts and engage in activities that bring them true satisfaction. They thrive when they find work that aligns with their passions and interests. The more they follow what excites them and makes them feel alive, the more they ignite others with energy and show others how to do this too. Neurodivergent Generators can redefine success by prioritizing activities that align with their passions and special interests, knowing that they are designed to find mastery in something that they love. By following their inner guidance, they can avoid burnout and lead lives rich in satisfaction. In order to do this, they must get good at saying no to things that aren’t aligned. Example: A Generators' path to success might involve identifying where their unique interests and talents intersect and responding to offers that are presented to them. Once they’ll find an area that lights them up, they’ll commit to going all in on work that ignites their inner enthusiasm and allows for mastery. By listening to their internal guidance, they can attract opportunities that align with their energetic needs.

Manifesting Generators

Manifesting Generators are the hummingbirds, the multi-passionates and time benders.

Like Generators, they possess sustainable energy to engage fully with the implementation of what they are passionate about and their success theme is also Satisfaction.

Like Generators their strategy is also to respond to opportunities that resonate with them (but that ‘dose’ of Manifestor means that they additionally need to inform as they change direction.) Manifesting Generators are designed to iterate, creating synthesis by bringing different areas together. Rather than go all on one specialist area they tend to move between different projects. They are designed to be fun, sparkly, lit up and the embodiment of flow. They have a lot more energy and bandwidth than most people and rarely move in a linear way. Their purpose is to be the embodiment of curiosity and adventure, showing others that it doesn’t need to be heavy and hard for them either. Neurodivergent Manifesting Generators can redefine success by prioritizing activities that align with their passions and special interests, knowing that they are designed to move from one thing to the next and that even when they don’t finish something, if they have followed their strategy they have gotten what they needed from it. By following their inner guidance, they can avoid depression and lead lives rich in satisfaction. In order to do this, they must get good at saying no to things that aren’t aligned and leave situations that no longer feel aligned if the experience changes for them. Example: A Manifesting Generator's path to success might involve responding to offers that light them up in the short term and enable them to bring together all the different experiences they have in some kind of consulting, or project work. They might find that success looks like variation, a mixture of initiating and implementing and having someone else finish things for them. By listening to their internal guidance, they can attract opportunities that align with their energetic needs and by informing they can get the support that they need to have things wrapped up as they are moving on to the next thing and getting everyone excited for that.


Projectors are the guides, and seers. They are cited as the new age CEO’s because Projectors are not here to add to the energy, but to guide, transmute improve and tweak what is already in existence.

Their success theme is Success.

Their strategy is to be recognised and invited (Rather than share deep insights with those that haven’t asked for it and don’t value it.) Projectors possess a deep understanding of systems and people, making them natural guides and advisors. They excel at offering insightful advice and seeing the potential within individuals and systems. Their aura penetrates deep into whatever it is looking at, and it is for this reason that they need to be invited to go deep. To be successful, Projectors get to focus on building their sense of authority and their own self-recognition by going deep with whatever it is that they are interested in, and developing their unique insights. By recognizing their energy limits, focusing on self-care and waiting for a sense of invitation or recognition before sharing their wisdom they’ll amplify their authority and attract invitations. Neurodivergent Projectors can redefine success by working of self-acceptance first. By recognising their own gifts and then seeking environments where their expertise is valued and appreciated. By focusing on quality connections and contributing their insights in spaces that recognize their unique gifts, they can thrive and make a meaningful impact. Example: A Projector seeking success could prioritize self-reflection, cultivate their expertise in a particular field, sharing their findings for themselves first and foremost while patiently waiting for opportunities where their unique insights and guidance are sought after. By embracing their role as a guide, they can create a meaningful impact without feeling overwhelmed.


Reflectors are the truth-tellers, mirrors and wise sages. They reflect back to the community what is really going on.

Their success theme is Surprise. (Which is like awe or delight; reflecting the wonder of life itself.) Their strategy is to wait a Luna cycle. Feeling every tweak and shift and sampling as they reflect on what they notice. (They get to go at their own pace, rather than feeling the pressure to move as quickly as the Manifestors and Generators think that they need to know.) Reflectors are rare individuals (just 1% of the population) who possess an amplified sensitivity to their surroundings. Their aura samples everything and everyone around them, giving them unique insight into what is going on in any community or collective. To be successful, Reflectors must prioritize their well-being, and learn to be a mirror rather than a sponge. They must regularly assess the environments they inhabit and make sure that they are surrounding themselves with positive and supportive individuals. For a neurodivergent Reflector, success might mean creating or curating an environment that nurtures their well-being. Being in a community or environment that allows them to reflect on their experiences and make decisions that align with their true nature. By cultivating self-care practices and surrounding themselves with supportive individuals, they can flourish. Example: A Reflector seeking success might engage in communities dedicated to nurturing well-being, and spend their time meditating, journaling, or in nature. By creating a harmonious environment, they can thrive and provide valuable insights to the community they reflect.

So what?

In a world not designed for neurodivergent individuals, the pursuit of success can seem futile. However, by embracing alternative success markers and understanding our unique design through systems like Human Design, we can forge a path that aligns with our authentic selves.

Remember, success is not a one-size-fits-all concept and true fulfillment comes from living a life that resonates with our individual strengths, values, and purpose. By embodying our type and strategy, we can navigate the world with confidence, make decisions aligned with our energetic blueprint, and ultimately create success on our own terms.

By understanding ourselves and embracing our Human Design, neurodivergent individuals are able to stop focusing on camouflaging ourselves in order to fit in and focus instead on unlocking our unique potential and path to success.

In stepping away from even trying to navigate the challenges of conventional success markers and choosing instead to redefine success on our own terms, we get to step onto a path where success might come with ease.

Success can be found in personal growth, authentic self-expression, meaningful relationships, and overall well-being.

I believe that it is essential for neurodivergent individuals to recognize their unique qualities and redefine success according to their own terms.

My blend of Human Design, Valueswork and embodiment practices provide a pathway that allows ‘Misfit’ individuals to align with their true nature, make decisions based on their strategy, and authority and ultimately create a life that honours their authentic selves.

I offer a free ‘Misfit to Maven: Embody your Human Design’ chart and report here, which provides clear, individualised step-by-step guidance to having more energy and being more resourced by design.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, visit my website for more info!

Ebonie Allard Brainz Magazine

Ebonie Allard, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ebonie Alchemy (Allard) is a Neurospicy Mystic, a Misfit turned Maven, an Award winning International Master Coach, an Author, Artist and Speaker. From a young age she felt like she didn’t fit in, or that her brain worked differently from those around her. Her experiences led her to label herself as a Misfit, ‘other herself’ and self isolate. After a series of rock bottoms, she began a journey into the scientific and esoteric, exploring what it means to really know herself, trust herself and live in full self expression. Her professional work although varied all centres on helping other ‘Misfit’ to become more empowered, embodied and expressed.

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