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How To Use Death As Your Ultimate Life Coach

Vedant is an internationally acclaimed executive well-being coach, aka 'Friend In Need' for high performers like you, to help you clear the clutter of anxiety, overthinking and depression, take control of your emotions & feelings, and set up a road map to reach the top of your industry.

Executive Contributor Vedant Kulkarni

When you hear 'Death,' what happens? Fear? Sorrow? Pain? This story has to change! Mere remembrance of death can lead to an utterly fulfilling life led by purpose and soaked into happiness. Death is your Best Life Coach. In the next 3-5 mins you'll discover how.

Road sign "life & death"

The power of death awareness: Live like a human, not a sheep

We remember death only when there's an 8-Richter earthquake, a pandemic like COVID-19 or when a loved one passes away.


Otherwise, we live as if we are to live forever. The irony is that we don’t realize that death is always with us, right here, right now. Every second, a million cells die in our body. Every day hundreds of thousands of people witness the dusk of their lives.


But we are too busy with other things to pay attention to this fact. We care more about competition, troubles, or even clothes than our Life.


We are busy collecting money, impressing others, or satisfying our senses: all of which can never give us lasting happiness but only make us want more, worry more and fear more. Yet we keep doing them and keep swaying between struggle, sadness and fleeting moments of pleasure.


And many people are okay with living like this, repeating the same things over and over again, like Sheep eating the same grass every day. But if you are not one of them, if you get tired easily with the routine, the people, the work, or even the pain and struggle of life, you are different.


Then death is not something that scares you or makes you sad. Instead, death makes you curious about life. When you see someone die, you realize that this body will also die one day.


All of this drama will end. You don’t know when that day will come. It could be today or 60 years later.


Then you start to wonder: “What is this all about? What is the purpose of my life and this world?

Who am I?”

Just asking these questions and being aware of death can change the way you experience life:


5 ways how death awareness can transform your life

When you pay attention to the ephemeral nature of life, you can:


  1. Enjoy life right now and appreciate every moment as a precious gift that may not last forever. Savor every breath, every sensation, and every experience.

  2. Forgive the people who hurt you. Realize that life is too short to hold grudges and resentments about those who insulted, cheated, or shouted at you.

  3. Give and Help. Cognize that money, and status are just the means to live. True joy comes from sharing and spreading joy with others.

  4. Get inspired to leave the planet better than how you found it.

  5. Seek higher happiness beyond this world of suffering, imperfection, change, and uncertainty. Ask yourself who you really are: the limited identity of your body and mind. Or something more?


Death reveals what life has to offer and serves you as your Life Coach. Thinking about Death creates a vacuum, a sense of emptiness that is required for talents, inventions, and creativity to spring forth.


When you try to dodge away this emptiness and get 'busy' and lost in running madly behind your cravings, that's where all the problems in life emerge.


But how do we go from a point of emptiness to fulfillment?

How to take the next steps towards finding the answers to your self-enquiry? How can we go from life as a struggle to life as a fulfilling and exciting journey of celebration?


Accessing the tools to live a sorrow-free life

Life situations and the people around you are the source of suffering and misery. It is our own challenge in managing the mind and body that creates these negative experiences.


The body can be maintained well with exercise, good food and proper rest to a good extent.

But what about your mind? How do you deal with the endless stream of thoughts and emotions that cloud your judgment and drain your energy? Plus, sailing peacefully through the storms of difficulties and opportunities that life throws at you is a different struggle altogether!

What if there was a mechanism to take charge of the negative chatter and launch yourself from a stressful and sorrowful experience of life to a blissful one in minutes? What if there was a way to skip repeating patterns in your lives and find a higher purpose in life? Well, there is. Curious? Join me at the upcoming Higher Happiness Masterstroke (Free). You’ll discover how to skyrocket your productivity, build amazing rapport with anyone, and eliminate stress from your life to achieve the inner tranquility that most people only dream of. This is a rare opportunity to transform your personal and professional life. Don’t let it slip away!


In a nutshell

It's time to think about Death. It's time to ponder Life and its purpose.


Albert Einstein said wisely: “A human being is part of a whole called by us “Universe.” A part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.”


We lock ourselves in a prison of our own desires, and attachments to a few people. But by simply realizing that life is short and fleeting, we can free ourselves from this prison by seeing the world with kindness and discovering beyond the narrow view of our senses. When we sincerely accept our mortal nature, we understand that to be 'living' is the most precious thing.


And the topmost priority? To enhance the experience called life. That is possible when you learn to manage your fluctuating mind and emotions which keep swaying and keep flooding you through the stream called life without any control. And life passes by in a jiffy. How to get into control?

That is something we dive deep into the masterstroke. If the link is still accepting new registrations, secure your seat now (it's free).


If you had some 'aha's or insights through this article, do share them with your loved ones to help them live an extraordinary life by remembering death!


Thank you for your curiosity about Death. Thank you for your curiosity about Life. I tell you, it's rare.


Vedant Kulkarni, Executive Coach

Vedant is an internationally acclaimed executive well-being coach, aka 'Friend In Need' for high performers like you, to help you clear the clutter of anxiety, overthinking and depression, take control of your emotions & feelings, and set up a road map to reach the top of your industry. Through his decades of experience and expertise he developed unique short, and effortless meditative techniques which are helping thousands high-performing executives, founders, employees, and artists to reclaim their peace of mind, take their performance to the peak, find love in what they do, and explore deeper secrets of this mind, and the life. Over the last decade, Vedant has guided CEOs, Executive Directors, and Heads of State from across the world, advised the United Nations, and closely worked with the World Health Organization on implementing solutions on mental health & wellbeing.

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