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How Your Childhood Memories Could Be Affecting Your Money Today And How You Can Overcome That

Written by: Rita Roushdy, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Let me tell you a little story about a girl who grew up believing she had to be perfect in order to be worthy of anything she desired.

(Let me know if this story sounds familiar? Drop me a message HERE).

Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Christin, who had a dad called Paul.

Christin loved her daddy so much and she wanted to spend time with him.

But her dad Paul had other priorities because he felt a heavy-weighted duty to provide for his family.

He felt the need to work more so that he can make more money in his business.

So Christin decided: "I'm unworthy of my daddy's love and attention, money seems to always come first!"

She saw her dad get stressed every time anyone brought up the money subject.

Just like that, Christine formed a few beliefs about herself and money, here are some of those beliefs:

"I'm unworthy of dad's time and attention."

This became "I'm unworthy", a very deep ingrained belief that defined her identity for years! Which has affected how she viewed herself, her business and the service that she provides. So she lowered her prices. Yet still struggled to sign clients on because she believed she was unworthy on a deep level.

"Money comes before my happiness, love and attention."

This turned into; "I need to self-sacrifice for money". That money was the most important thing. She put herself last.

"You have to work hard for money."

So she moved into her life feeling like she has to work more, for more money. feeling like whatever she did, it just wasn't enough. That she needed to do more. She believed she had to be perfect to be worthy of big money goals.

Money causes stress, money is bad.

And so even though, on the surface she really wanted her business to grow beyond her wildest dreams. On a subconscious level, she created a link between money and stress. She believed that the more money you have, the more stressed that you are. She felt uncomfortable navigating her prospects through the money section during sales calls.

The above beliefs showed up in Christin's life in many ways, and affected so many aspects of her life.

Here are some of the ways how:


When she really wanted to buy something for herself, she felt unworthy of that thing.


She didn't believe she was worthy of high monthly income so she set smaller goals. So no matter how hard she worked, she couldn't work out why her hard work wasn't paying off.

Christin spent years of her life, not knowing that this was happening below the surface.

She continued to unknowingly attract situations that confirmed those beliefs.

Until she decided to make a change, and work smart instead of hard

She said enough is enough!

She was no longer willing to sacrifice herself, her time, her energy for money. She wanted to use money as a tool, instead of having

One night, she looked up at the stars (Instagram)

And made a wish upon a star that her pain would be gone, and she would no longer hold so much fear around money. That she would feel confident in her relationship with money.

(And she messaged me to enquire about working with me)

Her guide appeared in a bright light, and at that moment she felt that everything was going to be okay!

She felt safe and secure and hopeful for the future.

And with every session, it became easier and easier for her to grow her business faster than ever before.

The money that she invested in herself became insignificant. Because the money that she made (and continues to make) massively outweighs her investment.

She's now fearless when it comes to raising her prices.

She now enjoys setting herself bigger and bigger goals every month. (Oh and she hits every single one!)

She's now on track to hit multi-6-figures in her business and growing her team to allow her the time freedom she desired.

This is why I’m so excited to be holding space for you to grab your spot in the FREE Super Scale Your Money Masterclass where I will be sharing exactly how I supported my client to get those results.

You can now access the FREE live event here. This is for you if you’re ready to step into your next expansive version of yourself and your business. Limited available spots.

Connect with Rita on Instagram and visit her website.


Rita Roushdy, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Rita Roushdy is an expert in the money mindset, uncovering subconscious limiting beliefs and supporting high-level women in becoming a powerful magnet for money.

After a decade of hustling hard but hardly being paid, leaving her depleted and wounded, Rita was on a mission to heal her relationship with money, knowing that it will be a lifelong journey beginning by healing herself first.

Rita’s purpose quickly became to share this secret with other women who desire to level up their businesses and finances into new heights of limitless abundance that spill into all areas of their lives.

Transforming society’s relationship with money, one woman at a time, Rita strives to uncover and release old limiting money paradigms that we’ve been programmed with.

Using an abundance of healing tools and techniques, she guides her clients, releasing anything that no longer serves them by healing old money wounds and deep-rooted beliefs, making space for what they truly desire to have more of in their lives, activating and allowing them to become magnetic to their dream clients.

She has supported her worldwide clients, reaching consistent £10K and £20K per month income goals and hitting their first £100K in business in less than 2 months of working together.

She’s been invited to share her expertise on money mindset and became a keynote speaker, all within the first year of entering the coaching space.

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