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How Your “Vibes” Drive Your Success

Written by: Mary Annette Brackin, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


It’s time for the world to wake up to the “vibe” it is producing and the resulting consequences. Vibes matter, and because there is such a strong vibe around hate, discord and strife at this time, energies are coming into the planet from the higher realms to create more love, peace, and forgiveness to deal with what humanity is creating. Love, peace, and forgiveness are just a few of the invisible forces that drive the success or failure of what you experience in your life. You see, what you can see with the naked eye is not what creates your reality. It’s what you can’t see in energy, vibration, flow, synchronicity, intention, and other universal principles that create the reality that you live in. I call these the “invisible forces” and will be addressing each one of them over the next twelve months.

These invisible forces are behind all “matter,” as is already proven by quantum physics. What you think is solid, whether it is a material thing, or an actual experience has formed because of who you are being in the moment, how you act in the world, and what you believe. Humanity’s ongoing focus on vaccine wars and debates, negative political situations, the staunch need to be right over someone else, and the intent to spread negative energies such as hate, strife and disagreement are the root cause of all you see in the world that you dislike. The constant focus on the negative produces more negative results, outcomes, and experiences for everyone. Unfortunately, this is a lesson that will continue to be learned until enough of us wake up to the “real” reality.

For example, the pandemic is not lasting because it must; it’s lasting because it is an energetic match to what is in the world and gravitating to it. Viruses have a unique energetic imprint; they go where the energy is the closest match for them. You can stand in a room full of people affected with the virus and if your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions (which comprise your energy) are not a match to it, you won’t attract it. This doesn’t mean people deliberately catch it; it does mean there is so much hatred in the world right now it is going to continue to perpetuate for some time, at least until we all decide we have had enough and redirect our thoughts, words, emotions, and actions toward the higher energy forces of love, peace, and respect for all life and points of view. That is the cure for the virus over the vaccine.

We all underestimate the role of energy in the creation of everything. Energy is the life force that keeps us alive. It exists in our cells and our organs (like our lungs which enable us to breathe) and is the reason our cells recreate and reproduce themselves every few years. It is the foundation upon which everything lives, moves, and exists. It is powerful, and yet most people only get aware of it when they are attracting negative situations and events into their lives. Energy is the fuel that keeps you feeling up or down; energized or depleted. It’s the fuel that keeps you driving toward or away from your goals. The power to continuously refuel yourself with positive or negative energy is in your hands.

Energy flows, and that is why a focus on how, when and where you are feeling and flowing your energy is so important. We are all connected, and when you have a bad day and act out of anger or direct your anger towards someone else, you impact their level of energy and consciousness. (Connection is the invisible force I will write about next month.) Energy is so powerful that when negative, can harm plants and animals, which are highly sensitive. Energy is flowing all the time; it is not a substance you can stop; you can only manage and direct it. The good news is you can consciously feel, move, and direct that energy towards your dreams and goals and away from unpleasant experiences.

The energy I’m talking about is so powerful it holds the universe together. Dark matter, which is not observable to the human eye, is the universal energy that performs that task. Energy is a carrier for everything we want to happen in our lives, like a surfboard carries one over the waves. It literally carries our thoughts, words, and emotions out through our auric fields, which are what connect us to everyone and everything else in the universe. Energy is a carrier of love, joy, and peace as well as a carrier for hate, anger and disappointment, energies which, while a normal part of the human experience, don’t serve us when we stay stuck. When we stay stuck in them, we continue to broadcast out to the universe that we want and expect more of the same. This compromises our energy and opens us up to be an energetic match for more hate, anger, and disappointment. On top of that, energy carries our messages into the auric fields of other people, plants, animals, and inanimate objects. Everything is alive and everything is connected. It is a false belief that we are in any way separate from anything.

Suggestions for Keeping Your Vibes High

  • Keep focused on the positive aspects of life and what brings you joy. Even during difficulties, remember that energy is always flowing and make a concerted effort to send positive intentions out into the world.

  • Redirect conversations that bring you or others down to things that uplift you and them. Remember that energy is carrying those words out through auric fields, so redirect them to the positive.

  • Spend time everyday dreaming, discussing possibilities instead of problems, and taking positive actions to fulfill your dreams. It’s not really that difficult to choose something positive over something negative. When you place how you show up in the world in the context of the experience you want others to have of you, it’s easier to flow positive energy instead of the negative.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Mary Annette Brackin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Mary Annette is a leader in helping people discover the truth about themselves, their connection to source energy, and the results such connection produces. She coaches people in working with universal principles to grow their businesses effectively, such as energy and vibration, flow, synchronicity, intention, connection, and harmony. She offers strategies to unblock the unwanted illusions they think are real in their businesses. She helps leaders coach their teams to discover and leverage the levels of energy required to uplift themselves and attract the organization's dreams and strategies with much less effort. She is also a certified theta healer practitioner and heals physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges through the energy of the Creator of All That Is.

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