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How Your Level Of Spirituality Can Make Or Break Your Manifesting Power

Bianca aka Mystical Queen Goddess is a leader in healing and transformation. Having struggled with feeling blocked with low self-esteem, generalized anxiety, trauma, emotional wounds, sabotaging patterns and limiting beliefs.

Executive Contributor Bianca Piculeata

You probably have wondered how some people manifest like they have a magic wand and you are not. 

Image photo of Bianca Piculeata

4 main steps in manifesting are

  1. Setting an intention;

  2. Aligning your vibration with the vibration of the thing you wish to manifest if necessary (this means transforming your limiting beliefs, shifting your perceived identity, releasing low vibrational emotions, and shifting self-sabotaging patterns);

  3. Taking aligned action; and 

  4. Having faith and trusting Divine Timing.

1. Trying to manifest from a victim mentality

If you have a victim mentality, you will be stuck at step 2 of manifesting because you will not do the work involved in aligning your vibration to match the vibration you wish to manifest.

You would complain and blame everyone and everything around you. 

Because of your inability to believe, you would block your intuition from sending you on the right track to manifest your desires.

You would fall into the trap of believing that everything happens against you and that you’ll never be able to manifest your dreams and desires. 

2. Trying to manifest only by relying on yourself

When you are at this level, you have stopped feeling like a victim of your environment and start to feel empowered. You only rely on yourself to manifest, and you give it your all.

You put a lot of pressure on yourself to work hard and grind. 

There is a lack of balance in your life because you are too focused on working hard to achieve your dreams. 

The pressure is heavy on your shoulders, and you risk falling sick because of the lack of equilibrium in your life. 

It is like trying to climb a steep mountain, and you end up griding to get there.

You can get where you want to get with that level of hard work, but unfortunately, the price is very high.

Can you maintain that level of hard work for the years to come? 

Are you ok with not having balance in your life for a long time? 

Are you ok with taxing your health to get where you want to get in life?

This is not a sustainable place to be to manifest a balanced and happy life. 

3. Trying to manifest in collaboration with the universe

When you get to this level of manifesting, everything becomes easier.

You have awakened from your deep sleep where you believe nothing exists outside of your personal power. 

You know that the universe is working with you and for you and that everything happens for a reason. 

You know the universe has your back and your wishes are universe’s commands.

You collaborate with the universe in a balanced and equilibrated way.

You do your part and you let the universe do its part. 

Your 1st job is to align with the frequency of your manifestation by finding your energy blocks, limiting beliefs, limited perceived identity, and self-sabotaging patterns. 

You transform them with the tools you have integrated from different coaches or courses. 

Your 2nd job is to listen to your intuition, once you have aligned your frequency with the frequency of your desire, and to take aligned action. 

You stop putting pressure on yourself to work hard, and you take intuitive and aligned action. 

Since you are listening to the universe through your intuition, you are receiving the exact steps to get you where you want in the easiest and most aligned way. 

Everything is so more in flow and less taxing on your energy and time. 

You trust divine diming and you have faith that your wish has been granted. 

You know it’s just a matter of time before it will show up in your 3D reality.

When you finally manifest your wish, it feels normal because you’ve aligned your frequency with the frequency of your manifestation from the start. Therefore, your manifestation comes with no surprise! 

You're saying to yourself: 

"of course, I have manifested it, I am already vibrating at the frequency of my manifestation, this feeling of having it is already familiar to me!

4. Trying to manifest with a “we are all connected” mentality

When you get to this stage, you know that there is a fragment of God in you and there is one fragment of God in everyone else. 

You are aware that you are connected to all that is, therefore your energy is part of a bigger picture! You are only a petal of a flower of a milliard petals!

When you are thinking of a man, for example, that man on a soul level feels that you are thinking about him.

When you are thinking of a friend, that friend knows on a soul level that you have just thought of her.

When you are setting an intention out in the universe, the people who can help you manifest that wish, are aware of your wish on a soul level and will help you get what you want, if it suits them to do so. Don’t forget that everybody has free will!

Everything happens on a soul level, without the person necessarily being aware of it consciously.

If you wish to find more friends and you send that wish into the universe, the people who have the potential to be your friends will be aware of your wish on a soul level. 

If you are wishing for more clients and you have the intention to speak directly to their soul, they too, will be aware of your wish on a soul level.

Getting to this level of manifesting makes things so much easier and in flow! 

You feel less alone, you feel supported, positive, trusting, and you feel connected to everything that is. Isn’t that a wonderful place to be? 

For the spiritual woman that is ready for a powerful, fast and an all-around healing and transformation to manifest your desires, you can book a soul match free 30-minutes discovery call with me to see if we are a match made in heaven! You are worthy of living in abundance at all levels, start your transformation journey by clicking on this link. 

Read more from Bianca Piculeata


Bianca Piculeata, Healing and Transformation Leader

Bianca aka Mystical Queen Goddess is a leader in healing and transformation. Having struggled with feeling blocked with low self-esteem, generalized anxiety, trauma, emotional wounds, sabotaging patterns and limiting beliefs, Bianca created her own transformational method called Transformation 360 because she felt other methods were not powerful, simple or fast enough for her. She has since dedicated her life to helping wounded spiritual women to heal, transform and reach a higher frequency that will bring them abundance at all levels. Her mission: to bring justice to every spiritual woman so that she too, can experience happiness and abundance at all levels!

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